"Teacher, user forgot to do his homework and bring his copy of fallout 4 and skyrim to class today"

"Teacher, user forgot to do his homework and bring his copy of fallout 4 and skyrim to class today"

No Todd please stop bullying me

No self promotion in class, Todd. We're here to learn.

fuck off todd this isn't financial arts

Todd posting literally never gets old

These were never remotely amusing and I wish people who spam it would kill themselves.

Oh fuck off, Todd. Now I'm really not buying your games.


dont bully todd sama, he is cute!

tfw Fallout inspection day and you didn't bring your copy to school so Nurse Todd laughs at you writes you up


that's a big pepe


did someone say PROMOTIONS?

you cheeky wanker


Todd stop interrupting my class. I don't care that user doesn't have your games. Maybe if you had put actual effort into your games like Obdidian, you wouldn't need to constantly remind people about them.

i luv u tod

Dr Pirate, i'm TODD

How do you bring a download to class?

but morrowind is better than anything Obsidian made
black isle isn't obsidian

teacher, does fallout new vegas and oblivion get me partial credit

Obsidian was Black Isle and Troika, pleb.

>New Vegas
That's a grade letter deduction.



Im sure thats unoriginal as shit but its the first time i've seen it and i kek'd

retro maymays

How many young boys has Teacher Todd seduced over the years?

Teacher, I saw Todd beating up Obsidian before class again.

Yeah, that was Blast from the Past.
