Dark souls III

So, I just got to Pontiff Sulyvahn. Approx how much of the main game is left? He's fucking hard btw

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About half.

Does it get any harder? I'm already on the ropes. Guess I'll just have to git gud

Pontiff is one of the hardest bosses in the game if you don't parry him.

People usually rank him among the top 5 of DS3.

>secret boss area if you don´t want to cheese
>dancer if you don´t want to cheese
>if you have low damage output maybe twins

anyone else isn´t that hard. Except oceiros when you don´t have good damage output. Also hardest boss in other secret area, but he could be done easily with the right damage output and patience.

>literally never had any kind of difficulties with Pontiff or Nameless King. Most deaths against them were 2 on a playthtough vs nameless king
>Aldritch kills me minimum 6 times every single time I play the game

What the fuck is wrong with me

Pontiff is one of the hardest main game bosses.
Unless you parry him - In that case he becomes your bitch.
Same with another famous ''hard'' optional boss in DS3.

The last DLC bosses are harder than anything in the main game.

Aldrich works really differently to any other boss in the series, his whole deal is keeping you out and its really off putting and hard to figure out

Meant for

I just hate aldrich with his second phase.
>let me cast some magic who just chills in the air then sometimes just hit all of you
>fire overall so you still take damage
>here have another bow attack, which is now twice as long, twice as fast and will pursuit you until hell
>oh my bow attack is over and you are running to me get at least hit once or twice? Here are two soulspears in your face :^)

Aldrich feels like a casual friendly version of Darklurker from DS2

He is only hard if you have zero patience and try to end the fight as fast as possible.
He hasn't much HP and his attacks are easy to evade. But if you are greedy or don't care about your defense you will probably get fucked quite quickly.

Y-you can parry Pontiff?


because Aldrich is some hot bullshit. Most of the fight is just running away from his retarded arrow spam.

Dlc worth getting too? Feel like I haven't been getting much out of the game story/narrative wise, perhaps they elaborate?

DLC 1 only has one good boss and DLC 2 has two. I really didn't like the areas in either. Not at all to the quality of DS1 DLC or BB's.

Sorry if I'm going off topic here, guys but does anyone know how you can upgrade a halberd to +10 in DS1? I can only upgrade it to +6 despite having enough souls and materials because it doesn't even show up in the menu.

dlc 1 is utter bullshit with the stupidest boss in the whole series.

2 dlc is kinda full of lore and is at least very beautiful, with more bosses and my absolute hate npc.

DLC1 is only worth playing if you get it for free. DLC2 is amazing and definitely worth playing

IIRC you need to have an ember or whatever they were called in DS1 and give it to Andre to allow you to do +10 reinforcement. Same thing for +15 reinforcement.

why was the whole upgrading system in souls 1 so much better?

Oh you want +6 go find a ember, oh you want +15? Go find a ember. Oh you want boss souls? Go make a weapon to +10 and hope it will fit with the soul.

Fuck how fucking awesome was it probably to find the real artorias sword.


You're about halfway. And yes, he is hard. Once you master his Jojo stage, it becomes one of the most fun fights, though.

Yes. There's at least 3 bosses in the main game harder than Pontiff for most people.

The first DLC has a boss harder than him, and the second DLC has two bosses harder than anything in the base game. Arguably the hardest two bosses in the series.