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Video Games #3779
Video Games
This fall
Sorry, Sup Forums
I've got 25€ on psn left, tell me what to buy pls I already bought:
White terrorist
This type of stuff is only unsettling if youre literally a kid
You can only post in this thread if your hacked 3ds isn't banned
Gamer Fuel Thread
*blocks your path*
How goes the vidya Sup Forums?
Why are games ported from console considered "scraps"?
No controller support
Lose terribly
Competitive Smash
Go to google
Post shit normies say in a conversation about video games that are innocent but still slightly annoy you because you're...
How do we save Sup Forums?
Choosing anything other than independent Vegas
I just got into master race, now what do I play to justify my expenses?
Be mainly PC guy my entire life
Lets have a fun game thread, rank the games in a series by entry # and other anons guess what the series is!
ITT: games that made you give up on western devs
A girl agrees to give birth to your daughter, but only if you name her after a vidya character
Cute thread
What's your favorite questline from the Witcher series?
Fight or fug?
Far Cry 2
How shitty is the gtx 970 now?
Has a boy scout magazine leaked the e3 line up?
A game is being made about your country/state!
FFXIV: Stormblood
When I see people defend the crate system in overwatch why do they never bring up the game is still selling stupidly...
Filename thread
The best 3D platformer ever and its remake comes out next mouth how hype are you
Vietnam game
Will this last me through xbox scorpio/ps5 ports?
What is the Twin Peaks of video games?
Bloodstained is 20% complete, after 3 years. Last year they were 10%...
Did Nu-Mileena really fug Baraka?
*opens mic to laugh*
Ready to get BTFO, Personafags?
What's tge edgiest game you ever played?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Battlestation Thread!!
I come from the future. Here is what will happen this E3
Which one would you take as your wife, Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy XV Survey
Did you score ten million points for your team in the new Call of Duty?
Where were you when Hollywood began acknowledging the superiority of the PC master race?
I borrowed a wiiu from a friend and why isn't this game praised as the best game of the wiiu?
Hey Sup Forums earlier today I let my little bro play a game on steam...
Is Sup Forums ready to kill some christians?
I have a confession to make
Sup Sup Forums
HOIYA Sup Forums
ITT: spoil a game a people guess where its from
Age you lost your virginity
Is Velvet the most powerful Tales MC?
What is Sup Forums's #gamerfuel? Surely you don't play on an empty stomach?
Hi can you pls give me some mesos?
Sup Forumsirgins who masturbate to traps were so angry about a cute girl wearing awoo that they made mods move a video...
Launch day
Characters you'd fuck
Describe yourself in one word
What if it's good?
Are the Switch directional buttons better than the 3DS dpad?
What series am I talking about?
Games that give you eye cancer
Whatever happened to this?
Best video game booty?
Would you rather have a silent faceless protagonist to project upon or a distinct character with a personality?
Summer is coming
How fucked are you, Sup Forums?
How do you feel about Mei being a canon weeb?
Starting this right now
VANQUISH releases on PC today. Say something nice about it
What are you buying with your next paycheck, user?
Age of Mythology
Do you regret playing so much as a kid Sup Forumsirgins?
It's happening!
Let's get a mother fucking Risk of Rain thread going
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
Puyo puyo thread
ITT: Casual filters
Facial animations
The early days
That victor
Persona 2
The greatest game to be released in at least the past 5 years
Finally hack my 3DS so I can play JP region games
Is the world empty?
I'm playing this game for the first time right now and I'm about halfway through (maybe more)
Look who finally came out of his cave!
What are some games that make you question your own decisions?
Playing an online game
ITT: Overhated Games
A game that everyone agrees is good
"But the Parasite says 'No! What is yours is ours. We are the state, we are God, we demand our Bioshock thread'"
What do you think about Cup Head ?
Post your favorite Videogame Art
Is there a more perfect relationship in Persona than that between Joker & Futaba?
What does Sup Forums think of Xbox Game Pass?
Why do normies have such garbage taste in video games?
There's no way someone can be a world class fighter with this kind of body...
Is there a more evil Nintendo villain than Count Bleck?
Christians are evil: the game
I hate digital distribution because I like to physically hold my games
ITT: We vaguely describe videogames while anons try to guess what said videogames are
Is this the best Metroidvania?
