Why does Sup Forums think ecelebs help sell games?

Why does Sup Forums think ecelebs help sell games?

OP genuinely thinks FNAF sold well because it was a quality game

Nobody wants to play a screamer game themselves, that's just fucking retarded OP.

I don't though. If anything LPs cut into sales because people can just watch them to "experience the story" and then never bother to play the game themselves. Obviously not everyone who watches LPs would buy the games in the first place, but there are at least some it applies to.



>Nobody wants to play a screamer game
Yes, that's why FNAF sold liek shit

That image is pure garbage. Doesn't even compare similar types of games. Plus, exposure isn't even a comparative thing. Wouldn't sales over time correlated with popular video releases actually quantity if e celeb exposure helps?
Even if you compared different titles with different fanbases; games like FNAF btfo that ember game even though it has eceleb exposure. Isn't this just cherrypicking?

>Implying it's not

>You're cherrypicking OP
>So let me cherrypick a counter example

>different genres
Wow, nice work, OP. Super convincing image. You must have slaved over this for hours and hours.

That's exactly my point dumbass. Did you miss "Even if...".

I guess it depends on the game
linear games like Uncharted, not very good to be advertised with let's players
open world games with many options like Skyrim, they could be advertised great with let's plays

>exposure doesn't bring sales
How many times are you going to make these threads?

Let's plays are good for exposure

they cant help sell shit games. If people see the stream, and the gameplay looks like another game you played, but much worse, people don't buy it.

Whoever made this image is a straight retard. Literally proves nothing whatsoever.

Nobody likes being on the receiving end of jumpscares and shrill audio clipping in their headphones, OP. Fucking. No. One. They just like watching other people shitting themselves.

Also Ember is an actual game and it's alright as far as RPGs go. It's unsurprising it had at least some sales.

The fact that cheap scares application #9298238 even got close to 24k sales can ONLY be attributed to extreme jewtube shilling. There is no other way to sell that shit.

Well whether or not they do or do not, that image is useless in the debate. You just cherry picked a data point that would 'prove' your preconceived notions.

It's obviously the dev.

>actually stating exposure doesn't mean the game will sell while saying SPREAD THIS IMAGE WITH MY GAME SO IT'LL GET MORE EXPOSURE at the same time



You'd have to compare the same game you dumb motherfucker this is completely meaningless otherwise.

i'm not watching lets plays, i mean if i watched it, why would i play it, right?

Call me scary, but maybe jump spook games are mostly unpopular nowadays, aside from the big name ones.

Your diagram there would make a lot more sense if it were the same genre of game.