pure kino

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What a gorgeous game, Jesus Christ.


>white hand
how can rockstar be this problematic?
Don't they know the real cowboys were black?

No, it will come this time, you will see!

So what do we know about the plot so far

so now that this trash got delayed
does nintendo (peace be upon them) have the goty in they're hands??


Weren't blacks slaves back then? I don't know very much about burger history


>Leave """""PCMR"""" to me

Feels so fucking good man to be a Sonybro right now. Nintendtards and PCbros are irrevocably blown the fuck out forever.

stop using that word

Seriously, no one is suprised by this delay, we are in the middle of 2017 and no release date for supposed 2017 game was given.

Looks like the powers that be want Zelda to hog the GOTY without even trying, fuck, RDR2 would shut the toddlers for sure.

Why does the light sources look so weird?
Other than that it looks breddy great.

No, in the early 20th century nugras were already free, although just recently so since the west gave no fucks blacks were treated like shit.



der toten amirite fellow zombineers xDDD

yea peace be upon them, because they'll be dead soon

Next guaranteed delay is Shenmue III.

This game just wouldn't feel right on the PC ,R ⭐ knows this too

americans speaking german is one of the most grating sounds anyone can do
it's fucking awful


>mfw thinking about all the sonybro tears if it gets announced for PC

Agreed, only Germans speaking German is worse.

Looks like BotW is winning all GOTY awards this year.

Yeah, Rockstar are totally known to not absolutely BULLSHOT the fuck out of their games before they come out.

Stop being so stupid.

It's from that MMO game, not RDR2.

I hope its shooting and gore isnt downgraded like in GTA5

Black cowboy had all the best taunts though


>The game was shit anyways!

Nah, it was definitely Injun guy
>You drink bulls milk, straight from the source!

say it ain't so

Check them news m8; Rockstar just delivered some pics along with announcing a delay to Spring 2018, to the surprise of nobody.

I hope Rockstar watched some Forgotten Weapons.

search some info before posting fucktrad

>not playing as the fat short mexican

>Cuckstar double dipping again for beta versions on consoles before PC release

I lost all respect for this developer. At least it's pretty much guaranteed for PC since most of the screenshots couldn't be done on any known console.

Took another hundred years or so for that to change. Why is history so fucked

Most cowboys were central and south American if you want to be real accurate.

RDR isn't about realism anyway though. It's based on the Western movies. The ten gallon hat is a Hollywood invention

That's actually true so why are you saying it sarcastically?

>delayed to Spring 2018

What did Rockstar mean by this?

We are about to hit June and not a single full trailer to a game that is supposed to be released in December, just developer videos on vague shit like engine testing.

>want RDR but updated
>will get GTAV with its dumbed down everything and focus on online garbage


That RDR2 will be released between March and June of the year 2018.

>supposed to be released in December,


Delays are just the norm now, they aren't afraid of bad rep anymore.

Follow the replies sweetie, talking about Shenmue.

Stop this shit


epic, simply epic my man *upvotes*

>There will never be a Mexican cowboy game

When you have as much budget as Rockstar, you can afford to delay games to take your time making them as good as possible. I'm fairly confident they expect this game to be one of the highest selling ever, just like GTAV.

>wanting to play a little girl raping and bean eating simulator
Fuck off Paco, no one likes you

A game set during either the revolution or the inependence war would be neat

>screenshot of that dual wielding guy that was on the poster
Hmmmmmm. Didn't show his face, of course, do you think it's a new character or someone from the other two games? Some people keep saying it's Red but I dunno, it really doesn't look like him to me. Besides, dual wielding was Jack Swift's thing, I know Red would have the two custom revolvers his peepaw commissioned, so he could, but it still doesn't look like him

How will they sell Shark Cards when sharks were extinct in the old west

Do you seriously not remember the bullshots from GTA V? I'm pretty sure even the PC version on ultra didn't look like what they showed off.

Heehaw partner, buy your moneybags today!

>girl raping and bean eating simulator
I'm having trouble understanding how this is bad.

Half of Red Dead Redemption took place in Mexico and that's exactly what this was you fucking idiots

Because spics have no concept of morality

I would fucking have killed myself if I ruined my GTAV experience with the ps3 or 360, or worse with the ps4 or xbone.

Always wait with Rockstar games, you'll be rewarded with the most definitive versions.

You have to go back

I never played it

I'm not implying that there isn't a quality difference between the ps3 and ps4 and pc version
However, they stated that rockstar does not lie about bullshots often, this is clearly a completely inaccurate statement.

dead man's hand is kinda like that

Every Rockstar game gets delayed. I knew it wasn't coming this year once we hit May and still had no gameplay trailer.

Greasy Prospector's Gold Bags.

> Delay game
> Release shit loads of bullshots

Slimey jock cunts.

Remember to vote Yes in indyref2 and FUCK OFF

>shallow muh wild westurd reddit meme game that only gets praise because its rockstar and MUH EXCLUSIVITY
wow i am so excited i just cant ZZZZZzzzzz....

How many memes and buzzwords can you fit into one post?

has this level of projecting ever been achieved?

100% of red dead redemption had a white man MC

>implying we won't get the best version a year later
Thanks for beta testing, as they say.

>Release shit loads of bullshots

It's just PC shots. It's meant to warn the wisest not to buy the inferior product just to gain a cheap thrill.

>Spics have no concept of morality
>Despite being 60% European

The genetics for empathy are definitely there

the more you stare into the abyss you dumbfuck trumpcbro, the more you'll be like them


>no sheathe for rifle
>its facing the wrong way
what is this, Bethesda?

>mfw PC is getting TWO western shooters, one still this year.
>mfw console fags still pay online to join 16 player lobbies

are you saying the ps4/xbone versions are worse than the ps3/360 ones?

>mfw PC is getting TWO western shooters, one still this year.
what are they called?

But... Nintendo just got their goty and PC will still get a MMO this year.

>thinking UbiCry 5 is a western

>Nintendtards and PCbros are irrevocably blown the fuck out forever.
Except the one game that could beat Mario Odyssey or BotW just got delayed until the next year, therefore giving Nintendo a free GotY award?

I'm saying not having the balls to wait a few months more for the PC version was an bigger error than buying the garbage versions on ps3/360.

choose one


>no gameplay footage yet

I thought it was supposed to come out this year

>few months more

You're drastically wrong m8

>few months

Look it took like 2 years.
And why would you wait? I bought both for PS3 and PC with my friends.

>beat Mario Odyssey or BotW
I see Nintendownies lost their last bit of sanity, trying to stay relevant in an industry that has surpassed them over a decade ago by pushing a 5/10 open world meme and a game that only exists as proof of concept as GOTY contenders.

i didn't like rdr, I played it and didn't have fun

Yes you did, and yes you did

They honestly can't fuck it up on PC. The whole "lock on" shooting thing from the first game will be binned and forgotten.

This desu

Guys, will i see my husband in RDR 2?

Star Wars Battlefront looks better

I didn't like RDR that much. It had rare moments of being alright when galloping through the desert, but the towns were lifeless, the missions (every single fucking mission) was a ride to gunfight snoozefest, John Marston spends most of the game pulling a Geralt "fine ill help you" and the music got annoying
Am I a pleb? I just don't see the brilliance in the game.