Is there any reason not to play smartphone games when they look like this?
You only play that character because he's OP!
What are some games that feature defecation as a mechanic?
This is a japanese 15 year old
Why are video games the only medium where a product aimed at the black audience rarely succeeds? We got San Andreas...
NASA Speedrun marathon
Why are Xbros always excluded from console war shitposting? We w-w-were the winners of sixth and s-seventh gen
Me! Me! Pickle-Pee!
Far Cry 5
Hey, give me 7300 Macca!
Why don't more video games have Egyptian themes?
Is this as good as you nostalgiafags say it is?
Are there any games with CANON genderbender involved at any point? Not just crossdressing
GTAIV is better than GTAV
Not being part of the masterrrace
This is the future
Head to the Police Station, it'll be a lot safer
E3 2017
So this is $17.49 in the PS Store right now and I'm really tempted to pull the trigger...
The character needs to be my race or gender for me to enjoy the game
You saving up those 400 bucks to get the new expansion?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much...
Shitty inclusions to satisfy SJWs that ruined games
What the fuck is he?
Pikmin and animal crossing for switch confirmed?
All these Far Cry 5 threads
17 Days until E3 !
Why is Oblivion so comfy?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Dark Souls fags who are obsessed with the ''lore'' of the series need to accept this
How do I become as cool as Spring Man?
Black Desert
Just a few days left. You ARE buying his game, right?
Is this true?
Full Time Job: The Game
The final boss is a helicopter
When did you find out Sup Forums was mostly made by SJWs?
Friendly fire
I just finished this game and now i feel empty inside. what do?
How has Microsoft not sued them yet?
How did we go from this
What game should I buy? Im boycoting western developers because of far cry 5, but I need a new game
What went right?
What video game remakes are actually better than the source material?
The protagonist is a nigger lesbian who rescues her white girlfriend from evil christians
Game gives you three male characters to choose from but you choose the one girl character
Japan, 2.3% Christian
Mario half way in down pipe
Christians are evil the game
ITT: Video game characters that you can't post on Sup Forums
Do not buy western games
FFXIV: Stormblood
It's fucking ridiculous how good these graphics are
This one mobile game is keeping Sony's Music Division in the green
Why are you playing as a girl character?
What is the best Smash and why is it Smash 64?
What do you expect from the Nintendo E3 Direct?
Niggers I'm bored so who's down for a mario kart tourney?
Eyy Sup Forums, I needs help I cant install Path of Exile. Every other game I can install/update except for POE...
Birthday was last week
DOA - Feisty fraulein edition
Just downloaded this. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Just picked this up. Is it good?
Calling it now: Mario Odyssey will be even worse than Breath of the Wild
Final boss's ultimate attack is called apocalypse
Never ended up playing this game until now. Just bought it tonight, what am I in for? Any pointers?
2017 GOTY thread
Does you Animal Crossing town look nice? Do you have paths? Trees in intricate designs? Flower gardens?
How the fuck does Square recover from this?
Final boss track has vocals
Best Konami franchise
Fire Emblem Echoes
Red pill me on chaos
Brb, someone's at the door
Really joggs the noggin
Are there any games where the protagonist is a guy that transforms into a girl, preferably as a power up...
It's been 8 years
Castlevania Netflix Series thread 2
Sonic Adventure >>> Sonic Adventure 2
Which vidya man h
Name 3 type of games that you're not good at
I mostly blame the fans for this abomination of gear
Far Cry 5
Game has no black persons just white guys
Video game's music has vocals
Is kirby a franchise for girls?
Was final fantasy ever good?
People actually jerked off to this
Bugs that make you uneasy
Anyone know how to un-dent a controller?
Say something that goes against the Sup Forums SJW hivemind
*blocks your progress*
Well Sup Forums
What games have feminine male characters?
Collection thread
Which race did you choose and why i chose khajiit because furfag
What a forgettable villain
ITT: Games that you really want a sequel but you know it's never gonna happen
His steam profile has chat logs
Perfect YouTubers don't exi-
Okay so For honor is bad in certain regards
Did Blizzard ever fix this game? I recently replayed Diablo 2 and after a break was considering finally picking up 3...
