Anyone played open beta of Paragon yet? Had a look at some gameplay, looks pretty cool.. thoughts??
Anyone played open beta of Paragon yet? Had a look at some gameplay, looks pretty cool.. thoughts??
I've watched a friend play it on his PS4 a few times.
It just seems like any other moba. Not very interesting. I'm sure it's fun to those that like them, but I just can't possibly see the value.
Also, I always get LAWBREAKERs and PARAGON confused. LBs looks atleast a little interesting though.
Aesthetically it looks cool as shit and the 3rd person looks nice
I might grab the open beta
damn this game has actual graphics, im gonna have to check it out
You didn't even post the ass shot. You worthless fuck.
I've sunk more hours into this game than any other on ps4. Its my first moba but from what I've seen its basically the same as the others. Sadly getting into it right now is far less enjoyable than with the beta first dropped. Heroes are gated off and only unlocked after you've played a certain amount of time. Plus the while card system means you won't be making any worthwhile decks for a long time.
Download it and give it a try. All the heroes are free and a new one is added every 3 weeks.
Played back in closed beta and burned out
It's OK
Played it for a short while. Doesn't really bring anything new to the genre but it sure looks pretty.
lawbreakers is a shooter, different genre
Slow as fuck, no point it being 3D as the vertical options are nonexistent.
>actual gameplay
what am I supposed to be seeing here?
You posted a 9 second webm of attacking creeps whats your point? isnt that pretty standard in a moba...
Someone clicking M1 repeatedly. Like most MOBAs, this is pretty much the entirety of the gameplay.
Game needs work.
Very beautiful, but it gets boring quickly.
Maybe its due to the lack of content.
looks cool and fluid. similar to smite but not as fast it seems.
>using a bot game to demonstrate gameplay
>lol soccer is just kicking a ball
It's the same either way. Click mobs for 20 minutes until you've leveled enough to fight the other team.
The animations are shit
It's ok.
Lt. Belica is the best waifu and character in general. Steel is also cool.
>Let's get the absolute best 3D modelers/animators in the business AND USE THEM FOR A FUCKING MOBA
What a shitload of fuck
Its shit.
Boring and clunky combat. 3d person view is just a gimmick, combat dont feel like action game at all, most skills are boring aoe or even passives, not much skillshots or interesting mechanics, so it plays like fucking dota, only with wery closed up camera, making fights not fast and slasher/shooter-like, just uncomfortable to aim and limited vision. Map is big, but boring and plain, 2/3 of the game is farming creeps or jungling, so you can buy items(most dont have interesting effects or actives just dmg and hp) to destroy fat towers. Games last 35-45 mins witch minimum action and mass battles. Graphic and character design are,again, grey, plainn and boring
Belica was nerfed to shit. She's still pretty decent but not as good as she uses to be. And Countess is best waifu, then Fey and finally Kallari