My 1440p machine arrives tomorrow, what am I in for
My 1440p machine arrives tomorrow, what am I in for
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>gtx 960
>16gb ram
This was an okay computer like 3 years ago I guess
Stop making this thread.
not him but what's wrong with 16gb? im still running 8gb have had zero issues
Came here to post this.
more than 8 is a meme
8 is perfect, probably will be for a couple more years
Reposted bait thread, move along
this is disgusting. please stop making these threads user, I am thoroughly grossed out every time.
>not him
you're not fooling anyone.
>what am I in for
If you don't know, why did you buy it?
Ok its me your right.
Its not that off, I used a 970 for 1440p and it worked fine in all but a few games, namely Witcher 3.
I only upgraded because I an do 1440p/110hz too.
970 is much better than a 960
for what? half life?
No it isn't, in fact the 1060 is slightly better in most cases.
Also has that missing 0.5gb vram.
Not much same shit as your current PC but you'll be able to play games on high setting and with more FPS
Noone mentioned the 1060.
My mistake
Yes, yes it was. Now lick my feet.
With a 960 you aren't doing 1440p on any semi-demanding new games.
Not into that
What the fuck does the 1060 have to do with the 970 slaughtering the 960 you autistic piece of shit
They both make you mad for no good reason?
I used a 770 for my 1440p screen before
>this thread again
Stop posting to this retarded baiter and his pasta like yesterday.
SAGE this bullshit.
Bitch get down there
>he bought a 770 instead of a 280x
good going
I'd never buy AMD again, my last good AMD card was the HD3850
>I'd never buy AMD
Come now user, even I'll admit they were ok for bitcoin mining
I don't understand this attitude. Yes technically speaking those specs are a few years old but that will still run 99% of games perfectly well.
>Only has a 750 ti
How much life do you think this card still has? Its on the minimum requeriments for Tekken 7
Not at 1440p, not really.
>for 1k
>Run perfectly well
What are you, a moron?
With that budget he could of had 1070
is this prebuilt comp good for the price? its coming in the mail and was a bit under $2,000.
gtx 1080 ti
32gb ddr4 ram
240gb ssd and 3tb hard drive
Wrong. There's hardly any game on the PC market that will eat up all that power at 1440p. I could name the games it would struggle with on one hand.
You don't need to, I played with a 770 at 1440p for like two years, plenty will choke.
haha germanfag cant built his own pc
Not too bad, overkill on the ram desu though. Will be obsolete once the ryzen/vega combo is released
Classical prebuilt scam
Looks okay, but knowing pre-builts mostly use cheapest MOBO and PSU I bet you coul've saved some $$ doing it yourself
>32 gig of ram
lol why
Gore isn't aloud here
I got my cards confused, I thought the 960 was more powerful than it is, you're right, the 960 will choke.
Its okay I got confused above too.
This, in my life I owned 3 nvidia 2 amd, my last amd card was 7870 and there will probably never be another.
Nvidia might be jews, but at least their shit works
I really do hope Vega succeeds though, nvidia needs some competition. Looking forward to computex next week
>1080 ti
>240gbssd and 3tb hard drive
>under $2000
Not too bad, user, although if you were to build it yourself you could save a bit of money. You could even choose the parts and get someone else to build it if you can't be bothered, and it won't cost that much extra.
this piece of shitbox is overpriced as fuck. if you can't into pc specs just buy a goddamn ps4 retard
>720p machine
some badly optimized games will use more than 8, 16 is fine
stop posting this thread
Depends what you're doing with your pc.
I could do with 8, even 4, but some wagies I know don't even have enough with 16 because they use a bunch of bloatware like google drive, spotify, adobe suite, etc
If I spend 2 grand im getting more than 240GB of SSD
At least 3 years if you dont mind not playing at 1080p
Not actually playing anything and just coming back here.
Closer to 900p but yeah, still pretty pathetic
anything i'm missing with this build?
Is it worth it to get a 1070 now or a 1060 3GB and upgrade to 1080 or something else in a couple years?
Would you buy 680 today?
I guess not
If you don't plan on going far above 1080p the 1070 will last years.
it's not worth making a new thread so I'll ask here.
I built this back in 2013 and it's reached the point where I can't really run most new shit on even minimum.
Would I be better off upgrading parts or just completely starting over? I don't know enough about computer parts to comfortably make that decision myself.
>gtx 960 with i7 6700
are you fucking retarded? even 2x stronger gtx 1060 can't handle 1440p
Start over, maybe you can salvage the PSU but everything there is dated and AMD-AMD is just a bad choice today.
start completely over and buy intel cpu, not some meme shitty ryzen, along with nvidia card or rx 570/470 if you want cheaper but worse performance than gtx 1060/1070/1080
There's no such thing as a prebuilt that's good for the price.