This is another Overwatch clone with LGBT/SJW memes
This is another AAA game made by a western developer
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Wow. Overwatch is already not that much of a good game, but literally everything that makes it appealing, like the over the top yet charismatic character designs are all removed, being replaced with "realistic" and "badass" SJW-meme characters. The reason why I couldn't give a shit about the SJW shit in overwatch is because most characters come off as vibrant and fun. This feels like a soulless, tryhard overwatch clone with that staunch of unwarranted sense of maturity of teen "gamers".
Dead on arrival
The characters in Lawbreakers are some of the most cringeworthy, edgy fucktards I've ever seen in a video game.
Gameplay looks pretty fun desu. Everything else is trash
Wouldn't an Overwatch clone just be a Team Fortress clone?
You'd think they'd learned from Battleborn, but oh well.
Ehh, the gameplay's pretty clunky and hit detection is kind of shit.
>Wh-what's this? A black girl? I WON'T stand for this!!!
If you play western games released after 2007 I feel sorry for you.
Calm down, in this instance Sup Forums's right to shit on her because her actual character (along with every other character in the game) is cringeworthy.
Cool I've been looking for something to replace Paladins with. I was gonna get Gigantic but they're really dragging their feet with that Windows 7 release.
I didn't see any sjw shit in that video OP
that song is fucking terrible what the hell
Xbox cucked yet again. I'm absolutely astounded the platform isn't dead by now. It quite literally gets no games anymore.
>black person exists in a video game now
Sup Forums
What the fuck? You autismo racists have gone off the fuckin' rails.
>those song remixes
>that CCR remix
I'm going to fucking kill myself
Would you care enough to post if the character was a cringeworthy white male?
No need to answer by the way.
This is another thread where a community that claims "graphics don't matter in games" get triggered by the black playable character.
Really makes you wonder. It really does. It really, really does.
Gigantic is actually good unlike Paladins and Lawbreakers.
Please don't rub it in. ;_;
Point out the SJW conspiracy for me this time, you turboautist.
This. What the fuck kind of stupid tagline is "Rise or Fall"? Are you kidding me?
Sup Forums stopped saying graphics don't matter years ago, now it's all anyone on this shit board ever cares about. These babies cry and scream if any game is less than 4k 60fps.
This game isn't really going to replace Paladins, unless they completely revamped the gameplay from the last time I played.
I would actually, and I did months ago when I played the closed beta.
And I'm not the only one that thought all the characters were fucking insufferable.
>make f2p shit
>demand $30
ghost loli
The conspiracy is that artists (in collaboration with the people funding the art) are making the characters they want to make. It's pure evil. Totally evil, even.
A long time ago
"Fox" isn't a very good name.
There's like one playable white character. Game is SJW shit.
>Those fucking designs
I hope you know you sound just like an SJW
Just replace 'white' with 'black' and your shitty post reads like some butthurt tumblrina
You think this chick is worst to happen to this game? Wait until you hear shit they say ingame. It's fucking edginess overdose.
Wheres the SJW LGBT stuff? Never heard of this game.
Designs are junk and gameplay looks janky, but I'm not spotting any SJW shit besides the simple inclusion of non-white characters?
>overwatch clone
why do people keep saying this? this game plays literally nothing like overwatch.
LawBreakers is much more similar to games like Unreal Tournament and arena shooters.
>nu-arena shooters are just TF2's clones
the world has turned and left me here
Yeah maybe not a total replacement but I like having a new hero shooter to try out and switch to whenever I like.
Latest meme they can use to disregard things they don't like.
Are we headed to those times where it starts getting more and more difficult to tell the two sides apart?
It kind of shows that Cliffy made this game.
Battleborn 2.
Hmm explain why thats bad exactly user kek
Yeah, one of her voice clips, when you kill the other person, she lectures you (the player) on the ills of violence and why we need to create a multicultural, diverse society that combats the violence being presented in the game, to prevent young children from acting out on the actions being seen in the digital simulation.
It's okay the first time you hear it, but once you've gotten to 300, 400, 500 kills, it begins to wear a bit thin.
>"RADICAL" character designs that spout off one-liners that a 14 year old would groan at
Cliffy, what the fuck are you doing?
>le horseshoe theory meme xD
Didn't even notice there was one white guy.
