About to play this for the first time and hear it's bugged out the ass. Any mandatory fixes and shit needed?

About to play this for the first time and hear it's bugged out the ass. Any mandatory fixes and shit needed?

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Play it and love it up to the part where you get a gun. Then instantly alt+f4 and uninstall. That is how you enjoy this game.
If you want to actually play through it and destroy the good times you had with the first hours you´ll actually need a save game that skips a fight on a boat because the scripting is bugged and you can´t beat it

Fuck this guy. It's an amazing game all the way through with one of the clevereat puzzles in gaming coming up at the very end of it.

There will come a time when you are on a boat. You WILL need to download a saved game file from gamefaqs.com to progress because modern computers can't do what the game wanta them to do.

I remember just playing to a point where I encountered a bug and got past it following some instructions online.

You don't need a savegame, there's a customizable fan patch which skips the bugged portion on boat mission.
Game is pretty meh, though

this good?

You don't actually need a saved game to get past the boat section. The reef simply doesn't render. If you've either played it before or simply watched a video of that section you can still aim and fire and destroy it. Not excusing the bug, but nonetheless, you don't need to skip it or get a savegame online.

Also, when you get a gun make sure you save at least one round and equip the gun when you see a Cthulhu statue. Stand in front of it with the loaded gun and enjoy.

Not really. Has a decent atmosphere and a neat injury system, but other than that... It's linear to a fault, like stealth sections where you have to use trial and error to find the exact path you need to take and shit like that. And the gunplay is absolutely terrible and really didn't even belong in the game.

Tried to play this game, couldn't get past the first starter house with the cultists cause everytime I set foot in the basement the game crashes, had to do the whole house thing 5 times over again, kept crashing, just gave up in the end.

is the Xbox version any better than the PC one?

Good summary, but I'd like to emphasise that the atmosphere carries it pretty well for the first half. The latter half gets a little Lovecraft fan-fic.

Good fun. That shoggoth part is still one of my favorite chase sequences ever.

>tfw game is too intelligent for modern computers

Only because it's guaranteed to actually work. Obviously it looks shittier, but not having constant crashes and unrendered shit is a bonus. Oh, yeah, also it has terrible load times on Xbox.

It works, if you have an original xbox it's a decent way to play it.
I think there's also some minor version differences that aren't documented anywhere, like I noticed some of Hoover's lines were different between the Xbox/PC versions.

Just remember the final area is kind of a mess. On the final boss my entire game bugged and even though I was actually doing the right things to beat it it just wasn't working at all, it took like four game restarts before it finally worked. You also need to use a trainer to bump up your walking speed because for some reason I believe the walking speed was tied to framerate or something and is slower on PC than the Xbox so even doing everything perfectly in the final segment you can only just barely make it to the trigger, and that's if you're absolutely perfect without editing it whereas it's not even supposed to be like that.

The boat segment is also a bit wonky, and you can occasionally just die from insanity on the boat and in the next area because you're looking at endless abysses which can be infuriating when your guy just loses his mind.

Enemies are also infinitely respawning in certain areas so try to not stay around certain parts because they will come indefinitely and you'll just be pissing away bandages and splints.

Jesus, that sounds fucking terrible. like, literally unplayable.

I got an OG Xbox a while ago, I'll just play the game on it. fuck.

I didn't had any bug until I got on the boat.

First part you need to shoot at some points on an island but they were invisible so i skipped this part with a mod.

Then it's normal gameplay but the game kept crashing at some random cutscene so i gave up.

It's not unplayable but there's a lot of hiccups the PC version has because it was a port apparently done by like one guy in a very short amount of time as something was happening to the company if I remember right. The ending is mainly the most notable part, that's only where I really started seeing problems. I know that part with the walking speed frustrated the hell out of me because I tried for like a solid hour before resorting to Google on it.

Really not worth it man. Just because it's a Cthulhu game doesn't mean a lovecraft fan should play it. It really is mediocre as fuck. You might get an hour of enjoyment out of the beginning and after that it all just turns to shit and keeps getting worse.

I can only speak for the Xbox version, but I think it's worth a play, despite the hiccups. The atmosphere is second-to-none.

Nigga fuck off this game is great and probably the only real lovecraftian game we'll get.

I liked the game despite not being able to finish it () but i'll say Eternal Darkness has a much better lovecraftian atmosphere

>this game is great and probably the only real lovecraftian game we'll get.
>forgetting Bloodborne

>Real lovecraftian
>Mowing down hundreds of abominations with guns

You've never read Lovecraft have you?


I understand you're not serious, but I feel compelled to comment anyways.
Bloodborne is Lovecraft inspired. It borrows elements from Lovecraftian fiction. It is not comparable to Call of Cthulu in that it is not a direct adaption.

great first hour and after that it falls apart, I dropped it after the refinery

Movement speed is tied to screen resolution. Play on low resolution or you won't be able to complete certain parts.

