Too fucking late. Gaming is dead

Too fucking late. Gaming is dead.
You had one chance to save it, and you failed. Next time don't be an autistic faggot about meaningless cosmetics.


What the fuck? Who cares about this dead shit.

>multiplayer-only game dies

Good fucking riddance. Every game that doesn't have a minimum 15 hour single player campaign belongs in the trash.

>tfw had fun playing Evolve with friends when it got rereleased

>$60 at release
>multiplayer only
thats enough for me to never play it

>quick google search near release revealed many articles about the game's dlc but nothing about gameplay
that's worrying

>a week after release see a thread on Sup Forums that basically shows what the game is
cool idea, shit product


Except people were autistically screeching about the DLC without actually looking into it. It was fucking skins, a

Nobody in their right mind can fucking defend the second season pass though

Imagine being this upset that a shit game with multiple season passes died.
Evolve dying was fantastic.

and there was other games being released at the same time with EVEN WORSE dlc schemes and people sucked that shit right up.

That's what pisses me off most. This game was specifically targeted over it's DLC, even though other games were treating the customer like even MORE shit.

you're acting as if everything is entitled to success, user. it's not. in any case they did themselves in before launch.

>Evolve dying was fantastic.
For filthy fucking casuals who don't care about games, sure.

>the future of gaming was a boring game mode of hide and seek which relied on team work between strangers and played out exactly the same way everysingle time for $60 with multiple season passes locking off more fun monsters for those retarded enough to cough up the money

"""Saving gaming""""

>have to buy games I have no interest in
What the fuck is even going on here?

Spotted the filthy casual who didn't even learn to fucking play, and only chased the monster like a retard.

reddit is mad because not everyone bought their flavour of the month left 4 dead copycat

How could a man be so wrong?

>reddit is mad
REDDIT is in fucking joy about it because they're cancer.

Evolve is a terrible tasting chemo. It may taste fucking awful, but it's the cure.

The others are cancer.

Cure to what?

multiplayer only games are the cancer, user.
especially when they only have a single objective

R6 Siege is one of the best shooters out right now and its both, online only AND has a 2 hour "campaign"

>actually had a misleading DLC package called Hunting Season Pass which isn't a true season pass
>didn't try to clarify the name, just hoped idiots bought it thinking it was their season pass

This was just one of the many problems with TR.

>he didn't even play the game
How cute, he thinks he's smart.

The fucking garbage we're getting these days. TF2 is fucking aids, mobas are ultra-fucking-autistic, normies are getting excited about cash-in shitty remakes, and retards are hoovering up the literal same game as last year except with a single pixel difference on one of the guns and three million worthless peices of DLC ontop of lootboxes and microtransactions.

Naturally, this cancer had invaded STAGE 2 because of faggots.

Is Evolve dead?

>literal garbage as the best game
Neck yourself.

Except that was 2k, not TRS.

Oh so only multiplayer-only games are being affected?

OH sorry user, I forgot, let me reiterate

People try to delude themselves, but people still play it like fanatics.

Stage 1/Legacy is what you want, Stage 2 brought a couple of nice things to the table; but absolutely shit on whatever made the original game good.

i like being able to customize how i look in games, im sure many people do as well, however i dont wanna pay real money for that shit
their cavalier attitude of advertising the mass amount of dlc as if it was actually a selling point of the game is what did them in, it makes them look like the stereotypical money grubbing jew and people see right through it

didn't even play the game confirmed

Of course he didn't

Nobody did.

No, user, I didn't spend 60$ plus tip on a multiplayer only game because I am not falling for reddit flavour of the month shit like yourself
you can continue to suck that 2k cock hard though
please buy more DLC! we don't have a lot of players so we really need it!

Again, you're acting as if this wasn't what Gearbox-2k wanted.

>trs are money grubbing jews
When they slapped down their 250k for their own IP against 2k's 11 million ridiculous outbidding in THQ's Bankruptcy? Why do this? They tried to take a low fruit and fuck over the devs.


Name your top five games then. I'll be waiting. You have 10 seconds to prove you're not a disease to games.

It's true, the dlc didn't fracture the community. Can't fracture what doesn't exist

Well, Turtle Rock is not dead yet. They're apparently working on another project according to their writer.

