Can anyone explain this meme? Why are Bethesda's games labeled as theme parks while Stalker isn't? Both have open world and quest markers.
Theme Park design?
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Stalker takes itself seriously
well fallout 4 literally has a theme park in it
Fallout 3 does too.
World doesn't feel like an actual environment, a living world. Instead it feels like a theme park where you're being herded from ride to ride.
>first, noob stalker, you learn how to shoot at cordon
>then you help our friends at cordon driving off bandits
>next ur ready for exciting underground adventure
>now u shoot up these soldiers
>how MLG! brace urself for exciting chernobyl NPP CoD ride stalker!
stalker has ai shit handling everything that goes on in the game world like npcs and monsters moving from area to area, even if the player isn't present things are happening and the world is moving.
bethesda games just leave shit laying around for the player to find and the entire world is stagnant and dead.
That's not true. Traders move from places to places. Some non-essential NPC's do to, like the Enclaves and BoS grunts.
Every conflict or event in a Bethesda game is obviously waiting for you to arrive before it would ever start.
And also Oblivion. Definitely Oblivion.
Stalker isn't popular enough to be hated here.
Obscurity is a selling point for some.
And STALKER isn't? Guys in agropom won't start shooting at each other until you're there.
>Why are Bethesda's games labeled as theme parks while Stalker isn't?
if we're contrasting those two games only it's because stalker doesn't have "fantastical" landmarks and attractions
its scenery is functional and based off working environments, not "lol imagine if there was an area like-"
Fallout 3s world was completely nonsensical and just consisted of a bunch of locations the writers felt were cool one-off gimmicks
4 doesnt have that problem, its problem was from having an incredibly boring world where theres like two actual towns because of the abysmal settlement building
i actually forgot that happens so i guess that counts.
though bethesda's "radiant ai" is just npcs following a predetermined schedule. shit gets weird in oblivion when npcs will all just get up at the same time and walk around town to their next location and the streets are empty again.
>b-b-but X is like this too why don't you like Y (game I like)
the mental gymnastics OP is going to is going to be hilarious
Because fallout is "fun" whereas stalker games are always making you feel like your in a shit situation and the odds are always stacked against you. Even in more serious fallouts like new vegas you can get pretty powerful and use a weapon like red glare upgraded from the divide and just fuck up novac with ease, hell you could take a NCR camp or legion camp with ease. Meanwhile in stalker you have to crouch and carefully move cause some asshole with a rifle has laser sights on you from 100 meters away and chances are you probably have a pistol and a shit SMG at that time.
epic green text, friend
and it shouldn't.
epic meme Sup Forumsro XD put me in the screencab on /r/Sup Forums XD
>4 doesnt have that problem
Did you somehow miss the giant rocket boat with the robot crew?
At least you tried
4's world and landscape are more diverse than anything in Fallout 3 and NV combined.
Yeah not really
I mean there is the gary vault
The whole tenpenny/megaton quest is kinda funny
The radio emision really light up the atmosphere
Also the ghoul in the three
NATO rifle with 400 ammo is pretty OP though.
alright, you convinced me anons. I'm playing stalker, what mods do I download?
Do moving traders really provide you enough of an impact to change the way the game is played?
ZRP, nothing else
Maybe some graphics mods later
vanilla SOC first
call of chernobyl for ultimate sandbox experience. azazel mode is fantastic.
Diversity in this case doesn't help because it's very badly expoilted
The 2 city are in the same environement
And there is nothing really disctint about the landscape
No nest of some creature or notorious bad guys
It does'nt look the same but it feels the same
Stalker was extremely popular here when it was released. Calling it obscure is fucking retarded, it's just older.
Stalker was pretty popular everywere honestly
World designed in a way even an idiot could navigate through, typically through linearity.
Enemies that are little more than set pieces in design, you could go through the whole game doing the same boring strategy, often because they are pretty interchangeable in gameplay.
The world design and lore pretty much only serve to sycophants to the player, making NPCs and enemies praise you for the most inane shit.
World building is incredibly shallow and contradictory and would typically completely collapse if you even peek below the surface.
Especially concerning distance, layout, and NPC/enemy demographics and logistics.
The world is completely detached from everything else. It's like they designed a 200 year old wasteland, and then randomly dotted it with people and settlements later.
>oh no the wasteland is so dangerous and it's so hard to survive and everything wants to kill you bawww
>and yet there are settlements everywhere and people are farming and building and trading and doing all these things that civilized people do
>and yet these same settlements and buildings are also ramshackle shanty towns with skeletons and garbage everywhere that nobody bothers to clean up
>and somehow bandits and raiders (who have no reason to exist because surviving in the wasteland is easy and you can just join up with one of the dozens of settlements) outnumber everybody else by a factor of 10 even though such a parasitical lifestyle is only possible when it's the complete opposite
>hey here's a random building nobody has ever looted in the 200 since the Great War, but it also somehow has post-war items and other shit that has no place being there
>here's a building full of teddy bears and skeletons in wacky situations. Aren't we good at environmental storytelling guise?
>here's a suit of power armor sitting on a rooftop for 200 years just waiting for the player to grab it
It's been a long time since I seen someone use bawww like that.
It's also less aesthetically cohesive and interesting than the other Fallouts. Go figure
This is why anytime I recommend fallout 4 to someone I tell the to just treat it like a dumb FPS with a goofy setting. The RPG elements and canon in those games (not including NV in the bethesda games) are fucking dead, the overall canon of the wasteland is fuckng gone, Bethesda is just selling "fun" now.
There's nothing wrong with theme park.
I'd rather have fun than going through a dull world with one enemy per 30 minutes.
True that. NV sucks as an FPS. The dungeon design is too tedious and Mojave is a dull, empty wasteland. Fallout 4 has more combat, more respawning enemies, and more enjoyable non questline experience.
Because Bethesda games are fun and Stalker is shit.
yeah. and NV is an actual rpg with actual role playing elements. and mildly decent writing.
Don't mind me, I'm just gonna chill out in the unpowered supermarket for 200 years.
What's that? The unripened bananas you bought a week ago are already rotten? Pfft. Whatever.
>Bethesda really doesn't even bother trying anymore, they've gone full retard.
>muh rpg
>muh writing
Only socially inept neckbeards love those shit.
Zone Reclamation Project, as the other user said. It fixes a lot of unintentional issues and makes the game stable, but leaves the experience intact.
And Fallout 4 has neither, in addition to being a weak FPS.
The FPS is pretty strong with damage mod.
yes. the majority of the population is composed of socially inept neckbeards. who knew. hence why the review scores show that even normies hate fallout 4 :)