ITT: We argue over controllers
Fuck white people
Shitty characters in otherwise great games
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm
Replace a word in a game's title with "nigga" or "niggas"
ITT the titty monsters of gaming
Why aren't you Wii u/ Switch master race?
MC is dumb and selfish
What did he mean by this?
How many tries did it take you? You HAVE beaten Demon's Souls right?
What's your favorite game that literally nobody's played. Shill it. I like hearing people talk about stuff they like
Tfw persona won
What games feature clowns in them?
Do you support game censorship?
He chooses luck
FFVIIR Recruiting
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
No amount of updates will save this steaming pile shit unless you fix the fucking netcode and asynchronous rollback
I fall asleep or get really sleepy every time I try playing a zelda game. I'm honestly not even trolling...
What RPG or MMORPG is closest to the experience of table top DnD?
What has she fuck the problem??
Meanwhile at Sup Forums's place
$60 for a minigame
Lucio’s new legendary skin for the Overwatch one year anniversary is causing me physical pain
Sup Forums doesn't want to admit that Futaba is the sexiest girl
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood
This is a video game thread. Not a bait thread, not a false flagging thread, not an off-topic thread...
KH Music Thread
ITT remakes worse than the originals
FarCry 5: "redneck Last Supper."
Castlevania Netflix Series
This is my battleship
Is vita tv worth it
Jesus H. Goddamn Christ, those thighs
Now that the dust has settled, what is the best Metal Gear in your opinion?
Is Mishima literally /ourguy/?
17 Days until E3 !
Driving games are STILL using manual shift
This is a Canadian special forces operator
Far Cry 5 has nothing to do with politics. Why are Sup Forumsacks so triggered?
How long before vidya devs realize that SJWs don't buy the things they complain about?
Hey kids! It'sa me...
3 days without internet because some asshole cut all the telephone cables in my building
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
It's hard to go back to games like Breath of the Wild when you've experienced this game in 1440p ultra settings at...
Trigger Sup Forums
What are your favorite games that draw inspiration from the works of HP Lovecraft?
Have women had a negative impact on gaming?
EZA thread
Will you play her game?
Killing yourself gives a hidden ending
Sup Forums was able to derail 90% of shill threads in their board with ease
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Bacon Man?
What's honestly the point of this? I can't see a bunch of people playing their switch right then and there at a picnic...
Where should it take place?
Life is strange TWO
Can we have a Sup Forums reaction image thread?
What difficulty should I play The Witcher 3 on...
Fire Emblem Heroes
E3 2017 - The Year of the Trailers
Why does nobody ever talk about Final Fantasy XII? I always hear a ton of discussion about the other games...
Why are the enemies in this game so mean? Why am I not wanted in Yharnam?
Is this the greatest trilogy in gaming?
If you cant play a game because its 30 fps, you're a little bitch
So, I guess we're all going to just ignore the fact that a "yoga master" from India...
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood
Released Too Late
That one part where the game goes from good to great
Will it be good? Will Ubisoft finally change the farcry formula?
Name ONE good licensed game
Why does quebec hate white, christian americans?
Is there going to be a new Animal Crossing?
Does Sup Forums like remixes of video game music?
PS4Pro tflops: 8.4
Fucking Metroid fans
Takes literal weeks to think of a username that sounds cool and original without being edgy and try-hard
Cover Art thread I guess, post your favorites !
What went wrong here?
Would you play this, Sup Forums?
ITT: Locations that would make good video game settings
Will death stranding be at e3?
Is she the best Mario and Luigi villain?
Xenoblade 2
It's over
In this thread you're ONLY allowed to post games with near flawless soundtracks. Picture absolutely related
What if we took a serious stealth game series
ITT: games that triggered alt right
Why do gamers usually have so few hobbies outside of vidya?
The Mobile game is out. And my old ass phone can't run it, fuck. I was genuinely interested in it too...
If god suddenly appeared in front of you and told you that you can wish for the source code of ONE video game...
Let's discuss this underrated gem
Shallya's gifts; a healing draught!
What's with japans fixation on germany? In Nier:Automata the Androids use weapons that look similar to the Stg 44...
What is your favorite animal crossing villager? Why? Are they still in your town?
Post common misconceptions that annoy you
Finally, a game where you can kill Protestants
King of Fighters XIV Steam edition
In the span of a single console generation...
