Is it a good game?
Is it a good game?
It's pretty good but for know the story and dialogues are still shit. Even worse than the first game. They made good changes to combat and talents tho. Fun new skills, great new combinations and "classes".
I wish I was good at coming up with builds. Games with too much freedom give me crippling anxiety.
It honestly doesn't matter at all what you do in the classic difficulty. And if you really wanna fuck around just go for the explorer mode. It will still be challenging but forgiving enough that it's absolutely impossible to brick a build.
early access looks promising.
Just experiment and have fun, it is not a competition. You could read up on what others are doing, but I would advise against blindly copying a build (even in something like Path of Exile).
The inability of video game writers to come up with coherent work is only matched by the inability of gamers to distinguish between shit and non-shit writing (cases in points: Bethesda games, Numenera).
However, I wish Larian good luck since they are bros.
Played about 30 minutes of the EA and thought it was fun, still waiting for full release to actually play it.
And do we have a date yet?
The EA was good, now I'm waiting for the undead,.
I played a few hours, didn't want to spoil any more than that. But it is pretty good as far as I've seen.
Just give me my damn skeleton race already.
No full release date yet, though there is supposed to be a big patch coming in a week or 2 according to that video that detailed the DM mode. They didn't say what will be in the patch yet though.
>DM mode
>Larian spends time and money on worthless gimmicks instead of hiring actual writers who can write their way out of a paperbag
These people are fucking retarded, Avellone can only do so much when he's not the project lead writer. The game will probably contain several good cahracters written by Avellone and everything else will be shit, just like Numenera.
The clothing and armor sets are a big step up from D:OS 1. I still would like a grid less inventory ala Ultima 7.
From the EA, Larian did improve the writing. Also Avellone don't need to be lead writer on a discworld-like setting.
I really what I've played. Waiting patiently for the full game. Hope they take their time and don't rush it.
>waste of time
Because making the ultimate TT vidya game which is literally turning into a better experience than all other RPGs is a "waste of time"
For most people, just like it was back for NWN1. Most never really made any use of those tools.
>ultimate TT vidya
>when said Larian can't even implement actual role playing in their h&s games
Are Lariancucks really THIS fucking delusional? Holy shit.
Maybe you should educate yourself before you post
The GM mode is literally TT 1:1 converted
i always thought it was funny how the kickstarter hype somehow made people believe larian was anything but a c-tier developer
In the first game, I roleplayed a Jew (not too many combat skills outside of leadership but could craft, had max lore and bartering, high charisma etc) and my friend roleplayed a mage. We had a blast. Can't wait for pt 2.
It's not done yet but I think it's going to be a good game. If nothing else the combat is enjoyable.
>The GM mode is literally TT 1:1 converted
Converted what? Do you understand how retarded you sound? Do you not understand that "TT" is a whole fuckheap of different settings with different game mechanics? Do you really think people playing PnP D&D will actually bother with this gimmick mode instead of playing actual D&D PnP? Do you not understand that part of the reason people play PnP is because most PnP settings are leagues ahead of the generic Larian high fantasy trash when it comes to world building?
Explain to me EXACTLY WHO is this gimmick mode aimed at? Personally, as someone who plays OWoD from time to time, I won't even consider touching this shit for the "TT experience".