Botw made me realize that graphics and fps are not important.
Thank you Nintendo.
Botw made me realize that graphics and fps are not important.
Thank you Nintendo.
True but it would have been much nicer if botw had better graphics and higher framerate. Especially a higher framerate
Wait till cemu fixes all dat shit
Would have been nice if botw had majoras mask tier sidequests instead of shrines and "go fetch me this food"
Are people really that stupid to fall for this reverse bait?
You actually hate Nintendo, that's why you pick a shitty Zelda screenshot, put best one you could from Witcher, and then act as a Nintendo fan for people to start shitposting about how Switch is weak or whatever.
This is some next level bullshit, kid.
> hurrr grafix not important it's gameplay what you need becuz u PLAY a GAME
> thank nintendu
Go and play nethack / ADOM / IVAN /DF adventure mode right fucking now. These been out for years now, but you haven't played them because you are a nintenbro and those games have no graphics. You need graphics you fag, you can't live without it. Bet you've never been eaten by grue, either.
fps will always matter
Yeah but where everything else at
I don't know how much of a shit post this is but I really prefer the visual aesthetic of BotW to Witcher 3
me too
it's also a great answer to Drumpf
BotW hate threads are drying up. Did Sup Forums finally give up?
Wait what?
Muh oppressive government is what they are getting at
>.14 has been deposited into your Nintendo Bux account.
>Wait what?
it sent a message to the transgender community,
so it's against Drumpf
Wow wtf.... Drumpf is finifhsed.
They already destroyed just about every aspect of it so I would say they're moving on
Ice Cream doesn't exist in Zelda so no scoops for BLUMPFT
They haven't been able to find a single genuine fault. They tried every tactic possible.
>next level
not really, just your average falseflagging bullshit we're used to by now on this site.
At least post a game with good graphics that would oppose Botw.
source on two scoops meme?
The best part is that their tears will come back full storm during the GOTY awards.
With RDR2 delayed to 2018 Zelda's ONLY competition is gone.
FUCKING fuck fuck fuckers
Now I HAVE to go out and buy it and a switch. Gotta go and stick it to pol. Forcing me to become a nintenbro like this is humiliating.
how long have been nintendo fans saying this shit?
>Zelda's ONLY competition is gone.
you are forgetting that sjw will vote en masse for HZD
It's not a message to transniggers.
Link is supposed to look ridiculous.
It hasn't already? Wew.
>Link is supposed to look ridiculous.
my dick didn't get the memo
>CNN and NBC make a big deal about Trump having two scoops of ice cream at a dinner while everyone else got 1 (because he orders 2 scoops so often the staff just brought him 2 by default)
>they act like it's some psychological thing about him being 'the boss' and evil / greedy
>everyone finds it fucking hilarious
>around the same time, Colbert makes himself look like an idiot by criticizing his audience for cheering Trump and switching the narrative live
>Sup Forums decides to make it look like Colbert is getting mad at Trump for having two scoops of ice cream, also throwing on the 'drumpf' meme that makes John Oliver look stupid
wow, USA must be doing GREAT already, if the biggest concern is the president's ice-cream.
There were like 2 or 3 critics total out of dozens that preferred Horizon due to the SJW stuff. Most critics actually thought Zelda made Horizon look worse.
>put best one you could from Witcher
What the fuck you talking bout faggot that's just a regular shot. He didn't even try to find a good one.
>screenshot, put best one you could from Witcher,
I didn't even try, brah
Art style will always and forever trump graphics.
>Muh graficks!
The last desperate ploy to try and undermine the modern masterpiece BotW.
Bearing in mind that BotW is running on tech barely bigger than my phone, it looks fantastic. And there's no other open world game which can touch BotW in the gameplay department.
The desperation will never end.
are you for real nigger?
I wrote in OP I now realized graphics don't matter if game is good
Is there any other places in BotW like that?
I have legit played the game for at least 70 hours and never encountered that.
Nice puddle.
I would have to stay away from the Zora area simply because of how hard I smiled at how much I adored the architecture. My poor cheeks.
the ice place?
haven't played the game yet myself
>look user! colours! isn't this super impressive?
>I can't comprehend these images
I'm just unimpressed, not angry.