Onimusha 2
Yakuza 3
Resident Evil REmake
Metal Gear Solid 3
Megaman X

Sure is a lot of salty samefaggers in this thread. I'll keep enjoying my superiority by knowing I gave them 1000$!

>Naturally, this cancer had invaded STAGE 2
how exactly is it the cure then?
you arent making any sense

I don't have to prove jackshit to some sweaty fat autist who lives in his parents basement.
Seriously go fuck yourself, you have no authority over anything or anyone. You are an impotent little cunt and you probably jerk off to images of the monsters from Evolve.

Shit taste. Get out.

Look at how mad you are that your shit game flopped hard.

and yours, you fucking shill? Let me guess:
Borderlands 2
Mafia 2
LA Noire

>Shallow as fuck gameplay
>Lock the only interesting aspect of character dynamics behind paywalls
>"B-but free maps"



Doom 1993
Command and Conquer
Space Station 13
Planetside 1


no doubt you are a byond nostalgia blind retard
Please acquire a weapon so that you no longer have to post your autistic opinions in threads again
thank you for your service to 2K Games!

doesn't he have a roleplaying channel?

Pitiful. Please try again.

>shilling evolve
>in 2k17
fucking LA MA O

>devs and shills got so desperate they had to sexualize the Wraith monster in an attempt to get a niche audience to keep interest afloat

I remember all the "fan"art that came out for it and it wasn't even remotely hot.

is this you? Do you feel comfort in surrounding yourself in nostalgic values so you don't have to go outside into the evolving real world?

>posts a shitty jpg with a camwhore sjw and floppy tits

>Next time don't be an autistic faggot about meaningless cosmetics

Who cares. All this crap about DLC and nobody mentions the fact the core game loop was just deeply unsatisfying.

A cool sounding concept that they just couldn't execute in an at all fun way

>hating comfort
You must be literally autistic.

>Meaningless cosmetics
Im sorry what?

They locked characters and monsters behind DLC paywalls.

Evolve was a weak as fuck game with no depth because they insisted on locking the most basic interesting parts of their game behind paywalls, for a $60 game that was absolutely retarded.

And they may have changed it since then, they may have not argued the fact that not all characters or monsters were locked behind a paywall, but man they sure did communicate that you needed to pay for such things with their Monster Pack DLC bundles.

Gaming isn't dead, companies with good ideas fuck it up by being greedy cunts, and you have shitty companies like blizzard making shitty a FPS game that don't abuse DLC and unlocks new characters for free to keep the game somewhat interesing and balanced.

No, evolve failing didn't kill gaming, LOL style cash shops did.

Good job reading a single word out of that whole post you fucking degenerate

to be quite diddly honest, when talking about a game and just telling people "name your favorite game then" is not an argument to begin with,
you set yourself up to just say the guy has no taste no matter what game he chooses, which you already have done of course
in short, we're talking about evolve here, no other game

I hate how everyone fixates on the dlc part of this failure because it completely ignores how bad the game itself was, especially at release. 15 minutes of following footprints, short fight if you're lucky, monster runs away, rinse and repeat. And you better hope your tracker didnt miss the dome. It's like they looked at the laning phase of mobas and thought "we should turn that into a shooter"

>making excuses to delude yourself that it's not the devs and/or publishers own fault they fucked up the game before it was released.

That's some real serious faggotry right there. You should be in an asylum with the rest of the crazies

I don't keep up with news and shit, so I didn't know much about Evolve until stage 2 came out.
It was sorta fun for a gane or two, but ultimately felt boring and repetitive after maybe 5 games.

>They locked characters and monsters behind DLC paywalls.
Except you could still play them even if you didn't have them.

>Evolve was a weak as fuck game with no depth
rofl, you didn't play the game then. A single change in character forced players to rethink their strategy.

>And they may have changed it since then, they may have not argued the fact that not all characters or monsters were locked behind a paywall, but man they sure did communicate that you needed to pay for such things with their Monster Pack DLC bundles.
No, they conveyed the exact opposite; that you could easily be invited to a party, have somebody switch characters to one you don't have, and then swap positions with the person who didn't have it.

>Gaming isn't dead
So why did you list all the other things?

