Disgaea 5 Complete rated for PC

PChads stole another exclusive from us.
They can't keep getting away with it bros
esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=34841&Title=Disgaea 5 Complete

It was just a matter of time.

Thanks for beta testing, consolecucks

Well at least us Switch Owners have the portable alternative option.

Shit thread.
op is a cocksucking faggot.
Report and move on.

I'll believe it when I see a proper confirmation, someone could have fucked up when adding it to the ESRB database

>reporting relevant non-shitposting video game threads
really made me think

>What is a laptop

I'll still get it on Switch for portability and comfy controllers.

Gaze upon this faggot.

Are laptops viable now a days? I remember I got a laptop for my graduation mid-00s, and it sucked for playing anything other than the most basic shit,. It could run Oblivion, but it would turn hot to the touch after an hour or so.

Disgaea games are shit, stop pretending they're good.

This. Weebs need to go to /jp/

Sup Forums is for western games

What about 3 and 4?

Not him, but my recent laptop could play a LOT of stuff that's much more recent than oblivion, and emulate gamecube/ps2.

Its come a long way.

>full pascal chip on laptop
>are laptop viable nowadays?


So what are they skipping 3 and 4 and releasing 5?

Yeah not to mention that would mean they're skipping 3 and 4 for no real reason.

Wow, so it's finally coming out of open beta? About time!

>Vita didn't get the customary best version
>PC gets it instead

Weird, why are they skipping straight ahead? Figured they'd want to release 3 and 4 on PC first.

Maybe it's going to be a Bundle thing. Who knows.

>Switch exclusive comes to PC
Awww baby it's happening


Who the fuck cares, I just want D2 and more Laharl and Etna get this derivative shit out of here.

If that really happened Sup Forums would become empty in half a day and you'll come crying back to /jp/ for us to come back.

Vita couldn't even get DD2 and D5 is too much for the vita to handle anyways.

Disgaea 4 on PC when

Are 3 and 4 good enough to warrant a playthrough? Might pick this up, but it seems like it'd be hard to go back to older titles since they usually add new things in each game.

5 is going to sell horribly since it will be $60 instead of 20.


I liked Fuka.

Even he got over Disgaea, so why haven't you?

Who the fuck is tht

Me too, she had a good character development and relationship with her sister even though her story is most fucked up even by Disgaea standards.

So first game is complete fucking grindfest and now after 6 hours I stuck with this shit in my lybrary. I mean story and music are neat, but gameplay is meh. Are 2 and 5 any good?

they are exactly same, with different characters and new gameplay quirks

if you hated D1 you won't like the rest of the series


sure, if you really want to. you don't need to in order to finish the game, though.

Are they skipping Disgaea 3, 4, and D2? Is PS3 games that much of a pain in the ass to port, other than on Vita?

D4 story was shit, probably worst one in the series

>not knowing /ourguy/

I feel disgaea is a game for a portable console. Like, in a train, or a long trip, some mindless grind.

I like the series, but there are other games i rather play while on my pc.

If it is 60, people will just pirate it and then no more ports.

They will probably still port them. But i guess the Ps4 is easier to port.

Holy shit, those numbers are horrible. Is this the "iconic SRPG franchise" weebcucks are so proud of? LMAO. Random literally who SRPGs made by literal who devs sell several times that.

Fuck weebshit!

>if you hated D1 you won't like the rest of the series
But I've heard D1 is weakest entry and other games in the series are much better. That's not true?

Pretty much every single time this shit happens it ends up with a PC port coming out.
Hopefully they won't just leave behind the other games however, but it makes sense that they are just porting Disgaea 5 now because it could be easier to port to PC due to already being on hardware that's like a PC. Additionally the rerelease with all the DLC would be a perfect time to have it come out on PC too.

>skips 3 and 4
That seems to be a greedy move. I wasn't a fan of val and mao's story

>stealing images from a much better thread

Disgaea 1 has a great story but the worst gameplay due to it being so outdated.
All the games after have had improvements to the system, so 5 ends up with so many improvements it's hard to go back to the first few.
I'd recommend you to just pirate 5 to see if you prefer the gameplay in that game and then get that if you like it more.

