If god suddenly appeared in front of you and told you that you can wish for the source code of ONE video game...

If god suddenly appeared in front of you and told you that you can wish for the source code of ONE video game, any video game in existence, what would you choose? Why? What would you do with it?

>Red Alert
>HD version

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Supcom FA, so we can fix it for good.

I'm not sure I get why anyone cared about this story?

Is it just that the finder could've sold it on eBay for a few thousand dollars or were there larger implications?



Make TES Great Again

maybe some of the newer Total War Games, so the modders can finally create good games

Skies of Arcadia or Panzer Dragoon Saga

Diablo 3

he could've benefitted a lot more than a free trip a gay fucking convention

idk it all seems like much ado about nothing

What's the point of having the source code of a game?

I guess JSRF

any uncracked online only game with its servers shut down or at risk of shutting down
a game shouldn't not exist because jews are that terrifyed of losing 1% of their profit

Metal Gear Solid V.

I'd make Konami give back everything we lost.

Sell it to chinamen for a million dollars

Ross pls. Control yourself.


How can you lose the source code? Did you put it all on one disk then hope it won't disappear?

Also, I'd ask for the source code to Dota 2 just to kill off the MOBA genre. That's implying that I could host my own server with it legally.

you can mod it more powerfully than any mod tool could possibly hope
source ports, you can get it to run on anything (i.e. how people recompiled doom to run on modern OS, phones, whatever, imagine doing that with old exbax games no one can emulate)
also a decent learning tool for aspiring programmers

collectors item, starcraft moved strategy games into the mainstream so it would've been worth more than just a free trip to blizzcon

too soon

we could have learnt how to make games

Black & White 2

Pay a team to mod it into the game it should have been, and multiple times larger, and with balanced/fun multiplayer modes.


Make it available to xbox


it was a retarded move, he should've at least gotten a blowjob by Jeff Kaplan or Bobby Kotick for not selling this thing to another Blizzdrone for 10000+ dollar, instead of some free trip that is worth fuck all



I'd like to see GTA iii get ported to dreamcast

It's still Blizzard's property. Just because some guy took it back from the office and kept it and some guy bought it doesn't make it his. If he released it he would have been sued into the ground by Blizzard and be put into debt for the rest of his life, and for what exactly? So that some people can make "STARCRAFT EPIC BALANCED EDITION 0.05" only to be C&D'd by Blizzard immediately? So that people could create other shittier RTS based on Starcraft? Christ forbid somebody does the right thing (and not be fucked for the rest of his life) instead of releasing the source code to the Internet where Blizzard would take down any and all fan games/mods immediately when the full game is available for fucking free right now.

Honestly you guys aren't the brightest fucking bulbs on the porch.

I would ask God to conceal source code from anyone but the developers for all time.

There's some people doing an open source remake of GTA3, so that could be possible.

I just want to say that the source code of Brood War, while it might be of some academic interest for some, is quite unimportant. OpenBW already seems fully compatible with replays (which, I presume, means it is a complete implementation of mechanics because otherwise replays would desync) and playing the game doesn't seem to be far off.

But to answer the question, World of Warcraft: TBC 2.0.3 (preferably with databases included). The reason is I'm already invested in figuring out legacy-WoW. The choice of patch doesn't really matter if you're just looking at source code side of things (seeing as that the core architecture has remained more or less the same and details that have changed in balance patches are well documented already) but in terms of databases it's the best choice because at that point vanilla content is unaltered (say, elite areas are intact prior to 2.3) and the most original versions of T4/T5 content, extremely poorly documented compared to their final versions (for example, there's no video documentation of the first Lady Vashj kill because Nihilum allegedly exploited the encounter, and the tuning of this version that wasn't killed legit is of interest to me) never mind WotLK+ content, would be accessible.

There should be a legal clause for singular games over 25 years old releasing the source code.

There's only one good answer to this question.
I want the Fox Engine as used in Metal Gear Solid V because it's a goddamn miracle. I'd then release it online and make sure that Konami could never wipe it away.

Now he gets to go see a straight gamur gurl attention whore cosplay as his lesbian waifu. In his mind, it's a win.

Seconding this.
Make the game Will Wright wanted.

>Triggered sonygook

>not staying anonymous like we are on this site

honestly what did that attorney put into you guys

You know he kept a copy of that shit.
Now if he sells it no one will accuse him of doing it.

Either pic related or 3. I'd love to see someone make a competitor to the sims. Or even just optimize 3 so it wasn't a piece of shit but I like 2 more anyway so whatever

No you fuck, put it on PC where it's worth more.