Except If he had good tastes and didn't enjoy the flavor of shit in his mouth, I would of complimented him on his good taste.

I didn't quit because of dlc, I quit because it was a buggy mess. If I'm playing medic and the bodies I'm trying to revive fall through the ground it's a little frustrating.

Yeah, because it follows the LOL model of game design which revolves around your cash shop.

You design a preset number of positions and have free characters to fill those positions, any new character is a functional replacement of that slot, and brings nothing interesting to the table because they're heavily restricted by their role, they've got to do what the other characters can do or else no one would buy them, yet they can't be better then other characters in any meaningful way or else people would bitch about pay 2 win.

They should have gone with map packs, not character/monster sales.

Learn to play you fucking dense faggot. They were only chase-fests if you were incompetent and didn't use all of your senses and THINK about what was going on.

Piles of bloody bones? Broken trees? Animals FREAKING THE FUCK OUT? The vast majority of the gaming population IGNORED THESE and played the game like it was fucking COD, and the medic keeps trying to 360 noscope the boss.

Stage 2 stripped out everything and makes it the exact game that everyone was bitching about.

Stage 1 was a deep in complexion and depth. You had to learn to play, but no, faggots wanted everything handed to them.

Back in my day, you had to WORK for your unlockables and shit.

Tried it when it became free. Game was boring as fuck. It's hide and seek. Whole lot of just running around the map chasing tracks and stuff. The movement isn't even fun either so it's not like you're really trying to go super fast or anything because it's just sprint and jet packs. Combat itself is also not mechanically engaging at all. Your target is a fuckhuge monster. Kinda hard to miss. It's more about just avoiding his attacks and using your abilities. But it's just so boring.

Idk atleast if you played VS in left 4 dead you were actually still shooting zombies and stuff even if you weren't trying to kill an enemy special infected. Not just running around chasing the special infected all game. That and it was 4v4 endurance to see who could get further and it was much more balanced and enjoyable for everyone playing.

Evolved unfortunately is just a really flawed concept that wasn't done well. Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th are much better assymetrical multiplayer games.

DLC is easy to argue about. You dont have to play the game to criticize it. But Evolve was a shit game anyways. Way too repetitive and way too much fucking running.

What do you do besides chase the monster? Get buffs from the braindead fucking fodder enemies?

Seems like all you fucking do in this gay ass game is chase a giant monster around and spam abilities at him while you spray your primary gun into his impossible to miss hitbox.

>local samefag refuses to get gud, calls game shit instead of himself.
Generation Z everybody!

>Gaming is dead.
>Referencing Evolve
Smells like bait.

The game will only be remembered as that L4D clone with 130$ day one DLC.

Who the fuck still cares about this?

>R6 Siege
>best shooters out right now

Siege fanboys are the literal worst. The game takes next to no skill to play because of how bad the peeker's advantage, netcode and serveres are.

The meta right now is rush in as att as ash (and have a glaz to get some easy kills), and jager/bandit/valk spawn kill. Ranks above gold means you're going to play against someone with 150+ ping, which gives them a full second of peekers advantage. Not to mention every gun except the shotgun can instant kill headshot from any distance.

Siege is to make people who suck at fps games pretend they're playing a tactical "realistic" shooter that requires strategy when in reality the game takes the same amount of skill as CoD.

That's what you're fucking doing wrong.
It's not fucking called CHASE
it's not fucking called RACE
it's not even called DEATHMATCH

It's called HUNT. You HUNT for the fucker. You look for CLUES to the fucker's wearabouts. You PREDICT where the fucker is going.

I mean, it should of been made mandatory to watch fucking Mantracker before anybody played this game.

Yes, it's only been that guy that has called the game shit in this thread, literally only that single person, meanwhile, there are all the samefaggy people that continue to defend the shitty fucking game

>Tried it when it became free
There's your problem. The free version is unanimously deemed the soulless version of the game.

The free version stripped out ALL of the content save 4 maps down from 16+, and revised them into shittier versions forcing the chase gameplay instead of a variety of playstyles.

>gaming is dead because my shit game is shit and no one played it

I forgot that Evolve even exists. Did something terrible happen to it recently or is this just a general complaint?

>How DARE you not spend 5 million dollars for a CHANCE to get what you want!

