What are some games (Besides Undertale) that get slowly darker as you go along?

What are some games (Besides Undertale) that get slowly darker as you go along?

picture unreleated


Under: The Untold Tale

Final Fantasy 6

American McGee's Alice.


Undertale only gets darker on the genocide route, the other two don't even slightly get dark.

I'd say Conker's Bad Fur Day does

Doom 3


Every single Kirby ever

post more mascots

Any game that has a day and night cycle.

>the other two don't even slightly get dark.
>The lab
>Neutral ending
>Flowey and Asriel reveal
>Not dark


Dankest Dungeon.

Conker is a pretty good candidate because of how jarringly depressing the ending is even though the game was building up to it since the Spooky chapter.

Mother 3.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Damn nigga, that's fucking pretty cool. Actually expected him to bump into a player or fall over.

Even in neutral it's pretty unnerving when you find out of all the previous dead kids which become more relevant the closer you get to Asgore. I really enjoyed the random encounter story corridoor.

I want to fug that Buffalo

it was when the lions visited china for some baseball game
the chink mascot couldnt flip as much though

Jesus christ, I've never seen a person more brutally slaughtered in front of a live audience

I don't know mang flowey and the lab were pretty dark

Wait is this a jojo reference?

Yes thats Iggy

Life Is Strange. Shit got REAL dark outta nowhere.

>Shaming China in public with your inferior flipping abilities

That lion probably got executed after the game.

That purple mascot guy is bretty cool.

The Demon Path

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

It never actually gets grimdark or anything, but it certainly takes unexpected turns.

Deadly premonition

I think Bloodborne starts at dusk and gets darker

it also gets darker in the way that you actually meant

Nier autotomato.

Cave Story

The 2nd Pokemon Ranger game.