The game has finally broke me...

The game has finally broke me. I've given up on winning now and I'm just going to sit back as Widow and fire off some shots.

Post rare Widowmakers.

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What is the appeal of this game? Serious question, I don't understand why anyone would legitimately play this game. I feel the same way about Hearthstone and HotS as well. Are you playing it because it's a blizzard game?


>I don't understand why anyone would legitimately play this game.
peer pressure

I genuinely loved the game at first but the players have ruined it for me.

Plus the waifus keep me playing.

People have different tastes and world views than you
I know, it's shocking that people have their own autonomy, but it's true.

>want to fuck widow
>know she would just kill you right when she lures you in
the struggle...

What games do you play?

Overwatch is the game I wish I could lay, I fucking hate pvp though so I'll just fap to the porn.

Fuck you blizzard you lazy bastards, you could of easily made it pve and pvp.

how naive

If she wanted to kill you she wouldn't have to lure you in. When she shows affection it's genuine

I'm curious how blizzard of all people has managed to corral the shittiest fucking community all in one game.

I don't even deal with as much human trash in league or csgo as I do in OW

I'm at that stage in Diamond where I am either gold elims and damage in every losing team or bronze elims and damage in every winning team.

I play Winston almost exclusively. With an off Zen if they go Roadhog/Dva/Bastion

it's fun

>never played Overwatch
>can't stop jerking off to it
kill me...

>Pharah will never stand over you and whisper justice rains from above as she pees into my mouth

I too have accepted darkness user.

fun is a meme perpetuated by the jew to keep the goy complacent

I'm in love with Widowmaker!


Genuinely worse than the Huntsman in tf2.


Overwatch was a lot more fun when Quickplay allowed hero stacking. Also, the balance in the beginning of the game was pretty good aside from fan the hammer doing insane damage.

As of now the only real incentive to play the game is the skins and events; which are the only times I actually launch the game; and even then I don't really feel the need to play as I don't like many of the new things and have enough currency to outright buy. A lot of people are playing solely for the items and skins because the game has a nice aesthetic to it you don't see in many other games right now.

The balance has gotten worse and worse, and makes for very boring matches where you pick Roadhog, Ana, another tank, and anyone else. I swear to god they keep the meta kinda shitty so they can "fix" it again in a month or so to attract players who gave up on the game to come back for a bit, and hopefully; purchase lootboxes.

This game is only as popular as it is because of the character designs, and customization of said characters.

>implying anyone playing this game has anything to live for

Its would be worth it desu



Can love... bloom on the battlefield?

The game is stale. boring and rewards no skill.
thats why Amelie lacroix is the best character and the only hero worth picking getting gud at.
t. Widow Main.

Also the game is shallow. after they ruined quickplay the only reason to boot up the game is to keep it updated and see what shitty skins they added. since they are not making any important balance changes or map changes.
Whatever shit they add they shove it down the garbage dump (AKA Arcade mode)
Im still waiting for them to add new maps to the actual ranked rotation. ACTUAL Good maps. because Overwatch biggest offender aside from 2 gamemodes is the absolute abysmal map design based entirely on chokepoints to build up ult.
its like playing Dod_donner but even shittier.

This is how blizzard has done balance for every game ever. They're awful at it, and they don't know how to balance stuff outside of just rotating everyone in after a period of time.
Keep that in mind the next time you want to buy a blizzard pvp game

Its a shooter made for woman and smartphone casuals, because even shit like CoD was too hardcore for them.
Now they can play a shooter without having to be good at shooting/aiming or movements to feel good.

It's given them a license to print money, so why would they change the formula? The way they balance strangely doesn't stop people from playing their games for a long time.

>dat lingering look with those stripper-tier dead eyes

That's why he's asking why you like it. Is it a crime to try to understand the reasoning of people different from you?

Actually nah, it may have improved a bit but QP is still fucking shit as long as they allow players to stack widowhanzo in the same team every single match.
QP is garbage, its a shame you can't make a 6-man team to play competitive without worrying for the SR cap.

Yes it is. I'm calling the police, kiddo.

It's a stupid question, though, especially when the query takes the kind of tone it did. If he we're truly interested in having an actual dialogue, he wouldn't phrase his question that way.

Widow/Hanzo/Genji instalocks are a non-issue for this community or custom servers would have no sniper games instead of tons of sniper practice customs. The game is made for 13 year olds and kids love no scope Hanzo and their waifu Widow.

I wouldn't consider anyone who plays Overwatch my "peer".

I'm sorry mommy didn't hug you enough faggot

Rocket scientist over here, watch out.

t. woman



I never said I was above the supposed person either. But I'd definitely not give their opinions more weight than they deserve.



What's the point in getting skins if you aren't going to play anyway?

Game is just an unbalanced mess. Characters like Pharah, Bastion, Reaper, and McCree have multiple hard counters while characters like D.Va, Genji, Tracer, and Zarya have literally one counter and if you don't play that one hard counter life for your team is going to be hell. This game is not fun.

>What is the appeal of this game? Serious question
For me it was the attractive female characters. They keep putting weird stuff like orisa and ana ingame so i'm playing less. Sombra was okay, weird head shape though.

I've never played this game, nor will I ever but I bought the widowmaker statue on the blizzstore last month.

I hope they use these characters in other games, overwatch is too shitty to have them all to itself.

This reads like some tumblr shit
>the question wasn't asked nicely enough so it's not a genuine question because I said so
Maybe there's a genuine curiosity to the question that you're too sensitive to notice.

