Opinions on Rising Storm 2 Vietnam? I think it plays fairly different from Rising Storm or RO2, doesn't feel as brutal or nasty.
Opinions on Rising Storm 2 Vietnam? I think it plays fairly different from Rising Storm or RO2...
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There needs to be better instruction/tutorials/training for noobs. Some very important concepts can be difficult to grasp for new (and especially stupid) players- SL and spawns in general, arty markers, etc.
Don't the tutorial videos cover all of that?
I guess. Maybe something more substantial than a video (that doesn't even play in-game, and tabs you out to the shitty steam browser).
the game really could use some goddamn terrain destruction.
I wish there was a way for Tripwire/Antimatter to implement something of that nature.
I expected more, even I haven't played a RS or RO game. VA is underwhelming, gunshots felt half assed, but gunplay is okay,
And that's about it. Glad I didn't bought the game. I rather back playing DoI and wait for NW's Vietnam Insurgency.
I think it might improve with time, try it again in a year or so, feedback might take a bit to get sorted out.
dead on arrival LOL
It's fun but it's very rough around the edges. It needs more polish and more maps. They really need a few more months to iron out some of the shit made evident in these betas and they really need something to show how things work like SLs and fire support from TLs.
There needs to be a VoIP activity metre that permabans people who aren't > x many voip's per minute.
Game is unplayable ATM due to silent ass retards who refuse to call anything. Communicate anything. Or play a team based game as a fucking team.
And votekicks for ' not teamplaying' need to award permabans. Because fuck the retards who cannot in to team play games.
Also. Any fuckwit who throws a smoke grenade that doesn't land ON enemies when its smoke pops out aoe NEEDS to get permabanned. The retards who only blind their own team with smoke have migrated from RS RO2 already.
They also need to enforce a promotion system. Each match has to start without any of the specialised slots even available. With players only getting SL and or commander slots if their team VOTES them to it.
This is a huge issue as well.
Hopefully once the game actually releases out of beta and there's a paywall up, more people will have mics.
Aside from some minor stuff like M60 barrel-swapping and glitch resolution, I'd like to see more customization options: more face shapes to pick from, etc.
I also think SL's should have multiple smoke grenades, colored and non-colored so that they can provide good cover for their squad AND put markers for commanders.
Really, my only complaint is not getting to LARP more over mic. Saying shit in a surly fake-south accent when you're SL is loads of fun. I'm gonna have to practice some pre-game peptalks before the beta.
God I love this song. So much dark humor.
>Babies suckin' on their momma's tit, or Charlie layin' in a .50-pit.
>Dow chemical don't give a shit
Needs more polish, I'm okay with the NVA announcer because at least he sounds funny, but the American one sounds so bored.
yeah i went back and played rs1 and everything feels more intense
it's fun, it kinda runs low on my pc and there's no spic server, the kills feels satisfying and the shotguns hit shit if you dont aim
should I get RO2/RS1? do I get to use a shotgun?
no bleedouts and no reason to ever use your bayonet. choppers are more a liability than an asset. usa sl spends most of the game walking from spawn to the combat so the shitheads in his squad don't have to.
I've seen people saying you can use smoke grenades with the grenadier, how do I switch to using them?
Also can you throw claymores or are they just fucking useless
c or x
the grenade has a white part on them
you also have to pick the smoke grenade in the ammo section when you pick your role
did the beta end? I can't launch anymore
yeah ended at 1pm pacific
Choppers working like an aircraft instead of a helicopter is my pet fucking peeve.
The wasd should control the rotor tilt like the 2nd joystick does in a real helicopter. Since the 'collective' is called that because to combines lift and thrust together with direction of travel into one joystick. And slowly lowering yourself to the ground for a landing doesn't work because the game forces forward movement when not in hover.
I hate how 60% of transport chopper landing is always a near squad wipe.
How are the controls not like a real helicopter?
WASD = flight stick = pitch & roll.
ctrl/space = collective = throttle
Q/E = pedals = yaw
The collective is called the collective because it effects the pitch of all rotor blades collectively: raising it effectively raises the effort the rotor puts out and increases thrust. All the flight stick does is adjust the helicopter's tilt.
somebody knows?