Anton slavic died for your sins you pathetic maggot.

No, just the autistic assburgers storm at launch from normie faggots.

Get your blizzcuck garbage out of here.
although i will sadly admit it is currently better than Team Fortress Jew at the moment. Fucking hats.

defend locking hunters/monsters behind paywalls
protip: You cant and thats why this game died, also it didnt have a singleplayer campaign and multiplayer Hunt ended up being boring after a while anyway

2K just wants more money so instead of making an actually good game they decided to spend $ on shills for an already dead game
that or Sup Forumsedditors are catching on that every person on this site can get baited extremely easily.
case in point: metal gear ruse threads

I don't even play Overwatch. I just thought it was a funny clip.

Not a samefag, but I'm the guy from the second post. This game was garbage. There was nothing to git gud about. The game requires no mechanical skill whatsoever. Aiming at a giant monster is easy to do. Avoiding super telegraphed attacks are easy to do. Following indicators to know where the monster is is easy. It's all easy. The only thing that was somewhat challenging was playing the monster. It's also the only fun part of the game, but even then it isn't that fun.

The game is a fuck ton of running around trying to land a dome on the monster. And then spamming abilities and gunfire into his hugeass. Sorry but the concept of fighting a giant monster 4v1 seems like it'd be interesting, but it's actually really flawed and shitty. And is usually boring for everyone win or lose. The game requires no skill. And winning as the monster is usually about how well you can avoid the enemy team until you reach level 3. Winning as humans is about catching him.before then. Then you just dome it and spam your abilities at eachother.

I enjoyed the beta but the game wasnt worth $60

Protip: The git gud argument doesnt work here. One party's goal is goal is to actively turn the game into a boring chase fest. The other party wants to kill the monster within 5 minutes at stage 1. Someone is going to be disappointed. Could it be everybody?

Doesn't help that the original game was a soulless to begin with.

Aren't you the guy who spent a lot of money on this game because you have monster fetishes?

Except they didn't. You could play them without having them; just not select them.


>Not a samefag
>nothing to git gud about
>The game requires no mechanical skill whatsoever
>Aiming at a giant monster is easy to do.
>This entire post.

oh wait you're serious. please get mental help.

No you just chase him and try to cut him off. Big fucking whoop he scares birds or leaves corpses. It doesn't fucking matter, clues or not you're just fucking chasing him around the map until you can dome him.

Ohhhh see its just like real hunting! A fuck ton of walking around. Except unlike hunting you're actually just nonstop sprinting after what you're hunting while you look at what general area he's in based off of what clues he leaves behind.

There's nothing smart or challenging about it. It's just oh he scared birds there. You guys go that way, we'll go this way and he'll have to run into one of us. Oh hey corpses, he must be this way. Oh hey tracks. It's not challenging or anything, call it hunting all you want. But it's about the same as mindlessly chasing a blip on a radar.

No, I spent a lot of money on this game because I liked the game-play. I didn't give a fuck about anything but the game-play. I played in alpha and beta and enjoyed it immensely.

Of course, then the tide of mongoloids came.

I'm pretty sure whole different monsters were still required to be purchased right? It's 60 dollars for a multiplayer game with content cut out right from the start. You don't exactly get a lot of good will without really displaying that your product will be worth money withoutnreally proving it.

LMAO the retard who defended Evolve is actually here

Haha fuck off man your cashgrab game is dead

Funny guy right here.

>summon a demon and expect them not to appear

>that one assravaged evolve autist is STILL spreading his anal pain on Sup Forums
let it go dude

What am I wrong about? Aiming at the monster is easy there is literally no mechanical skill involved. And what little strategic skill is involved is easy enough that a 5 year old could pick it up.

Game is nothing but running around shooting at a giant monster. Please tell me how this isn't the case because I played it for about 30 painful hours since 2 of my friends insisted it was good once it went free. And I kept giving it benefit of the doubt. I have never wasted my time more thoroughly. It was and is the most boring and braindead game I have ever played.

Thanks, now i have to watch Total Recall

No, you could actually get into a game in progress and get put into a monster you didn't already own. Same with the hunters. You were only paying to select it in the lobby

I just got in the thread, think before posting.

and besides you people make me laugh anyway.