Nooooo!!! The Switch was supposed to cause NINTENDOOM!!!
Is manufactured controversy to shill and sell games when in reality nobody gives a shit a real thing Sup Forums?
Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece of a game? How can a game be this fun? Is it 2001 again?
What is their plan?
Yfw you realize Xbox Scorpio is
Modern games
Sven Coop seemed pretty popular yesterday, so let's try again
Strongest boss in the game is actually a gag character
Heard Beelzebub is a really strong boss
Which is best looking Peach?
How shitty is Undertale, really?
Sup Bro, whats ur favourite game? Fifa or Madden?
“Pride of the Fatherland..”
Arguments against open world games. I'll start: MGSV
Crackdown 3 confirmed as a "Play anywhere" title
What's the comfiest strategy game
Now that the dust has settled it's agreed that Ann is the best P5 girl right?
Ubisoft advertising strategy (its video game culture)
Why arent you at wipeout release party?
Well, it's settled: BB is shit
Game punishes you for winning
Would you rather Bayonneta be
ITT Villains who were right
New 3DS XL Chewed Screws
Why is Jaina's personality so different between Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone...
Rivers in the Desert
Did Deus Ex accurately predict our current world 17 years ago?
Where should the next Fallout game take place?
Die in a game
Black Desert Online
So I was getting high and replaying God of War 3 and I noticed a trope in game design: starting you out with loads of...
What have rural people done to city dwellers that has caused them this much hatred?
Why do enemies have infinite stamina and insane tracking?
This is a videogame
Is it dead?
What do you want to see from Insomniac's Spider-Man?
How do you feel about based HBomberGuy eternally BTFOing Dark Souls 2 haters, especially MatthewMatosis?
What have we got here?
Leave Shin Megami Tensei to me
Ubisoft has announced that the main protagonist will be a police officer who is a african-american woman from a city...
Decided to try out WOW
So basically hamakaze?
How thicc is too thicc?
So, was Mom right after all?
Tyranny Flopped
Previous Thread:
How do be prevent Sup Forums from becoming pic related?
Why are video games pushing SJW shit now?
Switch games in a nutshell
How good are you at Fighting Games
It says here that you didn't pre-order The Elder Scrolls™ V™: Skyrim™ Special Edition™ for the Nintendo Switch...
What kind of individual would buy a game like this?
Games you absolutely hate that everyone else loves
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood
NASA Speedrun - Show me your moves
Why does Nintendo charge 90$ for this thing?
Far Cry 5
Finally bought a Nintendo Switch and I'm about to play Breath Of The Wild for the first time. What am I in for?
Will the Sims ever have a competitor?
Post terrible boxarts
The girl is the overpowered character in the game
Dead or Alive
Persona 5 Gets A Small Change To Avoid Further Controversy In South Korea
Ubisoft has announced that the main protagonist will be a police officer who is a woman from a city that is sent in to...
Are there any games where I can be an inspector?
Fucking badass, dude
Females are as good warriors as men
What games let me play as an inferior race?
How many roguelikes did Sup Forums beat?
Are you excited?
Path of Item Management
Have you ever seen another game so fundamentally bad get carried so hard by the sheer charisma of its cast?
What do?
What do you expect of AC: Empire?
Crash Bandicoot
Which do you prefer, Sup Forums?
Destiny 2
So when are some western devs gonna grow some balls and pull this shit on Islam?
Remove one to save vidya. choose wisely
Is it hard to make gauges programming wise?
Video game addiction
Fallout 4 free weekend
Hokuto no Ken
Quick rundown? Are the tower climbing...
Did anyone else play this hidden gem?
Divinity: OS 2 release date
Social Interaction in Sup Forumsidya
What are some games where you can dick around in the character customization?
Hilarious Racial Variety Trainwrecks
Name a better boss in any video game. I'll wait
Far Cry 5
Far Cry 5
I sense some double standards here where Dark Souls isn't an edgy grimdark series for Sup Forumsirgins that like to...
My boyfriend plays the game Call of Duty...
Why is Totori beloved by everyone?
Crack when
Everyone gets a happy ending except the main character
"Its like Dark Souls"
Farcry 5
Someones says they beat a game but they don't state if they chose for extra lives/continues
REmake was my first Resident Evil game and I'm now playing RE4
Risk of Rain
What did they mean by this?
