It took them two months to fix nier's problems

>it took them two months to fix nier's problems


Other urls found in this thread:

Nier's problems are Nier's problems. Not AMD or Nvidia's. Squeenix need to fix their fucking game.

Well it's not an important game like ME Andromeda so no one cares about patches or whatever.

Low budget Jap trash gets nothing.

If you fell for the AMD meme you deserve it

You know it's a fact AMD always gets shafted in some form, but you still buy AMD. For what?

>thinking anyone gives a shit about waifu bait weeb trash

I wonder how far these faggots can inflate their numbers.

I only spent $600 on my PC though.

>AMD made a grafix driver update before Platinum did any patches to their game


The way they handled it was fucking ridiculous. There was a sticky after launch mentioning there was a patch coming then they ended up deleting that post and putting FAR as a sticky.

Don't really understand what the deal with this port was Platinum's port's in my experience have been good. MGR was a good port and Bayonetta was also a good port.

That all being said I actually had no issues with Nier besides needing to use borderless gaming, never ran into any bugs or crashes and performance was a locked 60FPS for me. That's a case of "works on my machine" though and there are obviously a lot of people having issues.

Until I turned down GI with FAR, Nier ran like absolute fucking garbage and it's not the best looking game.


does this mean anything for nvidia users?
thingken of buying it again on pc. already got it on ps4

I've come to the conclusion at this point its not even a PC exclusive problem the game is just poorly designed from a technical level in many aspects. The PS4/PS4 Pro versions also have inconsistent framerates and frame pacing problems.

500 but ok


>I waited two months for this game to become playable
Should I even bother playing it? I managed to pass the tutorial but that's it.

>caring about PC release

U$S 350 is all you need. In any case, this was also solved by rolling back to a previous Driver, not the best workaround but a lot of people have done it and has been playing ever since FAR came out.. so yeeah..

>I've come to the conclusion at this point its not even a PC exclusive problem the game is just poorly designed from a technical level in many aspects. The PS4/PS4 Pro versions also have inconsistent framerates and frame pacing problems.

It was already explained why that performance issue happens.
Platinum Games hired some chinks to make the lighting and "optimized" it to work on PS hardware which is obviously the same but that lighting part has a lot of conflicts with the other hardware because, surprise, it wasn't properly optimized for different PC hardware.

FAR disables that shit and that instantly makes Nier Automata to run on any ancients toasters that cost twice as cheap as PS4 garbage.

>they fix white screen crashes for amd 2 months later
>meanwhile the gtx 700 series still has them

fucking kill me

I remember reading that it doesn't disable it, it just lowers the main value GI runs with or something along those lines.. I'll search that post again, brb.

Interesting so PC basically got fucked because they had to do some nigger rigging to get 60FPS on console.

only 3k? wtf i sold my house to buy a pc

Actually I only spent $2800 on my PC

Works on my GTX 1060

>still doesn't fix the performance problems

>and "optimized" it to work on PS hardware
But that's wrong. The GI is the reason the game runs like shit on PS4 as well.

FAR also doesn't disable it unless you choose to, which would make your game look bad.
PS4 version is even more fucked

Well, yeah. That's not in the 700 series.

except it still didn't get 60 FPS on playstations

Taro just outsourced some work to cheap chink devs. I guess nobody at Platinum knows how to do lighting shaders or something.

Even when this game gets cracked I'm not even going to bother downloading it. This is one of the few cases where instead of playing a game in order to know just how overrated it is I want to avoid playing it just so that I never have a reason to talk about it.

Having no problems running the game on GTX 980. Must be only you.

>PS4 version is even more fucked
Yeah I've seen the DF videos, thank fuck I don't have to deal with those frame pacing issues because for me bad frame pacing is even worse and more irritating then frame drops.

>tfw i just finish playing nier yesterday

It run at 60fps on rx480 on a older amd driver 16.5, but you need to put AA at 2x or below or it dips to 45fps.

I want more A2

() here, there it was:

>its a pc has huge issues with any given multiplat episode

I do pitty the people who watch this show

Have you tried upgrading

Funny it runs 130-140 even with AA8x on a 1080(non-ti) at 1080p(i am content with this monitor). Isn't that the closest competitor to the 480?

Thanks for the link user interesting read. You can't even see a difference visually with the tweaked GI.

I do pity consolefags with poor attempts to bait with their barely working outdated hardware that fails to make games work at 30 fps in 2017.

still runs better than on the shitsole

But it's already cracked

>it's a console version runs at 30fps with frequent drops episode


>>The GTX 700 Series GPUs still have the white screen problem
>Our GTX 900 and 1000 Series GPUs doesn't have that problem, lulz
I hope you 2 understand that your replies aren't helpful nor related in any way with the GTX 700 Series GPUs.

kek i just started the game yesterday. 3 hours in.

shit is straight cash homie. lol you have the plebbest of tastes.

Who /worksonmymachine/ here?


Works on my machine :^)

So what? It still doesn't even fucking work on any Nvidia 7xx card. The port is just garbage.

So, AMD got tired of waiting after Squenix, which told them that there will be a patch to fix that shit, so AMD made their own patch instead.

maybe when volta comes out


Man, this new "I'd just denie everything until the thread ends" shitposting might as well be legit retardation.

You can't even call out damage control anymore.

It is? Why haven't I seen this, or even heard this? Where are my anime girls with interrogation marks when I most need them?

b-but its the best version


If no one bought AMD the only other GPU maker would completely control the market and prices.

