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Shame I don't know what the fuck your talking about because Bayonetta 2 isn't multiplat
This Bayo 2 fucking sucks.
Even as I enjoy the games, they have like, five decent music tracks between them combined.
Fly Me To the Moon > Moon River
Mysterious Destiny > Tomorrow Is Mine
Bayonetta 2 Outfit and hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bayonetta 1 Outfit and Hair
>still mad after all this time
Wii U is cheap as fuck now just get one used you retards
Mysterious Destiny is a more complex layered song instrumentally but Tomorrow is Mine has a much more talented singer.
>implying spiteful sony/pcfags will ever touch a nintendo console
also wrong
I know that moon is the theme of Bayonetta, but the Moon River remix is shit and doesn't fix Bayo2. Fly Me to the Moon remix is better for 1 because the remix made it sound like a strip dance song and Bayo moves are more or less like a stripper
I think the vocals in Tomorrow Is Mine are too loud. Then again I played both games with headphones.
Oh dream maker you heart....breaker
wherever you're going I'm going your way
The vocals in the song aren't blended well enough, is my problem. I still really enjoy the song though: I think the goal of it was to sound "fun" as opposed to implying mystique.
How do you live with such shit taste?
I like bayo 2 but I don't think it lived up to the first game.
>buying a Wii U in current year
Bayonetta 2 is approaching perfect on Cemu. Just need to get the fucked up sound fixed and it's good to go.
>Bayonetta 2 is approaching perfect on Cemu
Can I have full pic?
Women in action games is bad and you should feel bad for continuing this false stereotype.
Are they finally done porting botw to pc? are they working on better games yet?
right back at you
I have a Wii U, Bayonetta 2 is not better than 1 except for the fact that Bayo's hair is better. No other part of the game is better than 1.
other then qtes and minigames, yeah
2 has better world design, pacing and the mech shit was top notch. Other than that Bayo 1 is definitely superior to 2.
>tfw the best fucking boss fight is behind like 15 minutes of piloting a stupid fucking rocket and just dodging and shooting and getting damn silvers
Goddamn it the final Jeanne fight is fun and I want to replay it but I don't want to do the stupid rocket thing again.
>non-idort retards on this board
>buying a console for one game.
everything is better except the combat is slightly worse
as opposed to owning a console for a bunch of mediocre games
>tfw emulating it on Cemu
Rapes my ears but I must endure.
There's also W101.
you mean the last fight of Angel Slayer where you fight yourself
This is the only reason I won't call Bayo 1 a perfect game. Having to play a long level-ass level of afterburner and a complex boss in one level is just frustrating. Getting pure platinum on that broke me as a human being.
this is your fabulous mommy for tonight! say something nice about it!
W101 sucks prove me wrong.
True, still not a good enough reason for me to buy a WiiU in my opinion.
How the fuck do I git gud enough to beat Angel Slayer? I've platinumed the game and beat it on NSIC but I can't get past Verse 3.
>tfw love bayo but suck at the games
What do you have issues with
Where can I find good porn of her
not making it to verse 4 is literally just being shit
use star of dineta to heal on the last enemy of each wave
use moon counter to witch time Gracious and Glorious during the third Jeanne fight
once you get to verse 4, it's mostly about spacing, just equip the evil harvest rosary and dodge like normal
How much salt did this cause?
Almost as much as 2 being exclusive to Wii U. Bayonetta is the queen of salt.
i've never played this. i've been watching someone play it for a bit now and i still don't understand what the fuck is going on or why it's happening.
I voted for Bayonetta but never realistically expected her to win. I was so happy that day.
I don't get why people care so much about Shantae
Until VERY recently it was hard to get more obscure than shantae.
I mainly play on Playstation, I own a 3DS and Wii U. No interest in the Switch though until Fire Emblem, because I actually love me some Fire Emblem.
Going for plats for all levels in Bayo 1 must be one of the hardest vidya challenges i've had in years, holy fuck. By the time i'm done with a level i'm always nearing a headache, and i'm only at the start of my 2nd run. Anyway, what weapons should i begin to use once i get them (only know how to spam pkp, never bothered with anything else) and is there anything i should buy? I've got 70k rings and i've only purchased the aerial dodge move so far.
I still remember that porn artist refused to draw Bayo after that
Bullet magic and hair summons
moon of maha kala
Star of dineta
whatever you want, but kilgore is best for damage, whip is mostly useless, sword is best all around imo
learn to dodge offset if you havent already
after beating the game on infinite climax, normal becomes a walk in the part to pure platinum
If you're trying to platinum you should be using gaze of despair and moon. Also quit to title every time you get hit.
Bayonetta is the kind of game you only understand really enjoy once you play it yourself. It's satisfying when you first pull off witch time, but it's pure sex when you style on the enemy using the moon of maha kala and bat dodges.
yawn, you want all pure platinum.
To answer your question though, you'll be using the sword mostly, and the claws/boots for certain alfheims. You can basically cheese the entire game using a bug that allows you to fire rapid fire the rocket launcher though.
This, I don't get why everyone complains about 2 it improved on everything other than witchtime length depending on the attack dodged
Alright, thanks.
>Also quit to title every time you get hit.
I'm thinking there should be an option that makes taking a hit kill you and give you the option to restart from the beginning like in Alfheim/Muspelheim challenges.
I'm blind and can't find my glasses but that meal looks delicious.
Are you getting the amiibos Sup Forums?
>mfw I voted for Bayo and all my friends were asshurt about her announcement
>made money betting that she'd make it
of course, but they won't be used for anything
Yes. I don't even play Smash.
>tfw too poor to buy real Bayonetta merch
I mean her actual figs are like 300-500
Which one?
I literally just played this level for the first time.
I was smiling the entire way through. Fucking A+ entertainment. I hope both Bayo3 and DMC5 are announced at E3.
how many of you faggots have actually seen Breakfast at Tiffany's?
there should have been a costume for this
What does it have to do with Bayo?
>watching movies
Why, because of the opening sequence or something?
Moon River.
Literally the only character I wanted since the day before Sm4sh was revealed.
Even skipped a final to see if she got in
I'm still disappointed there was no Wonder Pink costume to go with Alraune.
I just killed Alraune and so far it's been fun but does it get more curayzee or am I wowed out?
The game is the porn.
Sorry that was meant for
The only porn I have on my computer is Bayonetta stuff. Took forever to gather
Upload the folder somewhere.
>yawn, you want all pure platinum.
I nearly died of rectal bleeding trying to do that.
How many hours do you have user?
You're probably wowed out.
There's a bit more insanity left, but imo fighting Insidious and the trip to hell is bayo2's climax.
I'll go ahead and warn you the last boss doesn't top Jubileus in terms of ridiculousness.
With that said, you've yet to see the most badass moment that will tie both games together really well.