What is the Bubblegum Crisis of video games?

What is the Bubblegum Crisis of video games?

And why is nene best girl?

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why did anime have to turn to shit
there's still plenty of talent in the industry but it's wasted on substance-less moeshit like pic related

the only good creators left are studio Ghibli and Masaaki Yuasa

Idk, we need a savior.

Someday I'll get my all-powersuits Super Robot Wars game with Bubblegum Crisis in it....


Okay, cast list. Primarily power suits, but super-small or super low-mech mechs can also be accepted, provided they can jive with the powersuit scale. Like something the size of a Gundam would be 2L by comparison

>Bubblegum Crisis
>Tekkaman Blade
>Detonator Orgun
>Mazin Saga
>G Gundam, except the Gundams are suits instead of mechs
>SD Gundam Brave Battle Warriors
>Armored Trooper VOTOMS
>Armor Hunter Mellowlink
>Kamen Rider, 2, and V3
>Aura Battler Dunbine

Any others? I feel like we have to find a way to get Getter in there somehow.



delete this

>power armored women
>more popular in west than in japan

its obviously metroid

I miss early 90s late 80s artstyles so much, the hair had so much volume and the girls were allowed to be more expressive while maintaining their models.

>studio Ghibli
lol no

Baddies in Moldiver used powered armour. You could argue the MC also used a "kind of" powered armour, in that it was armour made of energy..

Well maybe we wouldn't look so bad if some studio didn't animate us with their BIG MEATY CLAWS

crash wasnt as good as crisis but i did appreciate getting more police nene



Nene is floofiest therefore she's best

What's the Municipal Waste of videogames?

very high-cut

bbc has about nothing in common with gundam



B O R I N G ! ! !

B O R I N G ! ! !

Honestly every single time I watch an anime that's more than 13 episodes long I just think "Why did they put all of this money/effort into animating a story this shit".

Oh, the mysterious character is a 12 year old autistic investigator with unlimited money?

Oh, the scarf that he's wearing is the soul of the dragon who raised him?

Oh, the titans were people and only this certain lineage can control themselves when they transform?

Absolute fucking trash.

>Why did they put all of this money/effort into animating a story this shit

>implying most anime budget isn't chicken scraps

Remember how Linna was a literal who through most of the OVA?

Also Priss a best

to be honest, the story of BBGC is mostly nonsense too

professional aerobics-doer

the best job a girl can do, innit?

>pic related

do you even videogame?