This is a legendary card in a trading card game

This is a legendary card in a trading card game

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marketing 101: sex sells

this is a tank

which game?


It would be shame if something happened to her.

how do i summon a sucubus

there's something about women spilling wine on themselves...

This is the planet Jupiter

Right click and search google for this image.
Don't be a lazy cunt.

I deliberately use sub-optimal cards in my deck just for the card art


Not necessarily true in every case nowadays, because of different reasons (audiences becoming fatigued by overly agressive ads of the past 2 decades, making it harder to stand out; various leftist values getting in the way, making the brand not wanting the potential controversy etc.), but still true in case of weebs.

Why do demons hate wearing shoes?

easier to lick their feet this way

>generic anime sluts


I want Beast Dominator to dominate me like a beast

But the game has no trading. Dumb phoneposter.

>Here user, I'll deal you damage AND get weaker every turn
>*gets outclassed by a less rare card*
What did she mean by this?

This is the most retarded shit i read today. Do you really believe that people are going to get fatigued by the mechanism of their very existence? Sex an sexuality? It's the reason you exist ya dumb cunt.

Holy fucking christ i don't think this will get topped today and i've already been to reddit.

You have to drink the wine and be bound to her forever first


Too bad out of Gwent, Eternal, and TES Legends, Weebstone is the worst out of them all.

>E-erika-dono! Its not like i was taking a nap or something!



The search engine algorithm was ruined so badly when the leftist cucks at google found out we were using it to search for porn, 9-10 times you search something it'll give you some shit answer, this is one of the instances when it works but just because it's a popular thing so they cant really keep the engine form giving you the correct answer.

>an APC
>being a tank

Have you ever been slapped before for being wrong? if you have, can you ask that person to slap you again but harder than that other time?

>people will get bored of sexy women

I don't think you could say something stupider if you tried

Do you have a blog where i can read your stupid shit whenever i'm bored?

>open in a new tab
>right click and search in Google
It works.

How far down did you go the rabbit hole 'cause obviously you hit your head when you hit the bottom.

Well to be fair, being covered in armor or a tumblr-hijab wouldn't have helped her.

I think the word he was looking for was bored or something in that manner.
I think that the point he was making is that when there are lot anime-products that focus on sex appeal they all get kinda bland and they don't stand out as much in the crowd.

>that bone breaking sound

welcome to growing up

Beast Dominator makes my dick go doki doki

bro thats not wine

>think low effort bottom feeders care about creativity

Nah. Sex appeal works cause their will always be garbage eaters who don't have standards.


I want to ding her dong

>a sap that costs 2 extra mana
woah. nice idea my dude.

>but what if i want to use it on my own minion
woah. a brewmaster that kills himself instead of giving you a 5/4. neat.

I wanna lick that wine off her toes so bad

I made that card many years ago when HS was new and I was new to the game. I didn't think that far. Here's another example



this is a chinese climatologist



Beast Dominator suck though, have a better legendary.

I haven't played this in generations. How's the new expansion?

Follow your dreams

More balanced now.

it's shit but dragon and shadow just got a huge nerf

only took them two months

I want to Ding her Dong, not Dong her Ding.

>Huge nerf
Pls no. It was Prince of Catcacombs wasn't it?

>audiences becoming fatigued by overly agressive ads
What fatigued? What ads? All I see is aggressive SJW infestation is getting worse day by day.

>various leftist values getting in the way, making the brand not wanting the potential controversy etc
They just want devs pandering to their lgbt/pedo/furry degeneracy and fluid genders perversion rather than normal healthy heterosexuality. Nothing else.

double dinger

honestly that's a pretty fast nerf imo

> I nearly saved this image
Close one.

What do i have to do to get that ding's dong

Is she feeding ME the wine?


Shadow didn't need a nerf... Dragon maybe.
Hell, Havencraft needs one.

This guy drew some god tier Dragons crown rule34

This is a boss card in a team building soccer game.

Have 3 animated copies of her in your deck at all times.
[spoilerI still haven't even gotten a single animated version of her yet, fug.[/spoiler]

I do or did, before i stopped playing. Give me the dong.

Why do I keep seeing webms of my wife getting beaten and raped in a dungeon?


>stopped playing

And this is what her card evolves into.

Post censor.

It was prince yes, and he is now 4 mana, no other change. While it seems small, but he is now competing with orthrus for t4 drop, and he can't be played on curve, essentailly creepling midshadows early play, so their board can be cleansed

This is a witch from the same trading card game.


>It was prince yes, and he is now 4 mana
I just wanted to make skeletons pop out skeletons out of ghosts, was that too much to ask?

What was it before the censor?

it's a fucking shit card mate

Is she okay? Is it as fun as the first one?




She dead?

Why isn't she sitting on a toilet?

You still can, but its a bit harder now maintain board to impregnate your ghosts with skeletons

This is a japanese castle in a japanese trading card

this is a japanese goblin

Also forgot to mention, drgons got it harder, LB lost its enchanse and Zell now 3/4 for 4 mana

game has a lot of artstyles mixed in

Hearthstone should have optional cute anime girl art.

this is a japanese leo

cool art, too bad it really doesn't fit tiny cards

Post censor refers to the time when all cards that were considered too lewd (pointy nips, too much ass, implied no-pan) were edited, and all players that come after that typically are less lewd than they could be.

Yet, that card was allowed Post Censor era.

Here's a Pre and Post censor. Some players were lucky enough to have theirs edited by their original artists, like this one, so it actually looks alright. Some cards weren't so lucky and it looks like someone used MS Paint and colored on more clothes or erased the nip bumps.

it's not tiny tho
Card's description appears when you click on them, so no space wasted on text like in HS

>big titties
>tiny horns

>have to open a separate window to read the text on every single card
this is part of why shadowverse's UI is complete garbage

This is something something


>text is hidden by default and only appears when you click on card or it's being played
you are retarded if you think this is a bad UI design


no (you) for you

I can imagine all the Dragon players committing mass sudoku now.


NGL, i like censor one more, due to ... reasons