INT > everything else. Humans dominate all other life because of our INT, and even if ancient giant scorpions existed still, they would be our bitches due to superior technology and intelligence.
>dude int lmao
>out of DEX and STR, which stat do you prefer
>durrr I like INT cuz me smort
Inventory space
>not picking CON
come at me bros
>come at me bros
what other insect besides a scorpion can can kill another scorpion?
Thats so unfair is not even worth watching.
The beetle cant do anything at all
you know what I mean you autist
>Play DDog melee/ranged str/dex.
>Switch to mage.
>Suddenly gets much easier.
Dude I been putting bosses to SLEEP LAMO.
Their entire fighting style is basically lifting each other and throwing. Unfortunately this doesn't work in a box, and even if it did the scorpion is probably too heavy to lift.
The OBJECTIVELY correct answer is dex if you actualy want to have fun, str if you want a more casual "just breeze through and get it over with" Type experience
>this is what dexfags actually believe
The truth hurts
But you posted DEF.
I know, but over time you heal and realize STR is infinitely objectively superior to DEX in all aspects.
> int meme
That was satisfying to watch,
that gymtwink's so bad at fighting
/fit/ btfo
What kinda fake ass punches is tanktop throwing? No wonder he lost, he was doing literally nothing in terms of impact, just slapping and nudging. tubby deserves the win because when he saw his chance he aimed for the chin every single time.
>swinging a slow but powerful weapon is just getting it over with
Unlike your fast dps prioritizing R1 spamming strats, strength weapons actually require timing and spacial awareness. One wrong move leaves us wide open and lacking significant stamina.
I mean, technically you are right but i prefer not playing on casual baby mode so i opt for gimping myself with dex, not to mention the gameplay isnt mind numbingly dull that way
Humans were always INT+CON combo with a DEX-check for tools and weapons.
>i prefer not playing on casual baby mode
>plays dex
Pick one
Don't tell anyone you leveled DEX. What rings yuo got bithc?
>fromdrones argue over stats in their meme game
Is there a surge thread you could be shitposting in?
>he thinks Souls is the only game with the stat STR and DEX
>that filename
is it a scorpion-eating spider
or just scorpion eating spider
i feel like the spider always loses in shit like this. the furry ones especially are usually bitches
>if ur bad you can fuck up XD
Opinion discarded
Spiders are bitches period
>when you focus on leveling stamina up but put no points into STR or DEX
let this be a warning to you all