Is there any way to hide games in your Steam library? I bought Bloody Boobs a while ago...

Is there any way to hide games in your Steam library? I bought Bloody Boobs a while ago, and only played it for a little bit. My girlfriend found out about it, and for her, the game was crossing a line. I kinda understand because it really is in your face, but I still found it to be entertaining. And I want to play it again. Problem is, she won't let me play it. We share my Steam account, so she'll find out if I do play it. So, I'm just wondering if I can hide it in that list.

Other urls found in this thread:

We're not google, you fucking cunt.

Kill yourself.

>being so whipped you're not allowed to play videogames with nudity
Lmao, what a faggot.

Right click. Did you try anything before posting? Fucking braindead numbskulls.

3D, not even once.

>modern western males


just make another account and buy it again. You just play it when she isn't around

This, I had to subscribe to Brazzers twice because my gf has my email. Your shit is smalltime, OP.

Dump this duft bitch, you fucking cuck

Yeah, I've thought about doing that, which isn't the worst idea. But I have to be really cautious then about logging in and logging out.

>giving partners passwords for shit
Is this a normal thing for relationships? Sounds pretty retarded desu, but what do I know

bloody boobs is a bad game though. She's probably ashamed of having a boyfriend with awful taste.

>we share a steam account
There's your first problem you whipped little pussy.
Tell her to give you her tits more, or you'll continue playing the game.
Or break up with her.

Google search you retard if you want to reqiest some help go to and fuck off with your shit.

>hehe i've never known the touch of another, jokes on you fucko

>having Jim Sterling bait in your steam account in the first place

>she won't let me play it
You're a complete fucking beta, she has you wrapped around her finger, you are her pet, she doesn't love you.

OP here, I'm just reading the reactions here, and I can say one thing. None of you have ever had girlfriends. You think it's about sitting in your chair, drinking beer, and having her do all the work around the house. It's not. It's about taking and giving. And being there for each other. Like, my situation, she takes my access from a game she doesn't approve of, and in return(giving), she gives me the love I deserve. It's that simple.

Do you know where you are?
Get Out.

that's fucking stupid, she's stupid for freaking out over a dumb shitty stupid indie game, you're stupid if you let her have her way over something like this, imagine what's going to happen with real important shit, she's going to keep getting away with what she wants instead of both of you, like a relationship is suppose to, if you can't meet yourselves half way then you need to take a hard look at your relationship, also stop asking for advice on this shit hole.
Don't listen or do what anyone tells you in this place, don't take any of their advice, don't let her control your spine or she will over the years drag you down and you won't even notice it, you're her partner not her fucking dog, put your foot down now because simple things like these will keep stacking and get worse

Nice blog fuck off normalfag.

no don't buy it again, you faget, you're enabling her while keeping it a secret

What're you going to do about it?
Cry a bit and masturbate to cartoons?

>Don't listen or do what anyone tells you in this place, don't take any of their advice
Yeah, starting with this guy.

My girlfriend used to suck my cock while I watched porn, grow a fucking pair you gay cunt.

Don't worry if your feelings are hurt you can always go to somewhere else. I know facebook sounds like a good place for your types who get their feelings hurt by being told to leave.

>letting the woman you love have a dick in her mouth
You kissed this girl? Have some respect.

Show me faggot

>gf doesnt allow me to play video games
come the fuck on

Key words: Used to
I broke up with her

Some retards see it as the sign of trust, so they share their passwords for everything, so when your partner catches trojan and gets their accounts stolen, you get your account stolen as well. Everything for love!

Be a man and stop giving a shit what others think you little baby.

I will tell you, but only if you bump my thread
It is on topic desu


>being so afraid of your own dick
Fucking kek

mate u r retarded for real

no, no no, you idiot, holy shit you're already brainwashed, just fucking leave you're already far gone that you can't tell the difference from your choice and her making choices for you.
I really hope this is just stupid bait if not this is extremely sad.

>Dating someone who is so emotionally unstable that they get jealous of pixels on a screen.
>Being too weak and desperate to not tell her how you fell and think.

>for her, the game was crossing a line.
>she won't let me play it.
>I kinda understand

Fucking how!? No, tell me how this is understandable in ANY way. Why not just tell her how it is instead of cuddling this yandere behavior. You can play whatever the fuck you want.

