What race & class should I pick lads?

What race & class should I pick lads?

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female worgen demon hunter

Male Troll warrior

>anything but human
>not minmaxing with emfh

>tauren druid
>undead warlock
my personal two favorites

Dranei resto/ele shaman or fury /prof warrior.

PvP or PvE?

uninstall mage

Both but more leaning towards PvP

>zul'jin made me want to make a troll warrior
>realize trolls in wow are lanky stoners and nothing like zul'jin


white human holy paladin, everything else is pleb tier

how are they any different?

Patrician taste right here

have you played the game? forest trolls are huge and bulky, player trolls are lanky twigs.

female draenei
male troll
female blood elf
or anything else that isn't human

Zul'jin is like a jungle bongo sociopath that will shrink your head and make you into mojo

Wow trolls have funny melee animations and remind me of the putties from power rangers

WoW really needs more customization options.

goblin whatever


Go Vanilla Troll Rogue

There are no Worgen nor Goblins in WOTLK my dudes

Vanilla is garbage and I don't feel like torturing myself to get to 60.

troll racials were even shittier in vanilla than they were in wrath.

Anything but human.

**My sub runs out in a few days and I'm not resubbing. Giving Tree of Savior a shot for now.**

Whatever you make you'll hate it by level 30.

upgrade to cata so you can play as Goblin master race

>torturing myself to get to 60
Don't be a pussy.
You can ding 60 in less that 14 days of play time.
And that is without pushing yourself and just running around leveling professions and clearing dungeons multiple times.
You can easily get to 60 in a week.

And once you ding 60 you can be a leech in BGs and get pvp gear.

female night elf priest



Yiff yiff

Idk I don't even play wow

Human male death knight. Arthas is the only one that can make azeroth great again. You do want to make azeroth great again, don't you user?

oh you meant the models, right

I wonder what her butt smells like haha

>WoD Models

How do you do this on a private server? I've owned one and never got it to work.


Retardin for OP.
For fun, play >Rouge

Doesn't matter what.





I have an undead warlock and feel like I should have made an Orc instead.

OP if you don't play a troll or a goblin you're a fucking faggot.

Download the patches from here and put them in your WoW > Data > * folder:

There are also patches that add Legion creatures/mounts/animations/water to WotLK.

Fem Panda monk

Energy Melee / Lighting Aura Brute with Super Speed as your travel power.

the human uninstall wizard.

>hating WotLK

Inarguably the most refined WoW was until Cata fucked everythang up and the game went full-casual.

Only problems were Naxx being recycled, gear vendors being too plentiful, and Wintergrasp being the tightest shit ever.

So close. Dwarf is the only correct choice for a warrior

why does this game look like shit

everytime I see you guys post about wow on here I look at the screencaps and ask myself why you fucks still play this ugly game

can someone explain to me the appeal that keeps you playing?

It's an MMO that was released in 2004 and made to run on even the toastiest of toasters dude. In that time, games the scale of WoW had to compromise graphic fidelity for performance so people could actually fucking run it decently.

It's 12 fucking years old, you jackass.

>why does this game look like shit
World of Warcraft is a ~13 year old game.

>Can't play a scrawny male cow like Spiritwalkers (their canon shaman role)
>Can't play a bara worgen for maximum Rip/Tear
>Can't play a swole panda badass

Fuck you Blizzard. Put that shit in the eshop instead of garbage mounts.

Gnome Warrior

Are you fucking stupid?
You think what keeps people engaged long term is fucking graphic fidelity?

>can someone explain to me the appeal that keeps you playing?


I want to play as a Panda girl

there used to be a lot of social interaction and teamwork which is why people play private servers running older versions of the game
now it's just a solo mobile game unless you're one of the .1% of the playerbase who does mythics

Female Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Draenei, or Blood Elf.

Any class that lets you completely slutmog it up.


Female panda slutmog warrior

Ever see a Dwarf woman in the Glorious set? Or in the hiphugger low-rider leggings that show half their ass? Yowza.

>You will never have a fit panda warrior wife who is stronger then you but wants to be your house wife


What are you, 60?

Respect your elders, you little bitch.

It was not that good.
In fact it is the first expansion that the casualisation really started to show.
LFG tab was introduced, everything was piss easy, the progression was streamlined, etc.