Can we have a good vidya art thread?

Can we have a good vidya art thread?





I'll contribute what I can




This fanart only?





No, just try to keep it vidya related



user, that's a thumbnail.
To save fullsize images from tumblr, open the image in a new tab and change the _500 or _400 to _1280.


Keyword here is good, in case you missed it.


I should be studying, but I'm so tired.
I wish life would just fix itself atm...

>all this vidya """""art"""""
Let me show you faggots some real art.

Now show the rape scene



w-woah, epic!

Vampire has cutest fighting girls. Though I just might find them cutest since all could kill me with ease, and that's hot.




Nice. I had no idea he did one for Child of Light.

Anyone in this thread play this, is it good? I always thought it looked cute but fprgot about it.


Thanks i needed a good xenogears wall paper

i like how he draws their shells

You got more? We don't have Mother threads anymore because they all get shitposted to death

Really great one


Scias a best.

>Anyone in this thread play this, is it good? I always thought it looked cute but fprgot about it.
That depends. It does look and sound good, it is cute and atmospheric. It's enjoyable and all, but the gameplay's rather simple.
I personally loved it.

This guy is great. His porn is good too but most of it is weird shit like futa teddy bears fucking sadly. His hetero stuff is nice though.

Yeah he did, I think they used it in the promos
I've played it and I enjoyed it. But it's not a 10/10 return to JRPG game, it's more like a decent tribute where everything rhymes. I wish they could make another game like that or at least use the UbiArt engine more.






I have some stuff but I'm actually on mobile so I have a few things right now. My actual mother series collection is like 4000+ pics, yes I'm that fucking insane. I'll start a earthbound thread later when I'm home, I'll art dump some stuff.
Everyone in BoFIV is cool, it had a great cast.

I'll look into CoL, it looks like some real effort when into it. The simple fairy tale premise and story book art look really nice.

N64 CGI promo images are kino



WHO /infdev/ HERE
got the game for like 3 bucks, I laugh when I now see it being charged for 30 fucking dollars

Sounds great, I'll be monitoring the catalogue



fuck, I know where that is from, but I don't remember. Help me out a bit.


Chozo from Metroid.

>those feet



Man I always thought this is what platformers would look like in the future.

Instead we got pic related nothing

At least 2017 is giving us something.

>Mario Odyssey
>Snake Pass
>Sanic Mania/Forces
>Crash remakes
>Hat in Time
>Rain World

game would've been much better if amano did the art for it and/or if ubi didn't have any hand in it.


*oh yeah, also Hollow Knight.

That piss poor cloud art that was shown next to this one