Game would be better with protag as a cute girl or youngster dude.
Game would be better with protag as a cute girl or youngster dude
There's not even a lot of them and I'm already sick of the "Earthbound-esque" indie RPG trend.
My eyes and my soul bled on how godawful all of that looked, from design, to execution.
Thank you for making me see it can always go worse.
What the fuck is up with the 1FPS tier movements?
It's monday, user. Is there a need to shitpost so hard?
Not even. All they needed to do was remove the guys beard, glasses, and make his flannel a dark blue or black
>multiple brown people
Essential numalecore.
>hipster uses vinyl records as a weapon
god it's like a fucking parody
I think the thing that irks me the most is the soundtrack. Jesus Christ, who thought that was a good idea?
Haha you haters just don't get it
Every detail is intentional, even if it seems unappealing and obtuse. Do you even get postmodernism? It's a satire with deep commentary on both video games, contemporary arts, and the world today. This is the kind of work that will be remembered and future historians will wish they had lived when it was prevalent and relevant (though really this kind of art is timeless).
Open your scopes a little, I think you'll learn to appreciate it
what the fuck happened to video games
>supposedly takes place in the 90s
>characters look and act like they're from 2010s
Instead of shitposting about how shit the game looks how 'bout you actually play the demo and feel how terrible it is yourself? You won't because Sup Forums doesn't play video games
This looks like the most Hipster thing in existence
I admittedly kinda like it. Especially that beginning part
so were meant to hate it.
Ahaha, Persona is finished!
I would, but I really don't wanna because .
I am pretty hyped.
I like the artstyle and I hope the game will be good
Looks like total trash. Always has
That looks fucking awful.
>nu-male indieshit
lol fuck off
one of the worst thing I've ever seen
>Hipster culture has become indistinguishable from parody.
Looks terrible imo. See how slow that combat is? Are you sure you want to deal with that for 20ish hours?
>music by Toby Fox
MC design really is abysmal
self insert-y in the worst way possible
That is definitely not Toby Fox. Fox at least understands how melodies work
He contributed one song tho
main character looks like he should be the sidekick
Using the same OP image but altering the message to reflect what people told you in the earlier threads.
Fuck this viral bullshit the game would be gooD IF IT WASNT SO FUCKING SLOW
>it's like Killer 7 mixed with[...]
These people truly have quite the ego.
Looks like fucking cancer.
Self-aware shilling is still shilling.
>minigames for every attack.
It wouldn't be a problem if the minigames weren't so fucking slow.
Am I retarded or did my four minutes of Wikipedia browsing prove that there is literally nothing "postmodern" about this game?
unless this game is ironically bad
It's fuckign shit, you shill. I bet somewhere like neofag would love this.
Eat fist normie.
A lot of people like to pretend they know what postmodernism is by thinking it doesn't mean anything.
I see IGN giving it a 10/10 like any numale indie rpg as of late.
>Game was said to be inspired by Earthbound 64
I'm not seeing it at all.
Some of the graphical choices were trying to be minimalist or pseudo 16-bit ish. Plus, I'm not feeling the part where everyone is practically the same except not-Aigis.
It would be fine if the minigames were only for super special attacks and not every single thing.
Hahahahaha, hipster MC attacks with a vinyl; how fucking self aware is that?
There's nothing "Postmodern" about this shit.
Unless by Bostmodern they mean "let's rip off as many games as possible".
It's basically like a bad version of LISA/Undertale/Persona mixed together.
No. Videogames are entertainment as a primary, with art being secondary if achievable at all (which it usually isn't). Games that appear to approach art do so by having their game experience be so good at the entertaining you part that it allows your mind to link that fun to a sense of beauty, of art. They have to be good in more ways than bad for this to happen. A game where you run at 2FPS or where every character is so terrible to look at isn't going to achieve something with the qualities of artwork.
Postmodernism is garbage. Its an attempt to claim sage wisdom thru often 1 dimensional parodies of modern times. The "artists" always feel they have some hidden nugget of insight into everyday fucking life or pop culture. If you feel enlightened by these experiences you are doing life wrong, and any appeal from you to us to broaden our mindsets and outlooks becomes idiotic. Its like the town drunk telling us to try fucking the goats before we say its a bad idea, then balking at everyone who doesn't trust his word.
The game looks like hot garbage on an Indian shitting street.
The thing is despite Earthbound being 23 years old and Mother 3 being 11 years old both are better in every way to these games. They have better gameplay, writing, and music. These games lack any subtlety and are made by low budget groups of amatuers with little creativity. They seem to try to make gameplay a bit more interesting but they never give it enough work or thought.
All these idiots think the games are these completely foreign concepts but they're just simple DQ clones. And that's fine, DQ is fucking great, but none of these people take the mother series for what it actually is.
I could accept everything else if the music was good and the battle system didn't look like total garbage. They missed the two biggest things that make a quirky RPG worth playing.
Looks fucking gay as shit. Hipster indie trash like Scott Pilgrim for fucking retards.
