Finally beat Persona 5 with about 100 hours total

>Finally beat Persona 5 with about 100 hours total
>Have to live life with out meaning till the next Persona game
Just another 10 years, right?

>Le depressed millennial xDD

Don't worry, you have great titles such as p5 arena, dancing all day, and racing to look forward to :^)

There are tons of shitty waifu sims

Go replay P4 faggot. I know you want to.

persona racing game???

how would that work

Make your life have meaning. Go out, grab the world with both hands and mold it into the world you want. If there's nothing you would die for then what are you alive for?

shit wrong person

They'll probably re-release it on Switch or something soon enough

There was only 2 years between Persona 3 and Persona 4

Persona 5 is an anomaly. It was supposed to come out in 2014.

>on Switch

So when do we start talking about spoilers? I just beat the game too, so I'm happy I can finally safely jump into these threads

Worst part is that Hashino isn't gonna direct P6, so it's probably not gonna be as good as 3-5.

just use spoiler tags unless the thread calls for it

it's only been out for like a month and a half, and it's a huge game

I'm in the same boat OP. I'm replaying 5 to platinum it then I'm going to replay 4G afterwards, then I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

I don't care about generic kawaii anime shit VNs
On what?

>100 hours
How? I'm at 68 hours and just about done (I'm at Shido's palace). It's not like there's anywhere to explore. Mementos is simple and populated by weak enemies and the palaces are all linear.

I kind of wish they do take the series in a different direction. As good as P5 is, I don't think I'd want another high school life sim that more or less covers the same beats.

I just finished P4 and im going to P3 before i start P5, is P3's plot better than P4's?

Yeah, a little. Everything else is worse though.

Everything is better

I wouldn't really mind either way, but I'm worried that deviating from the formula with a new director probably won't turn out well. If it does though, I'm all for it.

It's really different tonally, and takes a long time to get interesting. Honestly, I think P3 vs P4 is a matter of personal preference. If you liked the mystery solving and close friendships of P4, you might be a bit dissapointed in P3.





They said the next persona game will be much closer, don't worry. Especially with how well it sold, they will throw out another one within the next 3-4 years.

I was about to type "At least it will be worth the wait in the end" and hit submit, but then I remembered Persona 4.

So let's hope that doesn't happen again.

Maybe they could build something out of the scrapped concept of jetting around the world? If not for a core title, but for a spinoff to test the waters for a persona game that isn't firmly seated in a high school.

Hell yes. As for the whole game, you'll notice that it's definitely an earlier title in the series, but it won't detract from the experience much, if at all.

Then again, I'm that fuck who likes Tartarus and Mementos (even if the latter seemingly has zero threatening enemies, ever) so what do I know?

I hope not. As much as I want another Persona game in my life, I want them to take their damn time. Look at Persona 4, two years after its predecessor. Now look at Persona 5.

The wait hurts, but I have no desire to suffer through another Persona 4. I might actually kill myself if that happens after 5.

That was my thought process too, but people beat this shit within a week of release and were already spoiling major shit. Honestly, I thought I was late to the party despite getting my copy at launch

You're in the minority. Persona 4 is a beloved game.

Reminder that studio zero handed off Persona to another team. We project Re Fantasy from now on muh nigs

I just finished P4 too and P3's plot is miles above P4 retarded murder mystery
I'm gonna replay P3 now,all that dick sucking in P4 left a bad taste in my mouth.

I know that feel op. The worst thing is thinking how old you'll be when P6 is finally released.

At least you can look forward to some kind of P5 re-release or something

Keep in mind that Sup Forums is pretty much the only place where people shit on Persona 4. It's considered one of the best JRPGs of all time, and rightfully so.

Its the Sup Forums cycle

When a new sequel is released, the one before is instantly shit and the one before that one is the best game ever.