The collective controls how deep the rotors bite as well as the overall incline of the spin. The other joystick controls the helicopter hanging OFF OF the rotors.
Also the devs fell for the 'rudder does nothing' retardation video games have. Even an aircrafts rudder has a shitload more effect on yaw than thebingame helicopters tail rotor. The in game tail rotor is so fucking weak the helicopter shouldn't even be able to counteract spin induced by the rotors. Google some YouTube's of helicopter acrobatics. Tail rotor can easily throw a helicopter nose for tail in a split fucking second all whilst the actual flight of the helicopter is unaffected. Rs Vietnam's helicopter is a rally shitty arcade plane model.
Helicopters work completely fucking different.
Solid game that is being wrecked by the stupid fucking people playing it.
How hard is it to dig a tunnel
How hard is it to mark artillery coords with binocs
How hard is it to not napalm half of your team
How hard is it to throw smoke grenades
How hard is it to land a fucking huey without doing a barrel roll
I seriously hope these open beta shitters go back to CSGO where they belong.
very hard. being retarded, tripwire have decided to put the controls that a real helicopter has divided into TWO flightsticks, into ONE control. using the other conrtols for retarded bs that doesn't work, making their flight model and controls a shitty PLANE scheme.
pretty hard when you cant see jack shit
I guess they're truly aiming for the Vietnam experience
why bother getting good when its already going to be DOA
I literally couldn't tell what the fuck was going on.
I rarely, if ever, saw an enemy before I died or I killed him. 9 times out of 10, one of us was dead and nobody knew what the fuck happened.
I guess that's pretty realistic for 'nam though. It was kind of fun except for all the "run through brush for 10 minutes before your screen suddenly goes black".
>Try out RO2
>Keep getting shot in the back by teammates
>They claim it's my fault because I'm "not supposed to be there"
stop playing like a leeroy jenkins then. WALK. do you even KNOW wtf u r supposed to be doing?
CCR told me to run through the jungle
my M60 told me to spray and pray
>Literally sit in camping spots waiting till someone walks into your view and you shoot them or they snipe you.
Boring awful game, outdoor missions can be fun but the cities maps are AWFULLLLLLLLLLL
It's nearly impossible to storm a a fucking castle with 1 bridge with 30 campers with machine guns and rifles just waiting for you to walk up. Arty does ass all and smoke grenades can only take you part of the way.
Game is good, the potential to be great is there, but I fear that the players will kill the game before that.
I am interested to buy it, but I have never played a RO game before, should I buy RO2 plus RS1 first and then RS2? Or just buy the latter?
Vietnam went down pretty similarly to most engagements in Afghanistan
>Get ambushed
>Fire in general direction of the enemy until the Air Force come and bomb the shit out of vaguely close to where you said the enemy were
>Enemy have probably already fled by this point
>Lose 2 guys to a booby trap on the way back
first of all, the only time you should be running, is when you're getting shot at and need to run to cover. you should be slow walking as crouchy and slow as you can get . if you see the enemy first, you can sneak to some cover, then take your SHOT (semi auto is your friend, full auto is last resort desperation mag dumping unless you are using actual controlled burts) if you are seen first ( which shouldn't happen as you should be moving slowly enough that the enemy can't easily spot your movement against the jungle foliage etc.) then you SPRINT forwards into cover, and throw yourself prone.
then you crawl away from where they saw you throw yourself to some other bit of cover.
THEN you pop up (use the ads) to get a better look.
Then you crawl to the next bit of cover.
THEN you pop up and take your shot.
THEN you go back to step one, SPRINT your dumb ass to the next bit of cover.
this concludes your basic tactical movement in jungle warfare conditions. courtesy of the Australian Army manual of land warfare.
really like how the firefights are tense from any distance. Really gets me in the mood when Im having to mentally map out where the enemy is coming from, what angles they would be shooting me from, is there enough cover between me and them to block their sight line, where are my mates in relation to me and the enemy. with some more polish I can easily see myself sinking a lot of hours into this.
I sill don't get how the Americans have lost both Vietnam and Afghanistan so badly. Don't they have the most powerful military in the world? How the fuck can some poorfucks with outdated weapons best them?
