
someone needs a haircut


Every review ever said its "souls-like", the companys previous game was souls-like.

What are these retards that buy games blind?




>so successful you dont even need to try
god its like when comedians just go on stage and rant and everyone chuckles because they are retarded

Hey buddy, that's my job.

>Brave and honorable knight willing to face unholy beast to save princess, risking life and limb for a girl he's never met and doesn't know
>she doesn't care because he's not a perfect 10/10 chad making 500k a year

I hate women so much

Several Hours In Paint


What's with all the stand up that's just rants?
There's no joke, I'm just listening to someone bitch
Why is that popular?


Poe's law

Reminder that glasses girl legit sounds like Shaq.

explain this meme



Dog fuckers

Transmisogyny is the stupidest term these retards have coined. If you're rude to a transgender woman it's misogyny, because they're a woman. If you're rude to a transgender man it's misogyny because they WERE a woman. It's so backwards.

what's the fucking joke?


I made it better.

what is it about this artstyle that makes is so fucking ugly
the OP is fine except the hair, but there is literally nothing about this that is anywhere close to acceptable

And still, Beartato remains king of LOL


there's no end to the depths of this insanity

Transman attempts to comes to terms with his feelings and the world around him, uses horrible metaphor.

Ending the inquisiton was a mistake

tldr of this? im already disgusted after glancing at it

It reminds me of typical american late night cartoon gag faces.

Okay i laughed


tl;dr: insufferably condescending twat tries to justify enjoying your partner being fucked by someone else as anything but being pathetic.



Whoever approved the design of this should not be allowed to leave their home without the supervision of a professional caregiver.

Did Schmorky draw this?


>guy is excited to introduce a game he clearly cares about.
>not welcoming

okay, I'm fuckin triggered.


No need to reply to this, just read and enjoy.

How fucking stupid can you be, that's a handwritten font so it's not just a typo, this person can't spell guardian. Also, the Guardian is a left-wing newspaper, if anything their articles are pro-transgender.


holy shit i never realized how awesome not being a vegan is

i didn't enjoy it.

Improved it

Chromatic aberration triggers me every time.
[spoilers]Now if you'll excuse me I need to kill myself for getting an erection from that[/spoiler]

But the non vegan didnt contradict himself once

Besides no one has a problem with cucks eating only plants, its when they talk down to normal ppl or try and ban the sale of meat

>dark souls
>punishing for dying
But that isn't in Dark souls


Why is the art so shit nowadays?

Halt. This is the Game Goat. You must post a comic directly related to video games, or Game Goat will bite your penis off.

>plants dont have feelings

Chromatic what now

What's this even saying? It's okay to be a jackass to customers? Fuck you for trying to bother learning about the thing you're trying to buy? The customer is always right so you shouldn't need recommendations or advice from the staff?

i'm gonna fuck that goat

You're such a faggot

Woman spotted.

this is more cute than actually hot.

>I avoid harming them.

yeah me too

I just eat meat that I bought at a store.

>"no girlz aloud" sign
>but the guy is enthusiastically describing a game to a girl

I'm not sure I understand this comic's point at all.

Wait a fucking second. Was that supposed to be a legit tomboy at first, like chick who acts dude-ish? And then they turn her into a man or something? Maybe I'm just retarded but what I'm seeing is that a tomboy was turned into something that's not a tomboy and that's a capital fucking punishment.

What if that's what they're saying, that those outlets are so pro-transgender they are pushing it on tomboys and others.

I mean shes a princess, and well, if you have options, why not, right?

And you're a cock-loving cunt, what of it? Fucking stupid little bitch.

I fucking hate chromatic aberration. It fucks with my eyes and makes me think something is fucking wrong with me half the time its fucking in something.


When the colors look like they have been shifted
This example is more extreme but it shows what I mean

>hair long enough to be in a ponytail

>f-fucking roasties
>but you're the gayboy
wew lad



To some people theyre one in the same.

Im not really seeing it.

They said tomboy not butch you retard.

>willing to face unholy beast to save princess

He ran away though.

im scared.

epic haha I hate living haha I want to kill myself let me go post this on my aesthetic sadpost page

>this image
>my eyes

>Videogames are as balanced as chess

Its trying to comment on how Gamestop's in your face all the time attitude is annoying. Its ruined by them trying to state that the left is somehow good. vinylfags are so far up their asses they think talking down to people and being condescended is a good thing

This just attacks the lowest levels

There are so many tomboys in media with ponytails that it's a meme at this point.

gifs can be single frames, as is the case here

Its hard to get riled up over chess.
I think most people are just glad its over.

when will this end


not unlike most women


Lmaoing at your life. Calm down, sweetie

Clearly in that pic they had the same character.

so she wants a man willing to face a dragon for a woman he never even met
but she wants him to be young and inexperienced and not chasing any sorth of reward?
listen lady there is a reason bards are bards and knights wear armor and kill things with a sharp stick

This black text looks way too colorful
Look closely, try to zoom in on the original

>Ran away at the first fire breath
So brave



>she must be something she's not because it fits my arbitrary definition
Hey, I think I just read a comic about you.

The joke is the reveal of the ice cream shop worker. So no, you just cut out the joke