visually the worst hero in the game, god she looks awful.

I want it if her ass smells like a real mare's

Her bug skin and uprising skin fix that

I disagree

I try and justify it by telling myself that the in-game explanation is that she was designed by a child and therefore the design is the way it is.

But you're right, it sucks. Fucking battleborn-tier character design.

yep, it sucks. like, what am i even looking at? where's the actual 'character', the head? even then, the horns look dumb, and the rest is just a jumbled mess.

Yeah she's a bit of a mess. It's my least favorite out of all of them. please just give junkrat one good skin, devs, please.

>Dumb spamming fag
Please do. As a Zarya main I love enemy junkrats.

>gets shot in the head like the broad side of a barn

Her design is based on African tribal masks, elephants, bongos and beetles.

You look at an African based quadrupedal robot with tusks and don't think African elephant?

nothing feminine about that robot. asked plenty of times non-overwatch players its gender and nobody knew

What does it smell like haha?

Like I care what a bunch of normalfags say. Bet they couldn't even masturbate to a spaceship AI that was just a voice.


>skin that recolors her purple
>it's called Twilight
What did Blizzard mean by this?

Is that you Bosun?

>he's shitposted on Sup Forums for so long he literally forgot what the sky is

Nope, just a depraved user who wants to fuck the robot horse

>and damage soaking
I feel like they actually can't design fun heroes that are useful. Especially for tanks.

For a second I thought that was Benedict from Overwatch