It's a good addition to the series, there will always be idiots who complain that they can't tell enemies and friendlies apart and that they get killed out of nowhere when a new RO comes out, eventually they leave and in a few months there will only be a solid community left that understands and appreciates the gameplay
>see a human shaped figure across the map
>throw myself prone
>blast my mg on full auto for 5 minutes
>it was one of our guys
tell me how to git gud at smoke.
In a firefight do I toss it right on the enemy so they cant hang back and shoot us up?
How do I get gut at this game.
I always die instantly and when I manage to stay alive I'm unable to spot enemies.
3 of the most powerful militaries of their time have tried and failed to conquer Afghanistan. It doesn't matter how powerful your military is, it's going to lose to gorilla warfare and unconventional tactics. The only way large conventional armies would win is if the objective was to glass the entire country and take no prisoners.
The British Empire tried, the USSR tried and now NATO tried. Before the US got involved in Vietnam, France had just lost badly there and they were still a formidable power for the time.
it's not the troops fault. it's simply high command and political types deciding cheap quantity of manpower solves everything.
us officials flat out BALK at any suggestion that maybe they should spend more on training and ensuring quality of accepted personnel to be trained (seriously, look at some of the retards the US national guard say are FINE) and having a smaller army of MUCH more highly trained personnel instead
>austrailian army manual of land warfare
There weren't any emus in 'nam though, what tactics do I use for humans?
>When a group of gooks get in a tunnel and you flush them out with a flamewerfer
We won Afghanistan
They didn't lose militarily, more VCs died than Americans in the war.
America pulled out with the understanding that the VC will not try to take the south back, but then the anti-war people back home voted in the democrats who let the VC take the south anyway.
don't sprint everywhere, only from cover to cover. sprinting everywhere will just make you die with no breath. stick close to cover, hug walls, peek around corners and check your six constantly. when i hear that ching chong gook talk i usually start crouching and start creeping, your footsteps make almost no noise when you crouchwalk and you can get the jump on the commie fuckers and stick em right up their rice shitting asses with your knife.
In short?
The US was trying to sustain an utterly unsustainable regime. South Vietnam was corrupt to the core and doomed to collapse.
Insurgencies are, by nature, almost impossible to crush. The only way to put an end to an irregular force like the Taliban or Viet Cong is to round up and kill *anyone* who could possibly support them, and then scour their territory and purge it completely of any infrastructure, resources, personnel, etc. In short, genocide. It didn't help that the US leadership was still trying to fight the war like any other before- i.e. anything but a COIN operation.
In Vietnam, the US and its armed forces inflicted vastly more casualties against the VC than the VC did against the US. Doesn't matter how far you can push that boulder, though, if it's just gonna come rolling back down when you stop.
Higher kill count isn't a "military victory", you have to defeat the enemy force. By pure kill count the Germans steamrolled Russia in WW2 but the Russian horde still kept on coming.
>tfw youre killing charlie and more are coming but your m16 starts clicking
yes and no.
smoke is used for ONE of two purposes. you either put it RIGHT ON the enemy (not infront of, not near, ON the fucking enemy) so THEY are blinded and your guys can move up to cover and range for nade throwing and mg supressing of their own, whilst the enemy can't see shit.
OR, you throw it to the FLANKS of you guys push, if your guys are going NORTH, you throw smokes down every east and west passage or clearing you possibly can block off, so that your guys cannot get caught on the flank and rolled by accurate fire.
America lost Vietnam in a political sense, not a military sense is what my original point was aying.
>doesn't feel as brutal or nasty.
I earned a achievement for surviving a napalm strike and helplessly watching my comrades get immolated.
How many fortune sons made it out?
I should've said the middle East.
followup post: if you've got a good ear, listen and learn the difference between your teams gunfire and the enemies gunfire. it helps a lot.
go fuck yourself retard. even the so-called 'special forces' of the US in vietnam couldn't keep up with australian general troops, FFS. so eat the miillion dicks in your bag of idiocy.
