Terraria is my favorite game
Terraria is my favorite game
Good for you, too bad nobody gives a fuck
It is a pretty good game
I definitely care. That game is fucking suck and cucks should be ashamed for making bred that takes up space that could be used for minecraft.
What do you even do? Looks like niggery desu
Will Sup Forums ever be able to host a Terraria server for more than a day
Haha brown bricks
Did Trump deport you?
Holy shit, this...
>Step inside any server that's been created from Sup Forums or /vg/
>Meme names everywhere
>people flying into an austic rage if you don't do something thats been done routinely the same way over 9000 times to that autist's specification (one time had a guy scream at me for minutes because I wasn't setting up stairs properly the way he wanted)
>5 minutes into server WoF is already dead
>Some faggot spawns all three mech bosses
>proceeds to fill zone with corruption/crimson and bomb houses
>some nigger steals all your items
There...think I just about covered the experience
Mine too
It has a bullshit difficulty for solo players though, i enjoyed it a lot when was released, but trying to make another run in hard alone it´s just pointless.
git gud
All video games are pointless.
I lost interest in it pretty quick, but I'm glad you enjoy it, user.
>tfw I immediately know whats behing the spoilers
I spend too much time here
>That game is fucking suck
>Beating WOF within a 12 hours on a Sup Forums terraria server
Never happens because nobody is coordinated at all.
Everyone always fucks off to their own corners of the world gathering gear for the first day the server is up.
>brown brick
round face
I love terraria, I played maybe 200 hours with my gf and a friend, very comfy game.
And I'm a bit autistic, digging is fun.
Terraria is a fun game, but playing it with a friend of mine kind of burnt me out on it.
>friend isn't creative at all
>every world we go wants to set up in the same biome
>builds some stupid commieblock and generic stone buildings
update fucking when
Only minor updates from now on. They said that the last big one was the last.
Also, it's good for the mods.
Modders will finally be able to go full autistic with their mods without worrying about compatibility with the next version.
It fucking sucks it sucking fucks. And I don't like it.
wasn't there going to be new blocks and other stuff soon (tm)
nothing as big as some previous patches but still
>my gf and a cuck
Or even more likely you're the cuck
>200 hours
you are like a little baby watch this
>being a normalfag
Nah he's our beta friend who doesn't have much in his life and hang with us.
Why do you care anyway? Do you even play video games or do you come here to spurt Sup Forums maymay?
Well once I've done everything in the world, killed everything, looted everything, made holes everywhere, emptied an entire map of its blocks with the spaceship digger for fun and made a few fun houses and traps, what is there left to do?
my negro. I keep creating new chars and it never feels like I've sunk an entire bloody month into the game
Mod it you Turbo-cuck
forgot pic
>Mod it you Turbo-cuck
What kind of mod do you recommend? What website, if there is such a thing?
The only ones I found that looked nice were not available for the latest version anyway.
I dont care at all im just shitposting and I dont know why, maybe its funny for someone, like that reee from fellow user was kinda funny
am I the only one that enjoy expert mode? It requires you to make preparation for boss fight instead of mindlesly shooting your minishark
Most people here don't play anything but Expert mode now.
>go to terraria's forums
>Yet Another Boss Health Bar
get tModLoader. it has a built in mod browser now which lets you download, mix, and apply mods on the fly. as for recommended mods you could try Calamity Mod if you want ow the edge ad infinitum with bosses that actually mutter "pshh nothing personal kid" mid-fight and BIG MEATY NUMBERS
you'd be the only one if you enjoyed mediumcore and up
tried it once but didn't finish it altho having a backup armor set for rescuing the current gear was fun for a while
expert all the way tho
>That game is fucking suck and cucks should be ashamed for making bred that takes up space that could be used for minecraft
what did he mean by this?
Thanks m8, I'll look it up.
wasn't there another big update teased with the last patch?
Preach it.
>Have everything in place to add a throwing class to the game
>Already have it in for pre-HM
>We don't want to actually make it a play style for the whole game because it would be too much work to add in
also, i'm a 14 years old who's stuck inside the body of a 20-somethings old, fat slob
MODS can't read spoilers; enjoy the ban kiddo
Softcore and Expert is the way to go.
I,uh.. what?
Post your commie blocks
I can't decide if you were going for some intentional blended/patterned look, or just filled in gaps at random with whatever materials you had lying around
Someone post that thread about the guy running a shitload of characters at the same time and roleplaying in an extremely autistic fashion.
You would have to make unlimited ammo, or something like range weapons use. Thrown weapons would be too resource based, considering your main weapon can be depleted.
Pls tell me this is intentional. it looks pretty ebin 2bh desu
There's plenty of throwing based melee weapons that nobody uses that can be switched to it, like the shadow daggers and even boomerangs.
Has tModloader been updated along with Thorium and all the other good mods?
I think I can see loss...
Is there anytjing worse but playing with a pal, going to a certain poimt and never actually finishing the game?
Ive got to mechanical on a serb, first time I modded, had a blast but now he got a new console and I doubt he will come back. Even grinded magic quiver and ahnk shield, all for nothing.
Your favourite game is a shitty 2D clone of a game for autistic children.
Has Tmodloader updated for 1.3.5 yet?
last I saw it was supposed to be a week or so from now
Is Starbound worth playing?
This is my favorite game as well. Minecraft can suck big black cocks with it's complete lack of any sort of real RPG aspect to it. I've put in over 2000 hours into Terraria. I couldn't imagine doing that in Minecraft. Terraria is what Minecraft should've been.
You can play Tmodloader without an update. The simple method is to make an extra Terraria folder.
If you pirate it. Will entertain you for 20-30 hours probably and you will never return to that game again.
Is there a server people are playing on?
Or a discord or something? I'd love to start a new world with a bunch of faggots and call you out all the time for building shit.
My degree of building is just digging down, making underground comnie blocks and placing some fireplaces and platforms for bosses, at most.
Diss iz dildos.
Sup Forums servers never work
I've hosted a Sup Forums set of servers for like months. It's always fine, even without tShock.
there's 2b2t, but they don't take kindly to newfags. Expect a lot of difficulty in escaping spawn.
Game really became fun after they added the Apache
2b2t is shit ever since that youtuber's retard gang showed up and the owner removed biblebot