Don't really care about that though, the gameplay doesn't look that great but maybe things will change.
He never grew up, he's still in the 90s wearing his ninja costume
How is this SJW? Is this just a buzzword now?
Why is he wearing the mask
>abandoning the enormous majority of your playerbase for le inclusivity meme
Appealing to the audiences younger than 14, i.e. "this website".
Sup Forumstismos in full assblast mode again because black people exist in fictional media
Clearly not considering most people are shitting all over the characters.
>play as the rocket launcher characters
>hit low G zone
>blindfire behind to zoom around at high speeds
Game is pretty boring outside of that though.
>im so retarded i feel excluded from anything that features a black person
Wow its almost like racists create these problems for themselves
Can you go back to /r/eddit please? I'm asking nicely.
They shouldn't
Trust me, Sup Forums is going to love this game. It's totally in-their-face.
isn't this cliffy b's new game?
Oh my god, would you shut the fuck up and fuck off so we can shit on this shitty game in peace?
You're both annoying fucktards, fuck off.
The email I got when I got a beta invite was embarrassing enough for me to not even bother. The censoring was not of my own doing
>Holy fnck. You made it into the LawBreakers Closed Beta. Details Within!
>Oh, and there's no BS NDA. Feel free to stream, create videos, let us know what you think on social -- whatever. We don't care. Own your sh!t.
Isn't this Bekowski's new game?
Yes. But what did you expected?
Nu Sup Forums never played TF2, they were born after 2005.
I can't relate to a character that's black
Well guess what basement baby... BLACK PEOPLE EXIST
Damn isnt real life just so hard? :(
Thats okay mommy will bring you your pizza rolls soon. I know youre hungry after sitting on Sup Forums and trump le reddit all day while she was at work.
at least Blunderborn had a hot birb-man
This is one of the most reddit things I've ever seen
>Nu Sup Forums never played TF2
>Calling someone new Sup Forums when Sup Forums shit on TF2 because it's casual garbage too
You know what they say about stones and glasshouses new fag.
And then you complain about when black people say they cant relate to white characters and say that makes no sense?
I'm sorry youre that retarded
I have as much right to post here as you do. Stop bullying me.
You probably can't see that I am sticking out an open palm, indicating "stop", but I can assure you I am doing it right now. These non-violent resolution techniques will help diffuse the situation.
>Nu Sup Forums never played TF2, they were born after 2005.
Are you for real right now? Is this genuine or am I getting poe law'd right now?
Jesus I don't think my ears have ever bled so much. They totally butchered the song like what the fuck was that?
1) Stop replying to bait
2) you're making it painfully obvious you're underage and/or from reddit. You stick out like a sore thumb. I recommend lurking moar
What happened to cliffy b bragging this would be exclusive to pc and how consoles are trash? Is he really the biggest corporate whore in gaming
>1) Stop replying to bait
Take your own advice stupid.
All of these /pol vs. anti-Sup Forums posts are just trolls trolling trolls.
Kek, no one believed that, he just wanted to stick his tongue out and talk shit, when it comes down to it, he goes where the money is.
The fuck is this gameplay
>if you dont act like the one retarded edgelord youre a newfag
K famalam ill le lurk moar desu senpai kek post tits or gtfo! XD
Her accent is the hotness.
>Calling someone new Sup Forums when Sup Forums shit on TF2 because it's casual garbage too
Those people don't browse Sup Forums anymore, they are all maried with kids, they don't have time for games or japanese cartoons forums.
People used to say that TF2 is casual. Overwatch is more casual than TF2 and you just see few people talking about this? Why? Normies/kids like easy things, normies/kids now rule this place.
You are too old for this place and so am I
Please go back assblasted redditor
Is that one of the Rugrats I hear?
God in heaven I am so fucking sick of 70's songs being used in trailers. After typing this sentence I watched more and it's a remix of Spirit in the Sky. I want to die
What the fuck, why the fuck is everyone floating around the movement is so awkward
No, but the female Morgan from Prey is in this piece of shit.
I look forward to the "same voice actor" threads.
>It's okay if this game is casual because that game is more casual so let's call that game casual
Stop, you're being dumb they're both shit so stop acting like TF2 is good. You can still visit while being married with children you just can't be on here 24/7 like before.
all this nonstop moaning