I like how they made it so the actual gun barrel shoots, instead of firing out of your eyes, but I wish there was a way to tell if the barrel was obscured behind cover because it's hard as shit to tell right now until you end up revealing your location by blasting the lip of the cover you are behind
The Aussie troops that literally never left Aussie artillery range?
this, QFT. you ONLY want to be sprinting if you've already DUN GOOF'd and been caught out.
>someone calls in a C-47 strike on my position while playing as a GI
>it wiped out my entire squad and half of another squad
War is hell.
It plays exactly like RS and RO2 except if everyone had assault rifles rather than 10 people.
I'm not impressed and the map designs are pretty shitty.
Yeah, this was one problem I had. It seems a lot of cover is just high enough that crouching behind it still leaves the barrel of your gun right under it.
>playing americans
>taking charlie
>silver spoon starts playing
wew that was pretty good
>this is what merifats actually believe.
Needs tanks.
Also the napalm strike is weak as fuck, needs a bigger splash.
We set a piss easy objective and we haven't achieved it yet.
>ISAF’s primary objective was to enable the Afghan government to provide effective security across the country and develop new Afghan security forces to ensure Afghanistan would never again become a safe haven for terrorists.
so when radio op and not getting acquainted with the TLs asscrack I need to be looking for opportunities to obstruct the enemy with a little hotboxing? Got it.
How to cap supremacy points 101:
>Pick pointman or hug one's ass
>Run as close to objective as you feel comfortable (jungle cover is your friend here)
>Pop smokes
>Sprint into point, start running around checking corners, nooks, crannys
>If all goes well enemy isn't expecting shit yet, blast em
>Keep fucking going until you've killed a good number and/or your buddies get the balls to join you
>Bunker down and try not to fall for the same shit
>Point is capped
This works especially well on points with trenches. When you die, start running again. Hopefully your squad leader/tunnel isn't a retard/somewhere retarded. You'd be surprised how ballsy you can get in this game compared to RS2/RO1 and get away with it.
>When U heard that ching ching gook talk
I know this is racist and I'm sorry but kek
I love it
Finally learned how to fly correctly and got some good Huey time in.
Throw on a 60s playlist too and it gets high tier.
No it doesn't you mongo.
Jesus christ, fuck off to facebook then you pussy ass nigger loving faggot ass shitskin.
this is truth in video games. us incompetency got so bad, that it became standard practice for australian patrols, that after radioing into the americans your camp location. to then MOVE at LEAST 2 kilometres away. fucking retards kept dropping bombs and shit on Australians because 'whoops, sorry, we didn't know you were there'. when australians STOPPED being where the US troops were TOLD they were, the friendly fire incidents tapered off.
It's trying to communicate.
That'll happen when you force people fresh out of high school into war.
Yes it does you numpty.
Who else /supremacy/ here?
It feels so much better than >X guys were in this spot for X seconds, now you can't shoot your gun until you fall back to the next spot
how to win supremacy:
kill fucking tunnels
How long until commanders start actually using radiomen, and Vietnamese commanders realize the ambush ability is worthless when they are sitting back in spawn?
Australia played at best a minor support role, advisors trained American troops on Jungle warfare since the US had little experience in it, then at its peak 7 thousand Aussies played an almost entirely defensive role, with minor bombing done by the RAAF.
> that feeling when some asks how you got so many damn kills
Wasn't even in at the beginning of the game.
They just wanted to steal your women.
you know that part of 'we were soldiers' when the radio guy calls in a strike that kills some of his own guys, think that, except without the pressure on the american guy, and replace his guys, with australians 20 kilometres away.
fucking retards couldn't read a grid reference to save a life.
>did the australians tell us to drop fire on X?
>yea they did steve.
>cool then, i'll just drop it on their faces instead, because who gives a fuck man.
Aussies with machine guns, vehicles and shitloads of reinforcements can't even defeat retarded flightless birds.
It was probably to our advantage to remove as many aussies as possible.
How am I meant to shoot down helicopters? I can only hit them when they are slowing down to land.
By getting good.
>retarded flightless birds
how many wars against emus have you poofs won? oh that's right, you're too much of a soft cunt to even start one.
Well, how'd you do it? I want to git gud but Charlie won't let me.