Confess your sins anonymously, my son

Confess your sins anonymously, my son.

I hate fishing in vidya, it's so boring.

I stopped playing Persona 5 after beating Kaneshiro and played Gravity Rush 2 instead.

Fishing in general is boring.

I play games on easy.

Even though I still browse Sup Forums I actually hate modern gaming these days. It is full of too much shitty DRM, jewry, leftists SJW cuckold agenda pushing politics, DLC, season passes, and just stagnant genres and gameplay in general. Gaming hasn't actually been great in a long time now. We are long past the golden age of gaming.

I pirate games, enjoy them, and never buy them.

I've never finished a Zelda game

I pirate games using torrent and I don't even seed.
Most of my favorite games are downloaded illegally.

I find fishing in games incredibly fun. Animal Crossing on the GameCube and Breath of Fire 3 were fucking awesome.

I can't play RTS games like Starcraft. I have shit APM.

I have a booru full of Ape Escape lewd art, that was just some dead booru somebody abandoned

I feel this is a pretty popular opinion on this board though. Modern vidya is a shitshow with the occasional golden turd.

i know what you mean. there's no eagerness or anticipation when an interesting game comes out. mostly worry if it's going to be shit.

God Hand is shit and has a terrible control scheme.

>I feel this is a pretty popular opinion on this board though.

Years ago it was. These days I've noticed way too many people accepting, even praise, all of that shit. A lot of actual new and young fags seem to post here to.
I haven't played a new game in years now. One of the last I played in fact was REmake but that was a re-release of an old game.

>label everyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you a "newfag"
>"I haven't played a new game in years now"
I'm reminded why this board has gone to shit


I fail to see the issue here. I'm not going to play shitty games like Overwatch. Nearly all western games these days try to shove some agenda down your throat. Japanese games aren't what they used to be for the most part. There are tons of dead or dying genres.

Remind me why I should think otherwise here when gaming has clearly gone downhill?

>Sup Forums eats shit. why don't you eat shit as well?

I hate MOBA games pretty much because I'm bad at them and can't handle the rage and shaming from my teammates.

I bought a pre-built gaming pc

I enjoy every assassins creed game ubisoft shits out

I'm glad I'll never be this jaded and cynical.

I enjoyed Dark Souls quite a bit, but can't understand what the fanbase raves about in regards to the series as a whole. Has problems that any other series would be shamed for, but the fanbase praises it for those exact things.

I never defeated gwyn and summoned phantoms for a bunch of fights in 3, but told everyone I beat all 3 games without any phantoms.
Feels Fucking Bad

Keep at it and you will be. Trust me, sometime in the future the things in vidya you enjoy just won't feel the same and new titles won't live up to expectations and instead feel like ages old gameplay with new graphics. Of course you could be one of those people who get fun out the people they play with and not the game itself in which case it may never hit you like it does others.

I thought Yooka-Laylee wasn't half bad.

I Liked Fallout 4


The number of games that actually make me happy and give me any sense of enjoyment grows smaller and smaller every day. It's not even limited to new games but even older ones. I'm starting to run out of time and patience for them.

I don't want to spend a ton of money on nintendo stuff

But I think their games are a lot of fun

I hate this place and I know my life would vastly improve if I didn't come anymore, but I always get the feeling that I'll "miss" something if I don't browse at least a couple of hours every day.

i fucking hate yuri and yoai in games and dont think they belong

To this day, nobody found it yet

I own an xbox one, the last thing I played on it was fallout 4 which I dropped when the bataclan was attacked. Months later I bought another copy of fallout 4 for ps4 because it was cheap but only got around to playing and beating it last month.

>Being a jaded pessimistic cunt


>hate fishing in vidya, it's so boring.
>i have not played monster hunter

i don't even know what you mean by ape escape art and i don't think i want to

>implying you can't change your attitude and outlook

That's why being a pessimist is dumb user. It's limiting.

I use cheat engine in most solo game you have to farm
Since 4-5 years I find farming unbearable
I also use it if there is unlockable where you have to take no damage or speedrun

ape escape art means well done paintings of apes running away from the zoo, most of which were inspired by the movie franchise "Planet Of The Apes"

2010 was 7 years ago

Disliking late Pink Floyd is an opinion plebs have to feel less pleb

I hate when people here finish the new games in days. My backlog is fucking big

There's nothing inherently wrong with this if you just don't want to take the time to piece one together yourself and you don't mind paying more for it. Falcon Northwest, Puget, and Digital Storm all build good PCs.