Its on switch too

Nice "exclusive"

Western crap sell better than godly Japanese games. It's always been like that. Not much we can do because of retards who hate anime designs because they are manchildren.

>Hard West

Holy fuck that game is good. Challenging as well, although I'm not a big fan of the Luck mechanic.

Fucking finally. I don't know why they didn't start with D5 on PC.

I like how he thought there'd be a big fireworks explosion if he stacked up lots of shitty small fireworks stuff

It's my image, cuck!

Asagi's game on PC when?

>are laptops viable now?
Nigger, the Switch has a fucking mobile device processor. What makes you think a laptop with an i5 and some shifty gpu wouldn't be able to play this better than the Switch?

She already got her own story mode on Prinny 2, I doubt she's going to get anything bigger.
I almost cried at the ending

Wait a minute, this is Harada's work? I didin't know he actully draw lewds/

Was hoping 3 through D2 would show up on PC first, since already have 5 on the PS4 (gave the PS3 to the nephew so he could play Minecraft).

Oh well. At least others will get a chance to play 5 sooner. It's mechanically fantastic and I think the most fun in the series, even if the story is not all that great.


How does returning things to amazon work? Do I have to pay shipping?

Not on pc = Ps4 exclusive. Same rule applies to FFXV and RDR2. Reason being is why the fuck would you own a console that isn't PlayStation?

>godly Japanese games
I played the demo and this game is hot garbage, and it's not because of anime

They send you a shipping label to print and you have to provide something to send it in.

Why did Disgaea 2 PC sell like shit?

I thought you PC neckbeards keep saying you all buy the games.

PC patricians buy good SRPGs as shown here , they don't gobble up any trash, because, unlike weebcucks, they have actual standards. Most people bought D1, because they were unfamiliar with the franchise and wanted to see what's all the hype (originating from consolecucks with no standards) about. When the game was exposed as a grindy piece of shit with no challenge, nobody bought D2 and won't buy any other D games.

>30K for a niche title
Good god, you consolefags are retarded.

Can I get an answer that doesn't reek of america vs japan faggotry?

>Can I get an answer that doesn't reek of america vs japan faggotry?
You can't, because anime weebshit doesn't sell on PC, it's that simple.

Won't this take ages to come out given the timeframe of ESRB ratings?

The switch version will take the majority of the sales if that's the case

Nah, because I'm not wasting my money on a PS4 or on a Switch.

>tfw have D1, D2, D3 and D4 on Vita and D5 on Switch
Maximum comfy especially because PC poorfags are jealous :3

Neat. I'd be happy with a PC version. Same with Disgaea 4.

Wrong image man

Dude he isn't talking about (You)

Most PC gamers are adults who don't buy Nintendo toys.


I'm not buying every single fucking Disgaea until they get to 5 and they are kikes if they think I will. I already did that once, and for some inexplicable reason I've bought Disgaea 1 over 4 times now.

You're actually retarded lmao

I was literally about to buy it for switch, thanks OP now I can pirate and save money

Cool. Maybe the price will go down while I'm beating Disgaea 1-4. Then again I still might buy it on Switch since I love portable gaming.

It's like an eleven year old PS2 game released with minimal advertising.

30K is damn good for a Japanese game. Even more so for an old one like this one.

This. I had no idea Disgaea 1 and 2 was on PC until like a week ago. Even then I'm playing the game on my Vita via Adrenaline.

weebshit btfo

I don't think they're skipping it.
Neither I think it will be a bundle.

They probably just got the complete edition rated together with Switch version, because they had an opportunity. They probably didn't even start working on the PC port yet. I figure they'll do 3 and 4 first, which will take them who knows how many years, before they even get to 5.

Played them on emulators ages ago.

I don't know where this overheating shit is coming from do you have to actually get lucky like me or is it just a meme especially nowadays?

Just port D4 already. It's the best game.


Literally who the fuck plays this for the story?

>Switch has been out 2 months and is already losing exclusives

what a world we live in

Are you just pretending to be retarded now?

Oh wait, that's the average PC poorfag intelligence.

Does Seraphina have her bunny costume in D5C? This is important.

>her bunny costume

what costume? THIS is important.

Nice. I played 4 on Vita and loved it. Was basically the only game I bought for Vita.

Holy shit what games does the Switch even have left?