>Unironically thinking that not one of those shots are at least aesthetically pleasing in a color palette sense
My inner artist screams at you, but I respect your firm opinion.
Refresh rate and graphics should not be categorized the same way.
Graphics are just eyecandy, and you quickly stop noticing how good or bad a game looks. It's only good for marketing.
Refresh rate directly interferes with your ability to play the game.
Guilty Gear is not a good example, generic animu artstyle trash.
What's the use of a beautiful world if you can't climb any mountain and fly to another?
>Ice Cream doesn't exist in Zelda
It does though.
>there's no other open world game which can touch BotW in the gameplay department
nier automata
While I'll agree with the generic animu statement, the new GG is the most gorgeous anime game I've ever seen and the lighting engine they used to make 3D models look 2D and the unique use of smears is just...It's amazing, really. I don't think there will be a better looking animu game that uses the cel-shading style any time soon.
>and the lighting engine they used to make 3D models look 2D and the unique use of smears
it's called cel-shading
Someone didn't read the whole thing.
learn synthesis.
>open world
it's a small world but it's open
Both game looks horrible.
Assuming that's wildlands, it doesn't look that much better than the Witcher. Foliage is a bit nicer but thassit really, not much worth looking at in wildlands anyway, it's just small towns, forests/jungles and mountains.
I was talking about all the things was saying and more. The game has a lot of love and care put into it.
Also BotW is pretty generic animu shit too however it uses a great color palette and cel-shading style to make everything look great much like Guilty Gear does.
Like the other post said, I don't think there's going to be another game with this much time and care put into how unique the game looks for a long time.
I mean I felt it was more xenoblade like in tears of areas
>it doesn't look that much better than the Witcher
top kek, it shits on tw3 at a point that its like comparing games of two different gen.
Both Zelda and Witcher are good games which I hope you will enjoy
One of the greatest games made in a long time.
overhyped Nintenkiddie garbage due to brand recognition
I'm a PC gamer
got bored of TW3 at 1080p 100fps
had fun in Botw emulated at 20 fps
>not hyped due to brand recognition
I was under the same assumption but I wasn't willing to take the time to type just to be called a nintendo dick rider.
Let's be honest, everyone heard of Zelda - even normies. I doubt normies know about Witcher though (unless you're a slavovich)
TW3 actually stands on its own legs, BotW is carried entirely by the Zelda brand. Like every other game in that franchise.
Nice opinions bro.
Tell that to Triforce Heroes.
>>TW3 actually stands on its own legs,
no one wants to play nethack, it's trash
Please stop W3 is nothing but repetitive fetch quests over and over.. I would rather play FO4
And Zelda isn't?
you can have fun for hours in botw withoud doing quests.
in w3 you can only walk or ride a horse.
>people will defend this
>Carnal Sins
>Towerful of Mice
Did you even play W3?
I can't decide what's worse, grafixfags or retards who think a giant empty open world is the best thing ever because Skyim was their first game
What was that drinking quest with the witcher buddies called? That was legit /comfy/
TFW I loved both TW3 and BoTW
Was thinking the same thing, this isn't even from blood and wine.
>no one had a problem with it in arkham
>no one had a problem with it in w3 (shocker)
>except for gothicfag
>you can have fun for hours in botw withoud doing quests
The only "fun" parts of BotW are the first 10 hours, before you realize the game is devoid of any meaningful content. And even that is undermined by the shitty combat.
Uhhh I never played gothic and I have a big problem with shit that lead a player straight to their destination, especially in open world games
I don't understand, what's the problem?
I wish I had the courage to try Witcher 3 as well, but I heard too much stuff that scare me away from dropping the dough.
You shitters always post this, ive seen this since tw3 launch
>how to tell people who don't have the game but parrot others: The post
Side quests are a very small part in BoTW, eveyone who played it should know that
Dorf Fort is shit because of its controls, not because of its looks.
These autists wouldve rathered some super convoluted way to track footprints and smells in the game rather than this system. Probably wouldve been Sup Forumss game of the year if there were only elves in the game and you spent 3 hours tracking prints in dirt by looking at soil erosion and density
>I don't understand, what's the problem?
no, you cannot go on with the quest without using batman vision
geralt won't "find" the clue that is in your face otherwise