The reason people like it is because it's just casual fun with collectible shit thrown in hidden behind RNG or grinding, which makes it addictive to some people. That's the mass appeal, competitive is a whole other ordeal of shit though. It's honestly no different to CoD

Sombra is a perfect breeding specimen shut the fuck up

>I don't understand why anyone would legitimately play this game
How is that "genuine curiosity," that just sounds like they're a dick who doesn't understand the concept of different opinions

Somewhere in OW there is a great game, I don't think Blizzard can find it tho
Literally no good maps 1 year after launch, anti fun Character all over and some rediculous balance changes make for a frustrating game with moment of greatness.
I wish some of the old TF2 team would go over and tighten that shit up.

dawg, I fell hard for yesterday
>that look she gives the player on the character select screen
it slayed me

Why do people draw fanart when they fuck the face up and it ends up looking nothing like the character

tumblr post of the year

A cute.

You need to keep in mind that the numbers that play it are not that big at al.

Activision Blizz are notorious liars, same as Square Enix.

There is a reason they don't give out proper numbers or like to be on platforms that do.

They just keep trying to make it slower. Then, they get into the endless sprial of nerfing everyone, which compounds the problem constantly.

Also, 60% of the games you play are built entirely around assaulting/defending chokepoints. This means that most games are played the same way, and you can tell within 40 seconds of starting if you're going to win or lose based on whether your team is doing the right thing to break a chokepoint. Things would be so much better if you could walk over roofs.

No, they are big, it's just they take into count total amount of owners.

I only play this game for lucio

Ana is cute! CUTE!

Eichenwalde is such a testament to how bad Blizzard is at FPS level design, the helped the first choke a bit but it's still way too easy to defend.
Also who ever thought of the second objective there should never design maps ever again.

>The game has finally broke me.
why not play something else then if you're not having fun?
Dirty Bomb is pretty good, Rainbow Six: Siege has a broken sniper right now, and you could even venture back into TF2. There are options

Who counters Tracer?


You're talking about a game with such shitty balance that the competitive scene either consists of a single comp (Medic, Demo, 2 Soldiers, 2 Scouts. Seriously. Play this comp or lose. Those are your two options) or a format that forces everyone to play shitty characters.

Also, about half the items in the game are banned.

Yeah, blizz could really learn a thing or two there.

McCree if you can aim. Meanwhile Pharah is utterly worthless without Mercy eating her ass out in the air constantly. Bastion STILL needs to be baby-sat to an extent because he gets focused down incredibly easy.

I was interested at first because D.Va made me think of Tron Bonne a bit and roadhog ended up pretty fun, but I fell out of it shortly before Ana came out. Only reason I'm still relatively up to date is because of Sup Forums.

What hard counter does Pharah have?

If you say Soldier I will laugh in your fucking face.

Gib her the monkey dick

>Practicing widow on my alt account in low diamond
>Get a ton of hits but mostly body shots
>As soon as I hit someone they run off and hide so I can't finish them off
>I end up hitting people then my teammates finish them off so I don't show up in the killdeer
>"Switch off widow. Report widow for throwing!"
>Get play of the game and a card for eliminations or accuracy
Literally every game. Fucking hell. Maybe this new assists update in the killfeed will mitigate this shit.


Literally any hitscan character. deals with pharah pretty well, snipers, try to ignore her and hide from her while dealing with threats on the ground


reminds me of kate from lost

Winston doesn't counter Tracer at all. All she has to do is keep her distance.

>implying competitive viability matters to the vast majority of the player base
I never said they should balance it like TF2, I said that OW could be helped a lot by devs who have experience in team based FPS

>half the items in the game are banned
false, valves competitive has no bans, you're thinking of UGC

Soldier 76 and McCree can keep her grounded if they can aim at all, Bastion can also do this to a lesser extent since his M1 damage isn't terribly great in Recon form. D.Va completely fucks with her ability to take down targets with Defense Matrix, and this same move will eat her Ult completely. Widowmaker is her real hard counter and Ana was fantastic at dealing with her until they nerfed Ana's damage down to 60.

Pharah is worthless without Mercy.


>If you say Soldier I will laugh in your fucking face.
You're actually just bad

this is how i feel about battle royale games

Winston can counter Widowmaker, not Tracer. Tracer can get away from Winston for free. Tracer's "hard" counter is McCree because of Flashbang+Headshot. A Roadhog that can hook good is also dangerous to Tracer but if the Tracer is any sort of decent she'll try to bait out hooks.

its a nice game to zone out to. i cant answer why theres a competitive mode or an esports scene, game is pretty braindead.

How do you stop a co-ordinated defense with a Mercy hiding behind that wall on Eichenwalde capture point 2?


Its an FPSMOBA. The appeal of it is being carried by your team then proclaiming you are the best player in the world. Same as MOBAs

Where are her pants and can I sniff them? How long has she been wearing them and are there any piss or shit stains?

Waifu pandering and it's a blizzard balance roulette game. People will literally play anything blizzard makes

Okay. You obviously can't play Pharah for shit.

I can endlessly spam rockets with zero falloff damage forever while soldier tickles me with his pea shooter, making me drop out of his sight every 15 seconds or so to grab a health pack or get heals. The only way soldier is doing shit to me is if he's within 30' of me, and why the fuck would I let him do that?

Maybe get good before you talk garbage?

I could say the same to you bucko

>ywn be forced at guinpoint to service widow's massive blueberry cock after its been cramped up all day in her skintight suit

>implying young ana isn't the hottest ingame character

but why?

How big and feminine is it?


youll be walking with a limp for weeks

>playing overwatch
why don't you just go back?

>but why?

Old voice actor, runs hunched over, etc. It's animated for an old woman.


How can anyone favour anyone over Widow? Brain problems?