How does your physical PS4 game collection look like, Sup Forums?

How does your physical PS4 game collection look like, Sup Forums?

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I don't even know if my PS4's optical drive works, never put a disc in it.


Is it 2006?

You guys are bullies.

It looks like a mountain of games being squished under the weight of the pile. Also physical sequels to games that I own digitally.

>4 copies of Battleborn

Alright Randy

What ya'll niggas think?

>no p5
No. That's what I'm thinking.

bought Div:OS and Overwatch digital

already sold my copy of Persona 5, couldn't find any replay value in it
my brother bought RE7 and DS3
all I'm waiting for now is Ni No Kuni 2, Dragon Quest XI which might not be localized and Div:OS 2
all in all there's not a lot worth owning, don't really care for Nioh, Yakuza or Nier either, maybe when they're cheaper



>not even a new IP

Wow user, just wow.

R8 but pls no h8


>This. Oh wait, actually I did put a BD of Breaking Bad in it. My PC doesn't have a disc drive so if I ever decide to buy more bluray movies/series I can use PS4 as a video player. Too bad it doesn't play UHD BD, though.

inb4 f12

Sorry user, I know that Sup Forums X feature where you can claim and unclaim posts is perfect for shitposting but you're far from the only one who knows about it.

>that screenshot
now you've just made it seem like you made those posts

r8 pls

Just EDF, God Eater, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4.

I hate Bloodborne, Uncharted is still in the shrink wrap, and I played more of GE: R download that came with the physical game then the physical game. At least EDF is fun.

>no kingdom hearts 2.8
>no gravity rush 2
>no digimon world next order

>Final Fantasy XV

I'm so sorry.

>no Yakuza


Paid full price for it aswell. Never felt so bad about a game I bought in my entire life.

Blops came with the system, pls no judge

I have Cyber Sleuth and Puyo Puyo in the mail, too

I really wanna try Yakuza 0 and Nier but both are still kind of expensive so I'm waiting for price drops

Still have to buy a lot of games, but im doing everything in hitman and have to plat p5 abd the last guardian, also have to play the last shovel knight dlc so, its gonna take a while until i buy another one

just uncharted and I don't even like that shit. I'd get some other weeb games, but those prices never drop even years later

Nice going chump

Are these American games?

I just realized their spines just have the name of the game while mine () have the logo

Nah they're all UK, not sure why yours are different

That's not true. Some games drop really fucking fast in price. You can get star ocean for 20 bucks nowadays. Other games like odins sphere seem to hold their prices very well though.


I don't think there's anyone here that hasn't played Bloodborne but Play-Asia has it on sale for 9 fucking dollars

I hate steelbooks so much. Also why are the GTAV and battlefield 1 boxes so shiny compared to the other ones? I fucking hate video game boxes.

>physical media
>in current year

4/11 shit taste

normies get out / 10


>PS3 Remaster
>PS3 multiplatform

Damn, that PS4 console really justifies it's existence!

Thanks for your valuable opinion, user.

It's been 3-4 years since the PS4 launched. The PS3 and 360 didn't have pitiful first 4 years that relied exclusively on Remasters to pad out their libraries.

Looking at this thread makes me sad as fuck at the current state of gaming. I'm glad I'm sticking to retro.

Fallout 4
Persona 5
Dark Souls 3
Arkham Knight
DQ Heroes 1
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Neptuina V-II
World of FF
E Andromeda
SW Warriors 4 Empires
SRW Moon Dwellers

Then this is the wrong board for you, is the other way.

>I'm glad I'm sticking to retro

>deliberately missing out on stuff like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4 and Yakuza 0

not in this pick
>DS2 Scholar of the First Sin
> Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness


This, minus Bloodborne. WipEout soon though.

I mostly play on PC and I'm not into fatlus/weeaboo shit.

cool book stopper

look at all that shit taste

Don't get it.

>All those multiplats and remasters

>Preferring digital games to physical ones

Blizzard cuck

>not a new ip

>Nearly all RPGs
How do you not get bored?

I have not

You do realize that it's IP as in IP address and not as in intellectual property?

I never bought a roachstation 4.

Why not?

Then why are you posting here? You have literally nothing to do with this thread.

I see, please rape my face.

The 360 and Wii games are ones i wanna replay or back log from last gen.

I have an ok PC so the PS4 is for exclusives and the only exclusives i want for it are RPGs really.

>stacking cases vertically

>tfw physical games are much more expensive than psn prices in my country
>going full digital
>I'm so envy about physical
>My heart is broken
good collections lads. I wish I could post my bookshelf with full of games

>preordered Ray Romano from EB Games Australia; 70 dollarydoos, with $10 deposit
>apparently doesn't come with the artbook the US launch edition has

>check Amazon - whom are willing to ship to Australia
>$46 USD for the launch edition (including shipping), works out to 74 AUD
Feels good man.
Even after losing the deposit I got the artbook edition, delivered, for only $14 more than buying locally.

Ray Romano?

Yup, that's it!

Nigga why do you have dark souls on the PC does that shit even work ?


how is it?


My utawarerunigga, getting mine today.

Yes Ray Romano, underwater

It doesn't have the DLC

>mostly play on PC
>DaS1 and 2 on PS4


Dark Souls I isn't on PS4 at the moment

I meant why not 1 and 2 on PC? Why PS4?

Persona 5 is on PS3

Why do none of you people keep your games in alphabetical order? Do you have no pride?


Bad ports, worse community, online hackers.

It's time to take the stickers off your game cases, ausfag.


Also have some stuff digitally

Forgot pic

I just dont own any physical games for the PS4. I borrowed Bloodborne from a friend to play through it and i dont have the time to buy and sit through it with the DLC and KH1.5+2.5 HD again so i just havent yet. The only game i play on the system is Let It Die



Something's missing... A Phantom kinda feel

I need to play more. Most recently beat Yakuza 0.

Theres more but my phone is potato.

My collection only got up to 15 games, but then it dawned on me that new games come out all the time and there's no reason to hang on to games I'll never get back to.
IF I decide to replay a game, I could always just repurchase it. Unlikely.
So here's my current collection / backlog.

Wow. That's small

NBA________ is not mine

I love collection threads!

The perspective is all messed up. For a second, I thought you owned The Witcher 3: Family Size Edition.

>no black hand

I don't believe those games are yours


Aside from four games, that is a nice collection.

I only have Persona 5 steelbook so far, now I just need to buy a PS4.