I unironically prefer nu-Sam Fisher to Ironside's Fisher.

I don't give FUCK about the playstation exclusives that everyone on this board is buying, although they look cool I know they're killing the industry and the ones shitposting about it are the children and summerfags

I'm good at Dark Souls, but get my ass kicked at Lords of the Fallen.

Weeb games kill the industry?

>there's no eagerness or anticipation when an interesting game comes out. mostly worry if it's going to be shit.

accurate. it's mostly
>watch pre released trailers
>get pumped for 15 seconds
>think how good this game could be if they actually do what they say they are aiming for
>immediately shift into wondering how, not will, they will turn this amazing pitch into absolute shit
>once every 2 years or so get a nice surprise where a game is actually what they said it will be

I beat most classic Castlevania with an infinite lives cheat on.

I was getting so bored with DS3 I ended up summoning of most of the game and still didn't bother beating it

I quit my Ninja Gaiden master ninja run.

I have hundreds of vidya but complain I have nothing to play

>if you just try really hard to think shit taste good then it's not so bad

not even him m8. it's not just pessimism for pessimism's sake. it's been a clear downhill trend for years. honestly, it's probably not really downhill as much as we've been at some plateau and everything is the same recycled shit with a different skin which is even more depressing.

I played Ocarina of Time for about 15 minutes, hated it and never touched the franchise again.

I think that Silent Hill 1-4 are great stories, but terrible fucking games. The rest of the series is just terrible.

I've never played Banjo Kazooie or any of the "classic" platformers.

I love strategy games but if it's an RTS I'm terrible at them.

I want Sidon to sandwich my dick between his two cocks and bite me.

What if the old owner returns?
As for my confessions:
I enjoy Assassin's Creed
I didn't like DmC as much as 1 or 3 but I enjoyed about as much as 4
DaS2 & 3 were both awful sequels, but I preferred 2
Vanquish & Anarchy Reigns are the funnest Plat games
Saint's Row 2 is the best open-world crime sandbox
If a game lets me make cute furry boys I will, but I adamantly deny being a furry to my friends, but I think they know

The Last of Us is my favorite game followed by Half-Life 2 and Ocarina of Time.
I've played through Human Revolution five or six times but have no intention of even touching the original.
The only Zelda games I’ve played are Ocarina, Majora, and Twilight Princess.
I played through them all with guides and cheats so I could get all the items/hearts. I also love Ocarina far more than Majora
I played through DMC1 once and disliked it despite playing through 3 and 4 countless times.
The only RE games I've played are 4, 5, 6, and 7
The only Mega Man game I've played is X1
I played through FEAR 2 twice but gave on the first one after 2 hours.
The only fighting games I play are Injustice and Marvel Capcom games because I like the characters even though I'm shit at fighting and can't play online because my anxiety goes through the roof.
I watch Oney Plays and Super Mega. Also sometimes GG, but only for Danny, Brian, and Barry.
I played through RE7 with all the cheats on and in windowed mode so I could have music/videos on in the background
I write shipping fanfiction

I don't like most video games.

Either they are so easy they are boring or they are so hard that they become a chore.

I see no point in spending time to beat a challenge someone else created. Being skilled at video games is useless because the skill often is just limited to one game. I don't get how people can spend over 100 hours just in one game with optional not story related gameplay.

Also most video games have a terrible art style and story so nothing else to offer too.

The newest game I played and enjoyed was from 2013.

Most of the titles I looked forward to ended up not being fun or not lasting long enough to warrant their price. I'm not out and out saying video games are complete shit, but I will say I don't find them as worth it as they once were. The bar was raised greatly over the years and no one is really attempting to even attempt to reach up to it it seems, and outside of very specific communities that love everything and downvote those who do not you can tell that a lot of others feel the same. I'm not asking for super mega graphics or the best story written, but an attempt would be nice. The indie game resurgence has been a blight, most games don't live up to what the developers themselves promise, rehashes and sequels with no end in sight, and when a game does finally show up that blows all that out of the water it doesn't seem to catch on with developers who would rather release what they know is guaranteed to succeed. Good videogames exist and I do still enjoy them, but I feel like I'm wading through sewage to find them.

I don't know, i wonder that sometimes but the last thing he posted was in, like, 4 years ago and i found the place 3 years after he left.