And there is no such fact, good job being biased though.

> 2017
> Incompetent devs still expect driver updates to fix their games

Hopefully DX12 and Vulkan will be adopted fast and this incompetence will end.

Good job being the only one to fall for obvious bait, cretin.

Rx480 is equivalent to gtx1060 not a gtx1080. What are you smoking. 1070 is a slight step up from a rx480 but cost about 150 dollars more. 1080 cost about 200dollars more.

Plus my monitor can only has 60hz so it can't utilize above 60fps anyways. Pretty good card for 220 usd, my cpu is shit though so thats probably bottlenecking it.

>14 (fourteen) american dollar DLC
>includes a whooping 3 (three) skins and 3 (three) useless arenas
and yet the shit eating sexually starved virgins received this jewry positively
end it all

You mustve been busy with other things. They just recently released crack v3. The FAR mod (the essential mod that fixes Nier:Automata's full screen resolution) also got media attention when it included a piracy check

Not the user you're answering to but it could have been because you probably weren't here when it happened, but yeah, NieR: Automata was already cracked some days after ME: A's v1.05 or whatever it was, iirc.

What's up with this "far mod"? I just use borderless gaming, is it the same thing?

I was just pretending, thanks for the (you) though.


>I do pity consolefags with poor attempts to bait
>poor attempts
But you replied ...
white. Screen. Crashes. Enjoy. Our. Scraps. Kek.
>saving screenshits of ps4 fps so you cab shitpost against console players because you're so mad
Pic related is nier on pc

No. The FAR Mod is the "Fix Automata Resolution" Mod, a tool that can enable and disable a lot of things to make NieR: Automata run better (or how it's supposed to be) made by Kaldaien, the same guy behind the "Tales Of" Games Fixes. For example, you can use it to nerf the Global Illumination, that alone'll boost the performance you get a fuck ton and the visual difference is hardly noticeable.

>FAR mod
-insert link here-
Various fixes, graphical improvements, and features.

>Improving graphics further
To access to the depth buffer disable AA/AO.

Some other graphics stuff:
>Anti-aliasing is MSAA and introduces a weird outline on characters
>Ambient occlusion includes post-AA
>AA+AO=slightly worse pop-in

>Switch Player from 2B to A2 or S9

>DS4 buttons

>CE Freecam Table
HUD hide((also removes film grain in the bunker and letterboxing during cutscenes)
Timescale(for slow motion or time freeze)

>Another Freecam
Gives you control of the camera pod, not as good as the CE table but you can use your controller and teleport around by pressing X.

>Other CE tinkering

>Trainer with slow motion and cheats

>2B's model in .obj, XNA, SFM, and MMD

>Shitty nude mods
>White Dress mod

>Misc modding

>please buy my shitty cashgrab

>made by Kaldaien
just FYI, he didn't do most of the Nier fixes

>y-you're mad

try again

I'm glad I bought it for my PS4 Pro

and then never got around to playing it.

There is more to the DLC than that. There is extra world building story.

>still allowing yourself to get cucked by amd in the year two thousand and seventeen.
You faggots deserve it.

>Works fine in Nvidia
>"It's Square-Enix's problem"


It doesn't if you have a 7xx nvidia card

>inb4 just buy the 1080ti goyim


It supposedly doesn't work correctly in the GTX 700 Series GPUs and that's certainly Squeenix's problem, they made the Port after all, right?

Currently playing the pirate game with latest Baldman crack. No issues at all.
Can anyone tell me why is this considered a bad port?

fucking update doesn't support my legacy gpu (hd6870)

Source on the chink hiring bit?

my ancient amd card ran this game on high no problem

The fullscreen option is/was bugged, NVIDIA GTX 700 Series GPUs and before this driver update AMD GPUs had a problem in which the game launched with a white screen and never moved past that and I think there were other issues that were a hit-or-miss, some people had them and some didn't.

Because a lot of people are using outdated graphic card in Sup Forums. If you have amd you just need to downgrade your driver to 16.5 and it works fine.

It's amazing they fixed the game at all and didn't just throw up their hands and were done with it.

>PC is already an insignificant market compared to consoles
>within this niche market, AMD hardware is near non-existent
>surprising when AMD fixes are the lowest priority

>platinum can't optimize their game properly so it's amd's fault

PC gets fucked ALL THE TIME because developers focus on consoles first and foremost.

>and Bayonetta was also a good port.
I was under the impression the it's actually SEGA Europe who's been doing those PC ports.

So did they patch the game's most egregious problems yet?

Whats the point of fixing a game that plays like shit

I use drivers from last year because I'm lazy and I never had problems running Nier, no crashes or lag, solid 60 FPS 1080p.
So I really don't see the problem in the first place.

t. Radeon fag

>NierA is the best game you played in years despite its glaring flaws like being piss easy and boring characters

Don't be retarded. The fix was out since last week.

Kill yourself

You're ALREADY talking about it you fucking faggot.

>Nier's problems are Nier's problems. Not AMD or Nvidia's.

Video game graphics are an interesting tale of incompetence, blame-passing and impossibly hard problems.

AMD and Nvidia devs will release drivers to fix a bug with a game's use of APIs. Games will use absurd hacks to get around driver bugs, which then become solidified due to those bugs themselves.
Mountains and mountains of unmaintainable hacks build up in all of their codebases.

can I run this game using any possible settings?
I have a gtx 750 and 6GB RAM

Oh, honey.