The protagonist will signal you when you should feel uncomfortable or afraid, by becoming slow, unresponsive and blind. If you have a gun out he might kill himself. You'll be burning through morphine the way D2 characters burn through healing potions.

Injury system mans that whenever you're injured your ability to avoid further injury drops geometrically, and healing is far too involved to be done under pressure. This does not play nice with forced FPS mechanics.

>Movement speed is tied to screen resolution.
holy fuck are you serious? is this a thing?

You don't actually need a gun or ammunition to commit suicide, if sanity drops low enough you'll simply claw your own eyes out.

see (4th post)

Yes, it's no bullshit that the game was ported by literally one guy. It's amazing that it even saw the light of day on PC.

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

The guns are great, I don't know why so many people shit themselves over this game having guns in it.

>Sup Forums hates walking sims like Gone Home
>first few hours of Call of Cthulhu is literally, LITERALLY a fucking walking sim, albeit a fairly good one
>get guns halfway through the game
>Sup Forums shits itself in rage

Fucking retards. The best level of the entire game is some of the later ones where you have guns.

Get some bug fix patches, unfortunatly this game still isn't truly fixed yet but it's great. Also the guns are great, if you have played Red Orchestra 2 before, the guns behave like in that game with lot of sway, no cross hair, have to check how many bullets you have left it's really cool. But because the first half of the game is literally a walking sim where you walk around just soaking up the atmopshere, triggered little faggots think it turns into COD halway through when it doesn't at all. It's just the missions where you actually get the gun, is followed by a really bad shootout. The worst level in the game, but the game gets really good again after that but retards get put off it.

You might need to use noclip in a few areas though OP. Sometimes the game breaks badly, but this game is worth the effort.

That's even more hilarious. I'll try to do that if I ever get this wreck to run.

You're supposed to give drugs to the main character, not to yourself.

Dark Corners of the Earth is fucking worth it though you retard. If this game got a good bugfix patch, like VtMB did, I think this game could easily get in the top 10 of all time. It would be up there with other immersive sims like System Shock 2 or VtMB for sure.

>probably the only real lovecraftian game we'll get

A hollow and ridiculous notion.

Darkest Dungeon isn't Lovecraft

The game has bugs, but the only bug that fucks your gameplay is the one when you're on a boat and it doesn't render your target so you don't know who you're shooting at, but there's a fix that allows you to skip that part automatically after you're endred 3 waves or so.

Also, takes this in note: The game won't allow you to save your games if the PC timer is set to AM/PM instead of 24hs, so switch it before playing.

Not a literal Cthulhu mythos game, but it captures Lovecraft's cosmic horror perfectly.

>The game won't allow you to save your games if the PC timer is set to AM/PM instead of 24hs, so switch it before playing.

Except I saved the game like ten minutes ago and my clock is set on the 12 hour am/pm system instead of the 24 hour system.

If you fixed all the bugs, rebuilt half of the maps to alleviate trial and error gameplay, reworked the injury and healing systems, reworked the sanity system, put in a targeting reticule, and ripped the engine out entirely and rebuilt it from scratch, sure, it could be great.

Glad it works in your computer, it didn't in mine

>very good at making games

Just play this game, it's the game that Call of Cthulhu wishes it could have been.

Neither are really lovecraft other than visually and some lore content, I can't think of any game off the top of my head that properly captures Lovecraft anyway.

Install wined3d to circumvent the blue lights bug and you're fine. Alternatively install Gentoo and play on wine, it's actually more stable this way.

you are missing the point. I never said the guns are bad. I said he should uninstall after getting a gun. And I did say that because the game got a lot worse after that point, which makes sense seeing as the 2nd half of the game had to be rushed.

The gun completely ruins the feel of the game; though it's not entirely the gun's fault because at the same time the game's level design and pace is thrown out the window. Not having the gun made you feel vulnerable, compare the very first chase scene in the hotel compared to literally any other chase or similar scene in the game, none of them come close.

>install Gentoo

While that's true, I am no man to reject a tommy gun

>the only bug that fucks your gameplay is the one when you're on a boat and it doesn't render your target so you don't know who you're shooting at

There's a fix for this, apparently. It's mentioned on the PC gaming wiki, so it should be legit.


>The game won't allow you to save your games if the PC timer is set to AM/PM instead of 24hs, so switch it before playing.

I'm trying to imagine of how you could even achieve this. It just doesn't make any sense because 12 hour clock vs. 24 hour clock is purely a user display thing, developers don't deal with time in this manner unless they are formatting an input or output string. The only thing I can think of is they, for some retarded reason, decided to directly deal with formatted local time at some points and screwed it up. This is the mark of an incredibly inept developer. It's not an quick and dirty way or something like that, it's a stupid and amateur way.

I agree with this. I played the entire game, the longer you play the worse it gets

>that fucking boat part where dudes send waves at you


>put in a targeting reticule,

Kill yourself right now for thinking this you gay casual cuck.

