ITT:We post underappreciated games
ITT:We post underappreciated games
Not really, that game was fucking ass aside from the graphics.
It was a decent horror game with good monster design
Finishing it was such a chore. Wanted to give it another chance about a month ago. Got an hour in an uninstalled.
tfw only person on Sup Forums who loved it
Shouldn't horror games be scary or unsettling?
Every aspect of it was below mediocre.
i can't finish it
maybe it is that i need to get good
but, i really enjoyed the DLC campaigns
i am expecting a new one announced during this E3, though
you first, op.
AKUMU mode was one of the most bullshit things I ever endured
>literally everything one shots you
>late game enemies showing up as early as chapter 3, enemies with guns included
>bear traps everywhere
>explosive traps with disarm windows so tight it's not even worth trying
I beat it but that was closest I came to hurling a controller at a wall.
t.couldn't finish it
For a game that throws hundreds of enemies at you and demands that you kill every last one or it won't open the door for you, it's really stingy with it's ammo.
Payed full price, finished it and it was shit.
I dunno who is paying you to shill this trash but you're better than this.
Most it gets is a mention in the ebin retro community for being rare.
Last game I preordered.
Fuck, id say brink is a better game than this uninspired garbage
>implying you didnt get scared when ruvic chases you in the mansion
What the fuck?
The game sucked AND it looked like a PS2 game
Game did look meh, nail in the coffin was the fucking letter boxing
Boring as shit with predictive as fuck plot. I really tried to enjoy it, I started it 3 times and havent finished once.
This, on the other hand, is underappreciated game.
Was RE4 scary and unsettling?
Its a spiritual continuation of that game, by the same director after he moved away from capcom.
inb4 someone spoilers a picture of the invisible bugs or the regenerators, two or three corridors do not an unsettling game make you faggots
I dropped that "underappreciated" game because it was not scary and had a clunky combat.
>+1 match upgrade
Fucking retarded shit.
The difference is that RE4 was a well made, fun game.
It was also unsettling for sure and had great atmosphere.
Tell me friend, is it possible to finish the game with everyones trust maxed out?
With DLC it was top top tier.
Fuck all these cucks op, I liked that game too. Played it on hard and enjoyed every second. The graphics were meh, but it was everything I want from an action horror game
>traps a constant threat forcing you to constantly be aware of your environment
>sneaking pays off big in munition savings
>crossbow goat weapon, and disarming traps gives you the best ammo in the game
>high level monsters are a constant threat, and more than just bullet sponges
>bosses were more than just bullet dumps
>could kill entire groups with a single match and shotgun shell
Gained some popularity since people played it on youtube but still this fucking game is so great and one all need to play
>uninspired garbage
This is the perfect description of The Evil Within.
The game was bad in every aspect, be it story, gameplay or the horror and monster design.
The whole game felt like it was made by some amateur western dev who tried to forcefully copy RE4 to the point where even the animations of opening item boxes were fucking identical.
Plus all the gameplay mechanics stolen from some game of the month like the crafting system which in the long run were just a shitty gimmick.
I loved it too, OP. Wasn't hugely scary, but very tense, really got my heart pumping. Also gave me that sense of horror pretty well.
>promise survival horror throwback
>make RE4 again
Mikami fucked up its chances from the outset.
>mfw sold my copy for $300
I fucking hated that drink
t. Starcuck employee
Starbucks demands waaaaay too much from you faggots. I always tip simply out of pity.
I don't- maybe they should put the proper amount of essp in their shit. I have to order 4x shots just to taste the burnt cheap beans I paid $7 for.
>line cook here, we work 100x harder and dont get tips
Not OP but I was genuinely freaked out by spider-tits.
Although that part where you fight her in the furnace is where I figured out your could freely shoot without aiming.
>"remember chris, if you stick out your pinky finger it'll look more feminine"
you think those spooky voices in his head also tell him to masturbate his infected gaping wounds?
>two or three corridors
Oh come on
>first time you hear that chainsaw start up
>cuddly puppies
>intimidation of the gigantes
>being locked in the cage with "it"
It's almost like you played Res4 as an adult
That hedge maze still gets my pulse going even till this day. Bought that game day one on gamecube.
Except that game was absolute trash. I'm a huge Mikami fanboy and I couldn't believe what a huge piece of shit this was.
Hell every time I think maybe I should give it another chance I remember the scripted opening and then just don't because I'd rather play a video game than force myself to be bored out of my mind.
As fucked as he is I feel like I know him personally. Has anyone else on earth had such a lengthy and detailed internet ("'following'")?
Also RE2 still scares me, anyone remember the licker that crawls across the outside of the window beind the bookshelf? I've just started replaying it and totally forgot about it. My heart fucking dropped.
I've cleared both dlcs recently. Liked it more than vanilla shit.
Loved this game OP. The first two DLC were really good too but the last one were shit.
It was alright. A bit iffy with the linear design, but it reminded me a lot of RE4 in being a decent Action Horror game, but that's not surprising considering who worked on it. Juking enemies into traps, getting tricky with fire, and abusing flash bolts was always tense as hell.
pic related top left
I fucking hate dogs in any game, they never cease to fuck my shit up.
Also UFO series from Czechs
Just beat pic related this morning, and it's one of my favorite games. Music, atmosphere, puzzles, and characters are all nearly perfect. My only complaints are:
The game gives you too many items
Daniella is too good of a character to be the second stalker, because she makes the next three seem boring in comparison
I liked Operation Anchorage and Mothership Zeta
might have been because I was 12 but this game fucked my shit up hard. Erin (or Aaron or whatever) was my nightmare