>Unironically being like this


If you're so enlightened and pragmatic, why are you here?

I used to enjoy Metal Gear Solid, but after V I lost respect for Kojimbo and eventually learned to loathe the series.

I enjoy games by Naughty Dog, and The Last of Us made me weep at one moment

Battlefront with all DLC is a great game

I loathe sandbox games

Sup Forums is delusional and pretentious, and nobody shall take advice posted here seriously

Wolfenstein TNO is the last good FPS in, say, 5 years

The Witcher 3 is overrated, the first one is superb in every aspect except game engine

What kind of booru was it before you showed up? Drop a link here user

[spoilers]i fucking hate soulslike games so much. I don't see the fun in dying over and over and having to navigate through labyrinthine areas to progress but haha git gud[/spoiler]

I bought a Vita for Gravity Rush. I waited for more exclusives to be released but eventually I ended up using it as a alarm clock. I still do.

>"Last of Us is my fav game!"
>Playing Zelda of all games with guides and cheats.
>Admitting to still watching GG.

Some sins just can't be forgiven.

I'll just say this it was one of those boorus with shit like Pokepornlive and Pixxx, like, stuff mostly based on Naruto and Pokemon, but mostly untagged.


I enjoy turning my brain off and grinding for hours on end, and I eagerly wait for another MMO that's enjoyable to play so I can grind forever again.

Nothing of value was lost, then. Enjoy your secret monkey porn paradise. Where's the link user

One of my favorite things to do when grinding.

please, witcher 3 shits on any of your obscure 20 year old garbo forgotten games

Find it on your own

/spoiler I discuss games I have never played on here /spoiler

>I've played through Human Revolution five or six times but have no intention of even touching the original.
what if I say please?

REEEEEEEE still can't spoiler

I'll do it, though. One day your paradiso will be invaded by normies & gays from Sup Forums

I think a lot of retro PC games are convoluted and filled with shit game design but are only shilled or held in high regard since the people who suggest them haven't been disillusioned by growing up with more recent games or simply hold them in high regard due to nostalgia

I like little girls

I haven't finished a game in years. I always get to the last save/whatever and lose all steam for some reason
I'd buy a yearly soulsbourne game if they shit them out


I love the dark souls games and the story they have to tell but I can't play them because they are too hard. Which is a shame because I found BB a lot easier.

Oh and another thing
I bought the new Battlefront and loved every moment of it

I guess it's time to stop playing as many video games. Just play the ones your actually excited for. Or try some new genres.


Is that you Oingo Boingo?

Souls areas aren't even close to maze like though

No not him

I pre-ordered Dragon Age 2.

ctrl + s my friend

>The only Zelda games I’ve played are Ocarina, Majora, and Twilight Princess.
with all that shit taste you managed to avoid every shit 3d zelda there is so you can't be that bad.

ps4 exclusive doesn't necessarily mean weeb, I actually hadn't considered those in my initial reply

For me, at least I find joy in killing the bosses and exploring. I love how Souls just gives you the freedom to explore wherever, so long as it isn't obstructed by anything. No objectives, just mindless wandering. The dying process makes the feeling of accomplishment even better when you kill a boss, and you realize that it was all because of your skill.
Also the feeling of being completely alone in Souls-like games and how atmospheric they can be make it even better.

I want to stop giving a shit about vidya so I can focus and actually do the work to get money,
but I'm too much of a lazy shit to actually be useful after the long hours at work

ThAnks I'll try it later

I don't have a backlog. Calling it a backlog implies I ever intend to finish those games.
Which I do not. I just have 60+ unfinished Steam games that I fully admit can no longer hold my attention.
I play nothing but Counter Strike and online chess. I don't want to or need to play anything else.

I built a Twitch/Youtube gaming studio last year and have never recorded a lets play because I don't think anyone will like me.

I feel that watch dogs is a very solid/fun game if you ignore the retarded hype they put on its back.

The so-called PC master race is nothing but a frustrating hassle. Crashes, driver issues, random things/parts failing for no reason whatsoever, shitty ports. Spending more time trying to fix the latest issue that's cropped up than playing games.

I got sick of consoles and their bullshit, but what made me go running back to my PS4 was 6 months with a gaming PC.

Unless you really get into it, it's mostly about the people your doing it with more than anything

You don't even need a good personality for Youtube, though. It just depends on the content and the quality. Twitch is completely different, though.

I play games on easy and then shit on people who also play games on easy

fucking pussy.