See trailer for new, upcoming game LawBreakers

>See trailer for new, upcoming game LawBreakers
>One of the main playable characters is a black woman
>She looks like an actual woman and not a derpy inhuman abomination or a tumblrina's wet dream
>The game looks promising
>No pushed agendas till now

See? It's not that hard!

The west cannot make a decent looking grill. Geez.

Your definition of "decent looking" is warped beyond repair.

the game is blacks vs chinese. Thats fucking funny.

>She looks like an actual woman

>those cheeks
>that jaw
>those lips
>that nose
She looks like a gorilla

Lemme guess you like loli 13 year old anime girls, kys

kill yourself reddit

I dont care about this game but at the same time I hope Cliff gets back to making grand games like GoW.

So do real black women.

I mean, she IS black.


Nice meme and shitpost OP. We literally had a thread about this game earlier and it was generally agreed upon that it looks like absolute dogshit and is a garbage overwatch clone just like battleborn. The devs, or marketing team at least are a bunch of cringelords that email you trying to be hip and cool "yo come check out our game and PWN some n00bs, we don't give a f*ck!". Just awful.

The game will be dead on release just like battleborn. Most people won't even know it exists, for good reason.

Kys pedo

She does look like a black woman desu.

How sad is your life if you complain that women aren't attractive in a video game? The problem isn't mass effect, pal.

Why did you post a drawing of yourself?

"Publisher Nexon also unveiled that LawBreakers will cost $30. There won't be a season pass, with DLC being free."

Das pretty good mane

Americans can

>straight hair

Dont worry they will find some other way to fuck you

suspicious as FUCK. how immediately will they roll in their cash shop cosmetic lottery crate bullshit?

So you think I'm ugly?
Your definition of ``ugly'' is warped beyond repair.

By your high standards i assure you fuck hot girls daily huh

So fucking what if people can pay extra to buy crates? Fucking nobody loses. Don't be a tightwad, asshole.

>By your high standards i assure you fuck hot girls daily huh

No, anonymous. Only your mother.

I don't want content witheld from me if I've bought the game. And I don't want a circlejerk playerbase that obsess over their shitty progressively aesthetic-ruining costumes

What game?


Is this that one game with the trailer that was revealed a long time ago they showed all the heros appear to fight some warlock robot master before he escapes but all the heros acted like they didn't give a shit and had better places to be?

Who cares if casuals wanna subsidise actual gameplay features by buying special pixels?

Yes but maplestory though-- this stuff might not be entirely cosmetic

nice job, you sat there for half an hour thinking up responses while i was cuddling with my girlfriend and we were laughing at you during hulu commercials

I don't really feel too strongly about the artstyle one way or the other.
But I do like the game.


>from now on any team based shooter with heroes is an overwatch clone
thank god

Some shitty skins and recolours, boohoo. It's barely any cut content that you can still get.

With LawBreakers it's not even just the chicks, all the fucking character models look like ass. I'm not sure what's going on with them, but I didn't like many of them during the closed betas.

I'm still trying to figure that out. There's obviously going to be a loot crate system, but you couldn't purchase any during the closed beta. Gameplay itself is fine for a team-based multiplayer game. Character balance might be a bit fucked up, but that's about par for the course.

>lip piercing

>actual black woman
>straight hair

its a wig user

Now lets have a look at her white counterpart.

dang this game has an agitated skeleton?

She actually looks alright aside from the dumb piercing and manhips.

What's the catch here? is the back of her head shaved or something?

I played this. It isn't good. It will fail worse than Battleborn, and I'm not exaggerating

Not gonna lie that armour actually looks pretty good.

pl. elaborate

>The west can't design good looking wome-

Not much to say, it's got all the symptoms. It's unoptimized, the characters and their weapons are unfun, the low gravity movement isn't complex or interesting at all (you just float in a straight line with minimal movement,) and as you've seen, the characters are ass ugly.

That design is fucking unbelievably bad.
>Going for pseudo-realistic bionics angle rather than fantastical fun
>Bodysuit is covered in segments and rivets that would not be comfortable
>Armor itself is insanely segmented and would fall apart under the slightest impact
>Giant gatling gun which is genuinely incapable of being feasible
>What the fuck are those shouler pads beyond something to potentially redirect a grazing shot from the side directly into her head?
>Literally zero protection to the majority of vitals, and joints are entirely exposed to the elements

I don't even need to go full-Sup Forums and cuck on about how she's a sheboon, this design theory is fucking terrible.

wo airshot

>I don't even need to go full-Sup Forums and cuck on about how she's a sheboon

While I'm lacking in any context to this game, is there any reason why you WOULD? Like, does her nigress-ness pose a lore problem or some such?

>you just float in a straight line with minimal movement
This is so hilariously wrong that you must've only played one match, sucked terribly at it, and never touched the game again.

Say what you will about LoL and Overwatch, but one thing that they absolutely nailed is character design for the most part. Each character is recognizable and their silhouettes are easy to differentiate. The designs themselves are solid and memorable (less so in the case of MOBAs where characters are released so frequently).

It would be too difficult to tell who they are at a distance in this game, and there isn't anything memorable or unique about them. There's no personality.

It's hard to explain why I dislike it so much. I think if they stepped back and thought what it would look like with basically no detail, they would produce more workable designs.

Also, the character's faces are rather ugly. Go on about sheboons all you like, but the other faces aren't much better looking.

I played like ten matches and effortlessly, completely dominated to the extent that everyone on the enemy team left. The only 'air control' is to shoot your gun, which moves you about two feet.

>Your definition of "decent looking" is warped beyond repair.

Not when the actual female skeleton is masculine, in which only juicing testosterone can produce.

Who would want to play as stupid looking sjw characters like that?

Is being black the only requirement needed to be an SJW character? Or is it the hair.

>The only 'air control' is to shoot your gun, which moves you about two feet.
Besides all the characters being able to strafe in mid air, and besides the fact that you can use your guns to gain momentum, and besides the fact that most maps have grav spheres that you can use to slingshot your way around, all the characters also have abilities that allow them to change directions in mid air.
And yes sure, "dominating" in your first few matches in a closed beta sure is impressive.