No, it's clingy and creepy and a huge red flag if a girl (or guy) asks you to do it imo

I know this isn't /r9k/ but still, it's better to be alone than to be caught in an abusive relationship, no matter how desperate you might feel

>fap games
>sharing a steam account
>your gf controlling when you can play video games or pull your dick

Sup Forums should have an age requirement of 30.


its a shit game and any self respecting girlfriend would call you a faggot for playing it.

game is fucking garbage anyway.

way to be the man in the relationship you little beta boy


Sorry meant that for OP.

this reminded me of the time my gf saw Sims 4 on my pc and asked if she could try it out since she really loved the old sims but hadnt played 4

Just remove it from your library. Go to the game support page and remove the game.

your on norm/v/, filled with normal faggots who hate anime and everything Sup Forums is about,and wants to turn Sup Forums into twitter or blogspot

What... What were you doing in Sims 4, exactly?


>the game was crossing a line.
I agree with your gf.
You have to be a special kind of fucked up to play this monstrosity.

Why don't you just play sex mod Skyrim like a normal pervert ?

If normies can at least type at a sixth grade level I'd much rather listen to them.
Read a book.

OP, you can solve this problem by not being a controllable little beta fuck. Holy fuck, you are just sad.

Stop posting here and on the Tokyo Tattoo Girl thread you illiterate fuck.

>all these people saying "don't compromise for your gf ever you beta male

You all are single now aren't you?

>My girlfriend found out about it, and for her, the game was crossing a line.
>Problem is, she won't let me play it.
>We share my Steam account, so she'll find out if I do play it

Is this fucking bait? How much of a fucking doormat are you?

there are so many wrong things in this post that I believe it

This is stupid. "She gives you the love you deserve"? What the fuck does that even mean? By that logic she could shit on you and not let you do anything as long as "She gives you the love you deserve". It's a meaningless statement. You sound desperate for love and she has you on a leash because she could stop providing you with it anytime. Unless you can forbid her to do stuff you don't like then that a bullshit relationship built on fear.

You know if you put a bead-sheet on a rape victim it didn't happen...isn't censorship great?

That's like showing your browser history to your relatives. Never ever do it.


what books would you recommend, retard? harry potter? fuck you

The problem is that OP IS masturbating to cartoons and his gf doesnt let him, at least I can fap in peace whenever I want.

>yeah well..... YOU CAN'T TYPE HA GOT UM
same fagging this hard

Absolutely pathetic, OP. You deserve that brand

Nah, we should start basic. How about The Very Hungry Caterpillar?


We know it's like that, that's why 3D is disgusting

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is my shit.

Jokes on you fuccboi.

Just watch a fucking sitcom on Netflix

>kissing someone who has had a dick in their mouth

might as well just suck a dick you faggot

how about i read you your last rites faggot

"Do x for the love you deserve" is exactly what a woman says to get you to do whatever she wants retard
This has to be some good bait or something

>you will never be so fucking stupid that you have to try and look cool an anonymous image board
nice photoshop

The dude voicing it really ties it together.

I wonder how many other dicks your girl rides on when you're not around. You're a fucking pushover.

>tfw I said yes and forgot about the 40 sex mods

that was a really goos bait, 8/10

Meanwhile, others in this thread literally admit to kissing girls that suck cock.

That's not an argument. OP said he liked it. That's the point. You don't get self-respect points for being jealous of pixels on a screen. If they really like each other then she should know it's just pixels that doesn't mean anything to her boyfriend. Being hard and being in love are two separate things. I have a friend whose girl friend plays DoA with him and they have a good time because she's not a stuck-up that has to make everything about her.

If she doesnt respect a simple hobby like video games then its just going to get worse as time goes on. Its basically hardwired in a womens brain to take advantage of shit like this.

You've never even kissed a girl have you?

>she won't let me play it
Do you have a femdom fetish OP? Does pretending girls are your mommy get you off?

who cares?

nice video game thread we have here lads for discussing this video game and videogame in general.

there's lewd mods for the sims 4?

Are you saying all girls suck cock? Got to wonder what sort of people you hang out with if you think that's true.

now this is premium bait

>be OP
>want to masturbate to cartoons
>not allowed to

>it's about giving and taking
>the love I deserve
Nigger you made a thread asking how to play retarded kinky shovelware behind her back

It's fucking retarded.

>t. Someone who's been in a serious relationship for >6 years and live together with the GF.

Please, show me in OP's post where he is compromising. Dumbass.


>reading anything other than classic Russian literature
You disgust me.

>he doesn't know

Why do you keep replying to a bait thread, you're giving advice to a person that doesn't exist with a story that never happened.

delete it from your account and stop posting here about it.

Probably the best thing you'd recommend honestly

dump that bitch

she is controlling