When is Persona 5 getting a PC port? It'd be a retarded business decision to not do that

When is Persona 5 getting a PC port? It'd be a retarded business decision to not do that.

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>Near-infinite hardware combinations, making porting and post-release support a neverending nightmare
>Customers not willing to pay more than $5 for a game
>The few remaining developers stay due to being bribed / forced to stay by Nvidia and AMD

PC isn't profitable.

Yeah, because PCfats buy games

Don't give me any of that shit. PC has more paying customers than any other platform, just because Sup Forums pirates doesn't mean everyone does. Porting wouldn't be a nightmare if the game was developed for PC from the beginning instead of those retards doing it for consoles. Either way, plenty of games have been successfully ported before. The bottom line is that consoles and especially console exclusives are cancer since PC is literally the only platform that should exist.

Because atlus is unbelievably lazy

They're apparently not lazy enough to make the most polished and aesthetically pleasing JRPG in recent memory.

Sorry to tell you this champ, but it's probably not happening.
Igor is fake, Goro is killed by his own shadow, and is also Shido's son

>It'd be a retarded business decision to not do th

I don't know what any of that means.

>more paying customers than any other platform
you mean russians playing dota and cs on toasters

>its another episode of false flag shit posting platform war drivel

I already beat the game. I just think it's retarded that Atlus forced me to steal my friend's PS4 to play it.

Never. PCs in Japan are either used for work or a few shitty otaku stuff that no one wants to be associated with so computers are looked down.

If more games went to PC then PS4 won't have any.

Russia isn't the only country on Earth.
Do you have a source on that?

>What is youtube.com
I finished the game already, get with the times man

Watching a game NEVER compares to playing it.

>take 10years to make ps3 game with ps2 graphics.

Its not like the gameplay is harder than golden sun
>Boost defense
>Boost attack
>Repeat for everything
No thanks

>Do you have a source on that?
low number of Steam users in japan and the lack of pcports in that place.

Good sauce, totally legit

How the fuck do you conclude PCgaming is frowned upon from that?

Go make your own research then fags


Atlus is one of those Japanese devs that are painfully retarded, they disabled share features on PS4 because they think sharing screenshots is piracy or some shit

So they are probably terrified of PC, Sega might force them to do a port though

Yeah Atlus forced me to buy a Ps4 a few years ago when there were other games I wanted to play on it, too. What the fuck were they thinking?

They weren't

>Games come out for console
>PC fags complain how stupid it is to make games exclusive for a console and not for PC or claim the game is shit.
>Game comes out on PC.
>PC fags laugh and mock console gamers for not having any games.
Do you want the games or not?

Sega is listening.

Just sit tight for 7 years.

And fourth world brazil shitters playing aven because they can't afford the base game. Yet somehow own a pc.

>PCfags are one person
Nice strawman

They're the most vocal, and are the ones I'm addressing.
If it doesn't concern you, why are you replying as if you're personally slighted?

Don't even deny that this scenario doesn't happen, user.

A lot of people does think that PCfags are just one person.

Lmao NEVER EVER pcniggers

A vocal minority isn't the majority you moron.
Sure, it's not like the PC has more games and better hardware than literally every other console ever made. Consoles are outdated garbage.

>A vocal minority isn't the majority you moron.
I sincerely doubt that the vocal minority is small enough to become the consensus of all of Sup Forums, the site where claiming you don't play games on Sup Forums will get you shitposted into oblivion by hundreds of different IP's.

But it's great that you think otherwise, I have no beef with you and I don't understand why you're starting this argument with me. If there is a vocal minority, it doesn't mean they don't exist at all. There are people who think that way, and they think that way extremely aggressively.

>implying game devs ever utilize the superior hardware
Stop being poor and join the idort master race

already runs in rpcs3

Are the brazilians awake already?

Who cares if it's ported or not. The game will be emulated at 60 fps on the pc in less than a year.