I just watched Howl's Moving Castle as my first Ghibli film

I just watched Howl's Moving Castle as my first Ghibli film.

Is this game anywhere near as good as that?

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No. It's a meh RPG with great art direction and some okay, if poorly implemented, ideas.

what the fuck Sup Forums none of you have played Ni No Kuni what the fuck

well OK don't bite my head off
but ignoring the gameplay, are the story/art/music/etc. good?

shit game but as with most J non-rpgs the presentation is excellent
Porco is Miyazaki's best btw

>is a 40~ hour gaming experience going to hold up as well as a well-written 2 hour piece of art
You can't be this retarded. It's a good game and worth playing if you enjoy Ghibli's work. Enjoy your spoonfeed baby boy, and make sure mom takes the keyboard off your highchair so no one else needs to see this shit

Story is bland and predictable
Art is fantastic
Music is also great
The world is fairly generic (forest, desert, ice, etc. areas)
Hopefully the sequel improves on some of the weaker aspects

The battle system is the worst I've encountered in any JRPG, ever. I had to drop it after about ten hours because I just couldn't take any more of it. The whole trying to combine turn-based and real-time combat is a fucking cancer on the genre. Do one or the other well instead of both appallingly, fuckheads.

Fuck you NEET I don't know how long a game is or how it story is before I play it

It's a JRPG retard, take a wild guess like I did. It's been years since I played that shit and I don't remember game durations like an autistic fuck like you seem to expect everyone posting here does. This isn't a Ni No Kuni thread, it's a retard spoonfeeding session that should be deleted from Sup Forums

If you like Ghibli films you may forgive some aspects of the gameplay, both music and general world are awesome, story is ok.

it was fun for a bit, gets pretty repetitive though, 'cause combat is shallow as fuck and boring

also howl's ain't got shit on good miyazaki films like nausicaa, kiki, or porco

>get 16 hours in
>art is still gorgeous
>battle system still ok at best

what happened to this being released on steam?

that's what I'm wondering. the next Ni No Kuni is getting a PC port, so I'd assume they will port it over eventually (I hope).

Try Jade Cocoon
>art done by a Ghibli artist
>fantastic soundtrack
>story is basically Princess Mononoke but with monster raising
>merging monsters together results in millions of possible monsters

Really shit RPG. If Ghibli didn't do the art, no one would even remember this turd.

>howl's moving cg
atari et is as good as that

Howl's Moving Castle was mediocre at best.
So yeah, Ni No Kuni is about as good.

The game was good for everything but the gameplay and story
To elaborate, the AI is pants on head retarded and will blow all your MP in random mob encounters.
The combat is just plain unfun and the pokemon evolutions are so weak that they might as well not evolve at all
The story is what you would expect of a game catered to 8 year olds.

If you speak nip play the 3DS version