Shit graphics

>shit graphics
>impossible lockpicking minigame
>outright bad story and voice acting

no wonder this game failed. i'm just glad they fixed all that shit in the second one.

Other urls found in this thread:

>impossible lockpicking minigame
i have no fucking idea how to do it either

1/10 bait

the 1 point is for making me answer

>He can't lockpick
They give you instructions on how to do it right at the start, are you retarded? Or Just pretending to be?

have you heard of the high elves?

Better one

>shit graphics
Amazing for the time, apart from the freaky faces.
>impossible lockpicking minigame
It's easy, retard.
>outright bad story and voice acting
Voice acting is okay-to-bad, story is shit, I'll give you that much.

Disagree. But the way he falls in that one is perfect.

All these years later and I still don't know how to use the lockpicking in oblivion

today I learned that there is an TES: Oblivion II

Holy shit, you guys... I'm retarded and I could pick top level locks. Maybe games aren't for you.

>second one
>Elder Scrolls 5
>second one
oh my

dumb wop

i understand lockpicking, what i dont understand is that speechcraft minigame

What the fuck? Is this opposite day? Lockpicking in Oblivion is bad because it's way too easy, to the point that once you git gud at it the actual lockpicking skill is literally useless since you'll be picking max locks at minimum skill and never breaking picks. The minigame itself is actually really fun and if it were real-time and the skill had some use beyond simply adjusting the difficulty of the minigame it'd be perfect.

Speechcraft is really simple too. The minigame is pretty stupid but it's at least easy to understand: perform the sequence in such a way that the largest bars align with the most positive response. It rotates one turn each selection so it shouldn't take long to figure out the optimal sequence.

>Impossible lockipick minigame
Not really. It takes a lot of practice but I can pick any lock in 1 pick at this point. Better then the essentially RNG luck based locks of the newer games. Hell whats the point just tell me I succeed without making me do anything I mean really.

Okay, this one actually isn't very intuitive, but it's easy once you know what to do.
When you mouse over any of the four options, the NPC's expression will change according to how much they will like that action. One action they love, another they hate, and the other two are shades between (but neither totally neutral).
How far the bar is filled for an option determines the IMPACT it will have. Higher means they'll be respectively happier or more upset, lower means it won't effect them much at all, for good or ill. These bars rotate whenever you use an option, or your free rotation.
To complete the minigame, you need to exhaust the four options by using each exactly once. To successfully raise an NPC's opinion of you, try to use favorable options when their bar is high, and use negative options when they have a low impact.
Charisma, speechcraft and charisma help a bit, too. That's all there is to it.

Tell me how to get into this game, Sup Forums. I've tried several times before but I could never really feel into it.

*Charisma, speechcraft and bribes help a bit, too

Download a graphics mod and magic mod there are guides on /vg/. Outside that oblivions strengths are its very good sidequests. So join the thieves guild or fighters guild and have some fun. Oh also stealing in oblivion is the most satisfying of all the elder scrolls IMO.