Different for me. I hope they reuse assets and push out a sequel quickly. Waiting forever for 5 killed the game for me. I prefer to get a sequel that's good like P2 and P4 than wait forever and get something that's just ok despite multiple delays and still was rushed.

Persona 5: Eternal Punishment when?

This one is a bit different, since people have been shitting on P4 for years at this point.

Persona 5 was my first entry in the series.

Is it going to be hard to go back to the older ones? I heard that Persona 3's main dungeon is really bad.

>game tells you to get out there, seek for a meaningful life and make good friends
>the game's audience just stick to fapping to their favorite girl and wait until Atlus chugs another game at them; be it a new entry or a half-assed spin-off

The Persona fanbase is pathetic.

I'll buy all of them

P5 had a lot of quality of life improvements, but no it isn't impossible to go back as the core game is still pretty much the same. Yes, P3's singular dungeon is fucking awful.

Persona 3 main dungeon is like Mementos, only twice as long

The same way FFVII is so praised, even though it's nothing special other than it was a massive game with pretty locations at the time.

Sup Forums might go to too far extremes, but it is a good thing that this place questions why popular games are praised rather than just going through the motions.

Everyone also shit on P3 too.

>western release date

The degenerates and money-grubbers of Japan had ancestors whose testicles were riddled with radiation. Now their descendants have half-functioning brains that compel them to copy the western traditions of greedily consuming franchise after franchise, spending countless Asia-shekels on materialistic garbage that will be outdated by the end of the year, in some gross cross-breed of escapism and god-worship.

>It's considered one of the best JRPGs of all time
People consider FF the best rpg series,your point?

>Its the Sup Forums cycle
Stop being a faggot,I finished P4 today and only played P1,P2IS and P3

Persona 4 gets no where near the amount of praise that FF7 gets. P4 is still a niche game. Furthermore, unlike FF7, people aren't just relying on childhood nostalgia when they praise it.

VII is special though. The characters and setting are amazing. The big corporation destroying the environment is still a unique powerful story theme.

It's a vicious cycle.
>The SMTfags shat on P3
>The P3fags shat on P4
>The P4fags shat on P5
Rinse and repeat

Unless the JP version had English text and nobody told me, you could find videos of late game bosses on YouTube a week from release when Atlus was threatening to do horrible things to people who uploaded or streamed anything past 7/7

wow so Sup Forums is just a bunch of drones, so why should i listen to your advice again?

Newfag, please. P4 was shat on way before P5 even had an announcement trailer.

Sup Forums shitting on FF kind of falls into the same boat. There's never any real criticisms, just "too linear" or "shit characters". And then everyone gets mad and starts shitposting.

Fuck everybody, I liked Tartarus. The length and the mystery made me want to explore it more

I know. I never implied otherwise

>P4fags were the biggest cancer to the Megaten fandom
>now P5fags are the biggest cancer to the fandom

I don't want to see what P6 has in store for us.

At least you can change the soundtrack in the dungeon once you get DJ Fuuks in the house
Hell, the default music for Tartarus actually evolves as you clear each block, can't say the same for mementos

If you're part of a fandom in the first place, you're the cancer.

P5 is the goat smd

Come on, now. It changes so slightly that you can barely even call it a change.


If you engage in threads about Persona, you're a fan and part of the fanbase. You just called yourself cancer.

At least it's there. Hearing the exact same track for an entire section of a game wears thin, especially when Kaneshiro's one-shot wonder dungeon has at least two themes wasted on it

>Just another 10 years, right?
P6 is gonna use the same engine as P5 and be out in like 3 years what the fuck are you talking about

look at the time between P1 and P2, or P3 and P4

You barely spend any time in mementos relative to the rest of the Palaces. Those all have completely different themes.

More like 5 spinoffs and an enhanced edition 4 for the next 7 years

I thought the persona director just left the studio, doesn't that imply we aren't even going to get a persona 6? or that when we do, it just won't be as good?

hoping i'm wrong here, loved every game in the series so far. I still love 4 but i have a lot of gripes with the cast. P5 is a literal 10/10 for me

>look at the time between P3 and P4
They can't be that shameless again... can they?