>he doesn't disable crosshair in every game that lets him

Fuck you. Opinion discarded. The game is great as it is, all it needs is a bugfix.

Fuck that part.

Yes, I mentioned that literally right after that sentence

Except the second half of the game is great. The only bad part is right at the middle of the game in the fish factory.

>gun completely ruins the feel of the game

No it doesn't. It added to it. I went in hearing all your gayshit opinions and was loving the game, then went I found the first guns in the police station I thought, oh no, I was having fun, I guess now the games over. But decided to go on anyways. So fucking glad I did. Fuck you shit taste guys. I wonder how many people missed out on a great second half because of retards like you. The best 3 levels of the game are in the second half. The air filled tunnels, the reef and the city hall are all god tier levels.

2nd half > 1st half > middle of the game

If the game didn't have guns I would actually give it a lower score, because while the atmosphere is good in the first half, the games literally just a walking sim. Gameplay is important, and no only that but the gunplay itself was awesome. It was done so uniquely and so well in DCotE.

>muh level design

No. After 1 or maybe 2 bad levels, the level design actually gets better. Air filled tunnels is literally fucking god tier level design. It reminded me of Thief the Dark Project with all the crazy tunnels and otherworldly locations. Kill yourself for not liking it.

>Not having the gun made you feel vulnerable

Barely. Most of the no guns areas were literally walking sims, with a few stealth sections. The only vulnerable part was the first chase area. And yes you are right, that not having a gun did make you feel weak there, and it was a great area. But you can't have an entire fucking game be like that. You have to mix the pacing up. The game is better for having guns, which makes the pre gun area and the post gun areas even more unique feeling as the game never gets old and samey. Anyways, you lose your guns several times int he game anyways. Even in the last level, for like half the level you have no guns or any items at all.

What happens?

Your tiny dicklet must be rock-hard with rage.


Take you homo delusions elsewhere you shit taste faggot.

Kill yourself.

>All I know about Lovecraft is Cthulhu

>Yes, I mentioned that literally right after that sentence

You mentioned a fix that lets you skip that part after a couple of waves.

The fix I have linked should make that scene render properly.

Man you're not angry at all.

azathoth is dreaming

whisperer in the dark :^)

Nah I've read a chunk of his work and Darkest Dungeon isn't Lovecraft unless people going insane automatically makes a thing Lovecraft



>platforms: GameCube only
Who te fuck owns a GameCube?
Thanks a lot, fag

GC emulate gr8 now that dolphin is actually good

theres a very specific issue later that prevents you from continuing but it only affects amd cards. and only older models.
you shouldnt have any issues. nowadays.

i wish they didnt give you weapons.
or atleast maybe just the small pistol and very scarce ammo.
once you get weapons gameplay changes completely and all tension and atmosphere is basically gone.
the last few levels are great though.
and i love how you gradually get to see how the people slowly are more fishlike then human progressively.

Its more or less the vidya adaption of The Rats in The Walls

no it's not you fucking faggot
it's spooky tentacles so lovecraftian xd

>Fish people
>Air of hopelessness while your party either dies or just barely defeats the idiotic goons and minor organs of an ancient evil beyond human understanding,
>Narrated through the letter of a man who saw too much and killed himself
That's pretty fucking Lovecraft.

>mfw it won't open
>mfw it won't budge

very good. it was very buggy though. be prepared to do some basic in-game troubleshooting for bugs, and possibly looking online for a fan-made patch at 1 or 2 points in the game. for me I had to get the patch for the boat scene ~3/4 through the game.
it was still worth the effort.

omg the madness xp
so tentacle :0

Wtf with people complaining about bugs? Bought pirated copy first month after release and it worked flawlessly, exept little bug near the end of the game where you need to fire cannon.
The game is amazing, only Amnesia is arguably better.

That's actually a very accurate description of Lovecraft.

ignore all the idiots. the game is NOT buggy but it doesn't work right on modern operating systems because of compatibility issues. I beat the game twice on XP without any issues.

for my third playthrough, I played it on win7 using the same hardware. it was a nightmare. scripted sequences are broken which makes it impossible to progress in some areas. I got a BSOD on the ship level (which was my first blue screen experience on win7). I had to download a save game to skip to the next level.

the game was built on gamebyro which is a horrible engine. let me know if you have any other questions.

Not even the guy you're talking to, you're a faggot

Anyone know a good playthrough video?

I'm too shit at videogames to enjoy banging my head against simple puzzles and typical shooting.

If you're into Lovecraft you might dig it, I know I did. It has a few tense, good moments (escaping from the hotel, investigating a seemingly abandoned factory culminating in escaping from a Shoggoth, evading fish-people attacking a ship you're on) and it relies heavily on atmosphere. The first part is definitely the best part. I could never finish it, though, since the last boss was bugged.

TLDR: if you're a Lovecraft fan you'll like it, otherwise it's 'meh'.

I loved this game but since I got my new computer the fucker crashes all the time at the house at the start.
No amount of looking for a fix worked and I couldnt play it again.