Postmodernism basically means a piece of work that is reflective, self-aware or referential of the genre or medium that it exists within.
This game is pretentious, not postmodern.
>Looks fucking gay as shit. Hipster indie trash like Scott Pilgrim for fucking retards.
>implying Scott Pilgrim isnt for fucking retards.
that you aren't even subtly shilling this hipster trash
Black shirts are for waiters.
>game takes place in 1999/2000
>characters are dressed like 2009/10 hipsters, the one guy is an emo from the same period
>in 1999
>when CD was at the peak of it's popularity and Vinyl was literally dead as a doornail, and Hipsters didn't exist yet to revive it
>it was still fairly recent, so it wasn't "hipster old" yet
>that godawful music
>that godawful everything
>that COMBAT
>keeps posting this everyday
It must be coming out soon if you're shilling this hard.
>music goes apeshit
>cuts to boring ass gameplay
>Based of an event that was in the new tens
le numale self insert
Shilling this game on Sup Forums doesn't make sense, it's like marketing a brand of canned meat in a vegan forum
Just look at the game, it's obviously being made by retards.
>this VA
>this music
>this writing
>Looks alright
Kill yourself subhuman Untermensch nu-male cuckold.
You will be the first to be impaled in a race war, you subhuman shitstain.
Where the fuck is the grammar?
>its a black guy who is an anime nerd character
>this dialog
>implying that the developers think anyone will want to listen to this dialog
Hmmm. It seems like I have a different opinion than you
>all these """art""" design choices
it finally happened, a game made by an entire team of idea-guys
I don't see what's so bad about that, the voices fit all the characters and the writing sounds like it was written specifically for the VA's. Everything sounds like it's still being edited, so give them a break?
This is my biggest problem with the whole thing, even more than the 2fps animations. Those characters are clearly hipsters from 2017. Nothing about this game matches the time period in which it's set.
>for $69.99, you can now suffer that 'loud subway weaboo conversations' without leaving your own home
It was just a typo.
I don't see what's so bad about that, the voices fit all the characters and the writing sounds like it was written specifically for the nigger's. Everything sounds like it's still being edited, so give them a break?
>that fucking music at 1:00
jesus christ
Who the fuck even looked like the protag in 1999?
Mods should just fucking instaban this threads, the shilling it's too fucking obvious.
this is where i point out that purseowner already exists
I don't see what's so bad about that, the voices fit all the niggers and the writing sounds like it was written specifically for the nigger's. Everything sounds like it's still being edited, so give them a break?
>(From left to right – Ian Bailey, Jose Alfaro, Brian Allanson, Andrew Allanson, Brigid Allanson)
so we can confirm this is just shilling right?
Except for that last guy on the right they all look pretty normal.
– Team Ackk –
Brian Allanson the Director, programming, and primary in-game artist for AckkStudios. Brian’s workflow begins in Blender, creating characters directly in 3D. In additional Blender, Brian employs the use of Photoshop, and Zbrush to craft many of his creations.
Post of the year
Brigid Allanson graduated from The Kubert School in 2012. Brigid is a concept artist, character designer, and animator for the 2D portions of YIIK.
Brigid draws all of her illustrations digitally using a Cintiq 1200W with Manga Studio. To finish her drawings, she renders in Photoshop.
its time to shit on this game but you have to use your most ancient of memes. ytmnd or earlier levels of ancient
Is this piece of shit ever going to get a release date ?
looks like a school shooter meetup
except for the first guy from the right
got you know LaCroix
Ian Bailey is a level designer and scenario programmer for YIIK. He was responsible for the side quests in Two Brothers/Chromophore.
Ian’s workflow usually begins on paper, drawing detailed maps of the areas he is going to create. From there, he assembles various parts inside of Blender before finishing the levels off inside of Unity.
>that haircut
About the Sound-team
Andrew Allanson (left) is the Lead Composer/Sound Director and co-director of all AckkStudios games.
Jose Alfaro (right) is foley artist, music producer, and audio engineer.
Andrew first notates all of the tracks into Sibelius 7, creating loose orchestrations.
Once he’s done, Andrew and Jose begin to arrange and orchestrate in Logic X.
They in addition to recording a plethora of talented musicians, Andrew and Jose record many of the instrumental parts themselves, as well as using various sounds designed specifically for YIIK by Jose.
this trailer is ancient why is it being discussed now
>has photoshop
>draws in fucking manga studio
Hello, Anita. Still here?
>Ian’s workflow usually begins on paper, drawing detailed maps of the areas he is going to create. From there, he assembles various parts inside of Blender before finishing the levels off inside of Unity.
Not sure how that's relevant. Do people think that if you start by taking paper notes or working on paper you will produce better and more sophisticated results?
Some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard.
This thread cannot be shilled any harder with the amount of "insight and wonderful information on this game and the amazing team behind it". Because knowing the faces of those names scrolling at the end makes me love a game I will never touch with a million-foot pole.
Is this the only game to ever unite Sup Forums?