We have access to perfectly functional robots that are designed to do work humans aren't suited for
Is Mike and Ryan taking over Cinemassacre?
Main character gets older as the game progresses
Let's have a good ol fashion filename thread
ITT: Worst games in their respective series
What are your hopes and dreams for the senran kagura game on the switch?
30 years from now
Daily reminder that this will happen during your lifetime
When Javi leaves
Fixed it for y'all!
FFXIV: Stormblood Final Fantasy 14 (FF14)
Why is Destiny 2 criticized for being a $60 expansion pack, but Splatoon 2 isn't?
What is the blue rare steak of video games ?
Kills the two worst characters in the game
Are you ready for Summer Lesson: Nep edition, Sup Forums?
Why are you not bowing to the almighty ceasar yet? new vegas thread
Isn't it amazing how much more appealing the concept looks now? Kind of like a fucking game now right...
Wtf I thought this was a kid's game
Sure can't wait to see what the hip folks at Bethesda reveal at E3!
CDPR is single handedly saving WRPGs, CCGs and the cyberpunk genre
Webm thread
What are some actually decent mobile games?
Do you think this will be popular with the autists?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Team Recruiting
Reposting someone else's leak from yesterday
What games let you transform into a super mode at will in battle...
This is what DICE chose to represent Russians in WWI
Lets see how many plotholes Sup Forums can find
This game is on sale right now and its the slow part of the year so I'm going to make a shill thread for it
Monster hunter on the switch fucking when
He made shitty video game reviews between 2008 - 2011 or as a kid
What went wrong?
The first two acts make this the best one in the series. Prove me wrong
How do we save Street Fighter?
Will MGS5 total nuclear disarmament ever happen?
ITT: things nu/v/ won't understand
ITT: times Sup Forums tricked you
After I saw this skin I want to play some games where I can become the warrior of justice
Why does Advent Children Tifa get so much dislike? It's the best incarnation of her
Why is the space in Freelancer so colorful?
Well Sup Forums?
Mario Rabbids Collage Thread
Buy like 7 $50 steam games this weekend because I finally have time to play vidya again
She exists, she's canon, and she's an important character
Modern point and clicks
So we can all finally agree on who's best girl, right?
What do you think it'll be?
Share prices in Nintendo have risen dramatically today and have even surpassed the Pokémon GO peak they achieved last...
Why does everbody hate Conflux ?
Serious question, how do you guys afford to play these modern games? Not judging, are you just rich, NEET...
Do you still play Tycoon games? What's your favorite?
Why are black people so much better than whites at fighting games?
Blame! Souls when, Sup Forums?
Side missions are better than the main story
Be roaming in open world game
Let's play a game of name that fanbase
The game has finally broke me...
What does Sup Forums think about Caddicarus?
So I just completed this, and I have to say it's not that complicated, if anything they just copied stalkers story...
Would this fix Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
Be french
ITT: Games you want but will never happen
Fantasy game
So i died to the first boss the twin blades on the bridge and it kicks me out of the game and i have to redo EVERYTHING...
ITT: Your favorite video game quotes
Do you have stories, Sup Forums?
Media Create Sales
Friend is now called to Marawi to fight Maute ISIS scum...
Tough boss fight that you were stuck on for a long time is nearing it's end
Well Sup Forums?
Name a video game protag that is not a normie
Which is the best gamer pet?
This board fucking sucks and is mad gay. Why is it so popular and why do we come here?
Why do video games praise/advertise alcoholism (and smoking) as if its a good thing?
Splatoon 2
I'm on the 3rd palace and I've realized something...
This is a voluptuous pokemon trainer
ITT: Sup Forums approved reviewers
Where is he?!?!
Have you ever bought a videogame just for feet?
So one thing always annoyed me about hotline miami 2
I fucked 7 girls too
Xbox is the current best platform out there for buying and playing games
What in vidya unintentionally spooks you, or do you find eerie?
What's the best weapon in the "soulsborne" series and why is it pic related?
NASA Speedrun Idle Time
Why are elves always the physically weakest race in games? They are pretty strong!
Devil May Cry 2
I just bought this because it looked kinda like old Deus Ex. What am I in for guise?
Why was it never localized?
Please i need a new boyfreind
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...