Read Dead Redemption 2 pushed to 2018

Also some screenshots have been released. No mention of pc release date.

I think everyone saw that coming.

If they need more time to make the game better, then delays are probably for the best.

Still hoping we can see something at E3.




they did mention that we would be getting more info during the summer. So hopefully something is shown at E3


>No mention of pc release date.
>implying there ever will be one

>Gun is magnetically attached to a sting on his back

Fuck this shit, it's already way worse than the original. Leave it to fucking Rockstar to disregard player immersion and attention to detail, they would rather sell microtransations than make a good game. Fuck this shit, I'm mad as hell.

Are you blind. I can clearly see a strap going around his left shoulder and coming back from his right hip

Never, EVER

yeah but how is it attached


So was that leaked map from awhile back confirmed since OP's screenie more than likely takes place in Blackwater?

i like how the horse and the dude on the right just doesnt cast shadows, or the small rocks in front of them

Rockstar don't do E3.

The PS4 has the equivalent of a 660, a 5 year old card

yet The Division has shadows for small obejcts and people too

>piss shit recucktion
shit sequel to a shit game

looks like skyrim

>expecting dynamic shadows in an open world.
Man, even on PC version it's rare to have this feature(see tw3).

So the PS4 pro I got is just a paperweight nice

Yeah at this rate it won't come on any platform

don't hurt yourself

no tactical advantage whatsoever

>Those graphics

I've seen better looking PS2 games. No joke.

Sony put rdr2 in their e3 trailer so i think we will see something

Please post an example then.

>No mention of pc release date.

Good. More optimization for consoles.

Are you retarded? There's multiple ways that it could be slung on his back that way. The most common being the gun has those little sling slots that swivel attached to the gun instead of those sling slots that go in one side of the gun and come out on the other.

Nice bait

you're pretty good

>hurr I'm so fuckign retarded!1


>being this retarded

Revolvers take a long time to reload, so having 2 doubles your output, at least until you have to reload.
>he shoots 6
>you shoot 12

Nice bait

No, you haven't.

Were at the point where kids dont know what games use to look like and that good graphics are so normal now they are seen as bad looking.



thanks for testing ;-(

This game better have a train robbery scene because that's what RDR was missing

But it sort of had a train robbery scene where you steal the train with the rebels and then blow up the one train car and take money from it.

Don't give Rockstar any ideas.

Next thing you know, there's going to be 20 "prep" mission where you gather a bunch of random ass supplies and stare at trains to figure out how fast they go before you finally get to rob a train with an incredibly boring, mundane mission. Then Rockstar will base the entire story around these "great" train robberies.

Fucking shiteaters. They do this EVERY time. It can't just be delays, I bet they do it for preorders then "oops it's just not finished we're tots perfectionists xD!"

Don't forget train robbery dlc for mutliplayer that will get delayed for 3 years

Looks like it takes place further north than RDR, which is mostly what I was hoping for. As long as they don't do anything totally retarded with it I'll be pretty happy.

There's going to be heists and you know it

Train heist
Fortress heist
Mine heist
Riverboat heist

nice game rockstar

A horse ass and some mud??

What the fuck did user mean by this

Anyone that has anticipated a rockstar game before knew this. Good news is we'll probably be seeing more of the game from this point on.

of course it doesn't have shadows ps4 and xbone couldn't even run it otherwise

You fucking educated by mother fucking Walt Disney?

While in Rdr every light had dynamic shadows

Consoles can't into shadows

Bank Heist?
Saloon Heist?

the horse has no shadow

heist heist

Can't wait for this overhyped bugfest.

Not even once.

Shadows can't sell buffalo cards

>PC release

They did this with GTA IV and V as well.
How do you keep fucking up so bad that you have to delay a game you've shown practically nothing of, right after announcing it.

wtf i love scorpio now

It's retarded that they're not making one. At least with Redemption 1 they had the excuse that it was made specifically for consoles with weird architectures, but PS4 and Xbone are just gimped PCs.

>He doesn't remember the GTA release

Gta 5 game out for the xbox 360 and ps3 17 September 2013. There was no mention what so ever that there would come a PC version so everybody was tripping balls.

It was 14 April 2015 we got a PC release.

They did it with everyone of their games. There's no thing such as a non-delayed rockStar vidya

The Division

all 3 has just off from the top of my head

Well hopefully I can get some multiplayer going this time around, when I played it I missed all the release greentext stories and shit.

This time if I risk my life capturing a Mexican rebel fortress I better get to rape a beaner peasant woman if I choose to

shit replied to the wrong person, sorry, meant to reply to this
was me

Don't they have a partnership with Sony now? I think there's a chance we might see something at the Sony press conference.


E3 takes place in spring

But with guns

they better make shooting fun this time, those fags said they were gonna add max payne 3 gunplay to gta v and didn't

Why are the graphics so bad?

Shooting was kind of fun in RDR. Enemies had that perfect mix of GTA4's ragdoll and GTA5's stiffness when you shot them

yes, cant wait for the 720p downgrade, consoles holding games back yet again

this isn't your mountain climbing simulator that got delayed so they could add 1 more empty mountain

>Spring 2018
wow way to go with that half a fucking year delay
jesus christ rockstar

Pretty much every Rockstar game has had a delay. Everybody saw this coming.

I would have never seen this coming.

Well, most of us saw this coming.

Now the real question is what game will win GOTY 2017?

As sad as it sounds it's gonna be breath of the wild

>open world doesn't have 385438 dynamic light source.


I really don't want to buy a PS4/Scorpio for one game. Just confirm it's coming to PC already Rockstar you little shitbags!

I know that feel. Botw definitely does not deserve being GOTY.
Not saying it was bad but it was over glorified with praise.