He said that he's handed off the Persona franchise to his successors, implying that they are working on the next Persona game. At least Soejima and Meguro didn't leave too.

Dragon Quest 2, Final Fantasy 8 or Dynasty Warriors 4 are considerated as ones of the top 100 best games of all times by japaneses and yet those are terrible games

And no, those games weren't something special in his era, just overrated piece of shit (and this is coming from a DQ fan)

There's always a nostalgia factor when it comes to this
Also P4 is almost 10 yrs old so you should expect a lot of people defending the game pretty soon

>They can't be that shameless again
>already trademarked several P5 spinoff titles, including P5 Dancing, P5 Arena, and PQ 2

atlus knows no shame

This isnt actually true anymore if you take the time to look at consensus around the internet. Gamefaqs hates it, r/Persona hates it, Neogaf hates it, the only place that seems to unanimously like it is GiantBomb and thats because of the ER. Since about 2012 P3 has become the favorite again somehow and I agree its very fucking bizarre.

Sup Forums loved the shit out of it at release and thought it was better in every way to 3 from the story to characters and I have no idea how the general perception turned against it here again.

>want to play Persona 3
>find out you can't romance the robot girl in either version

If PQ2 was made, what would Sup Forums like it to be? More P3/P4 shenanigans? P4/P5 crossover? Or some wild story purely about P5 gang just so you can have chibi depictions?


That's a lie.

you can hit her pleasure button though


I'd like it to at least include P2 since it and P5 are pretty tonally similar

but it won't

picked up

I don't even want to imagine what kind of story they would write with another time-traveling crossover. I'd rather have the P5 cast with 3 or 4 well written new characters.

Aeon link in FES, my man. Aigis' link begins in January and you literally have to only do her link in that month to finish it because the final boss is on the 31st.
Though P3 doesn't really let you choose a waifu, since all female S.Link characters fug the MC anyway.

>I remember when Sup Forums would spend 250 posts arguing if Kanji was gay or in love with Naoto
>Brosuke is now considered one of the worst characters in the series somehow
>There are anons on this board who actually like characters like Akihiko and Yukari

Fuck this gay earth.

What if they brought all the Confidants into the plot as Persona users? They're all conspirators at the end of the day, having them all get trapped in a shadow world with the original Phantom Thieves would allow them to demonstrate that they really are "as thick as thieves".

Plus it'd be hilarious when Kawakami tries to creatively cover up her connection to Joker - and then realises that Joker's cat can talk, and also knows too much.

>>find out you can't romance the robot girl in either version
You can.
You do.
In fact, it's the only canon romance in P3.
In "The Answer" you play as the Robot girl who gains the main character's powers after becoming so depressed and losing meaning in her life after his death that she reverts back to a robotic attitude and has to re-learn emotions.

I'm watching the ending credits right now! 125 hours on merciless.

I beat Persona 5 at around 160 hours.

Anyone else get a longer playthrough?

isnt it the new one is shit while the one before it is the best?

I'm literally still on my first playthrough and have about 53 hours right before Kaneshiro's change of heart.

>tfw Philemon is never going to show up again
>same with Nyarlathotep


persona 4 came out 6 years after persona 3

persona 5 came out 5 years after 4, you might be retarded

Isnt there a butterfly in the first animated cutscene in P5? Also everything involving Igor and the Twins definitely says otherwise dawg.

I'm about to finish the P5 NG+. I've played both of the Persona 2's, P3FES and P4 golden at least twice already, but never played P3PSP with female MC. Should I play that next?

Gotta love the Persona and SMT games. Give you some bang for your buck.

I mean in person

>Isnt there a butterfly in the first animated cutscene in P5?

That was Lavenza.

He right here though.

That was Lavenza at the beginning. He appears during the ending.