Superman's side is a retarded hyperbolic dictatorship taken to the extreme where obviously nobody is happy

>Superman's side is a retarded hyperbolic dictatorship taken to the extreme where obviously nobody is happy

>Batman's side is a retarded "we don't kill" even in the most obvious of exceptional cases which has led to the death of millions

Congratulations on taking two iconic characters and making both their sides shit. Why can't the authors make them take believable positions that could actually happen?

Wonder Woman sure seems to enjoy how evil Superman is. She's the true villain.

>Injustice has a bad plot
And it took you to the sequel to figure that out? Not too bright, are you?

>playing a fightan game for the story
>playing an NRS game for the story
>playing a capeshit game for the story

Kara is the only one that really makes sense as the protagonist here. There's piles of bodies behind Bruce and Clark and Diana is too busy warmongering and hiding up Black Adam's butt.

>giving a shit about story in a fighting game

Capeshits always have garbage stories anyway.

>batman gets off when he can imprison people

Why do people defend this?

Man, all Gotham has to do is pass death penalty laws, then they can get rid of all the shitstains in Arkham and Blackgate and Batman won't have to worry about his poor conscience.

Because the villains get off on being dominated by him too. It's all a fucking game to them. Why do you think he fucks every female villain and why the Joker is in love with him?

>le humans must be protected from themselves meme
This is the most hackneyed bullshit trope in fiction. I'm so fucking sick of seeing this stupid """"""deep"""""" trope like it's some kind of profound philosophical thought experiment about the nature of morality. It's been done so many fucking times.


Lucky guy

Anyone else get irritated by some of the SFX of the game? Some of the sound design sound really cheap for me.


>Infinite Crisis alts never

It's not just you. The punches feel like they have no weight to them.

The whole thing was basically extreme liberal vs extreme conservative. Nobody has the talent or will to write a shade of grey story, it's easier and more profitable to write something with a black and white style to appeal to the most people, Idiots. I mean, we all know that the world is made of morons and drooling idiots 262 and all that

Both of them are wrong. Injustice is a shitty universe that has shitty characters that barely resemble themselves because Boon is a fucking hack and the writers he uses for his stories are garbage.

I feel Batman will bitch about that too.

It's just DC and WB wanting a piece of the Marvel Civil War pie.

You sure as hell don't buy NRS games for the gameplay.

>Why can't the authors make them take believable positions that could actually happen?
The sad part is that I feel it could have worth if they showed both of them going down the slippery slope.
Instead it was:
>Superman kills the Joke in an act of full rage and then instantly goes full Zod.
>Batman will work with literally anybody to stop Batman from the second Supers first hit the joker.

The thing is, they come so close to making Superman right that they blatantly chose to race right past that and make him a complete psychopath tyrant just so there can be no argument about how wrong Batman is. The Joker and Brainiac deserve to die, but it's a huge leap from killing criminals to ruling the world with an iron fist and being angrier than Atrocitus.

injustice 2 isnt even a game honestly. youre better off watching a YouTube playthrough

I did.
>We can't kill Brainiac, we need him to get the cities back
>No, he is too much of a danger
And then in the Superman ending.
>Oh by the way, Cyborg saved the cities without issue :^)

Read the comics. You get to see the gradual transformation.

But there is none, Superman goes from killing the Joker to topple governments if they don't do as he says.
The only gradual transformation is him pretending to not be a dictator.

>pass death penalty
>criminals in bed with police and government use it to take out rivals and exacerbate Gotham's corruption issue even further
Good idea