Probably LoL or Overwatch so I can:

1) sell it for enough bitcoin to immediately retire
2) destroy an incredibly awful, casual game

The full source of WAR

>suing some literally who for 5 bucks and some Wendy's coupons for releasing a 19 year old sourcecode by a game that is only played by some lonely autist
>permanently destroying their Brand and Company name and PR for that

you serious nigga?, sorry i forgot that you Burger are so eager to sue anybody, that you'd sue your own mother for not preparing enough Chicken tendies.
Please stop posting and remove yourself

If he hadn't returned the disc to a corporation that barely has anything to do with the contents of the disc any more for a quick leddit points fix, we could have had modders disassembling the game and reworking it to the community's needs and desires. You know, kinda like with DOOM or RA or any of the Quakes, or any other game whose source code was made available to the public.

Instead this guy fucking hands this almost literal gold back to Activision so he can get a few thumbs up or whatever they call it these days on leddit.

Really user? Red Alert? When OpenRA already exist?

Van Buren.

Battle Realms. HD with HD cutscenes

Everyone here always ignores it, it deserves love.

Or he could have, you know, NOT whored it out on Reddit for a bit of attention.

why must you make me remember

Zelda 64 beta version.

Wrath of the Lich king expansion for world of warcraft.

Restore all the cut content and keep the game from starting its downward spiral.

Because i feel the pain every day.

I read the master thesis on how bethesdrones are literal shiteaters (in the intelligence sense)

With Starcraft HD on the horizon stockholders would probably have thrown a tantrum about "lost sales" if the source code ended up leaked.

>It's still Blizzard's property.

It became his property when he purchased it, and he can do anything he wants with it at that point.

Silent Hill 2
or fpbp


1) Announce it and sit on it for a while to enjoy the salt.
2) Make a patreon where I claim I'm porting it.
3)Rake in cash.
4) After doing nothing, release the sourcecode.
5) Again, enjoy the salt.
6) Play it again on PC after somebody else ported it.

Fallout 2
Make my own RPG

Fox Engine


Why does this exist?!

Risk vs Reward
He could've sold it and made bank OR he could've tried to sell it, get caught, and then be sued to hell and back. I can guarantee you most people here wouldn't know how to sell something like this without getting caught.

Would getting the source code mean that you have access to even the cut contents? Like for Alice Madness Returns

>Wario Land 4
>Give it to Vanillaware
I could die happy after that.

>"Hey some guy found the source code for one of our games which is our property. We asked him to return it because the source code on the disk is not his. He explicitly disobeyed us and released it so we are suing him for using our property."

Literally everybody would be on the side of Blizzard if they decided to sue for damages. Just because you let Ahmed and Omar pass your wife around in whatever Jackfuckistan country you're from doesn't mean that Americans are going to take that shit. Probably why your country is so fucked right about now.

Doesn't New Vegas more or less recycle most of what happens in Van Buren? Is it just the thrill of playing an isometric Fallout again?

It's their property.
Seems like he did the right thing instead of letting chinks or Ivan thieving niggers have it.

It's a nice thesis about how fan-creator interaction works, and doesn't in the case of bethesda, which forums are more of a sect or a cult.
THe only argument about fallout bethesdrones make is "THEY OWN IT THEY CAN DO WHATEVER LALALALALA"

I want the Nexus 2 source code so I can finish it myself.

Maybe Elite: Dangerous. Maybe GTA V.

>starcraft moved strategy games into the mainstream
no that was C&C, and you mean RTS not strategy games

How would having the source code to the second most popular MOBA kill the MOBA genre?

Red Dead Redemption
Mostly just to see if the game really was truly a barely functional mess of spaghetti code or not

oh right i totally forgot that they want to release a HD version of it.

then i'm sorry for what i wrote

>It's their property.
It was his property from the moment he bought it.

was C&C big in asia?
> and you mean RTS not strategy games

there were a ton of changes and completely cut areas. Entire cities. Different states

>he think's he's anonymous
Are you using TOR? No? Then fuck off.

Panzer Dragoon Saga so sega could release it digitally

Not really, plot's different time of action as well.
VB would take place in Arizona, Nevada and one other state.
Graham was different, basically murderhobo called "the hanged man" who had amazing stats, but would ruin reputation and require really high speech to make him not murder everything.
Mechanics from VB were supposed to be used in Dead Money, the automaps and hacking especially but gamebryo doesn't allow it to be anything mroe than shitty inventory screen.
basically you could download maps of buildings, hack systems like radios and ventilation to remove the could.
Sawyer or the cut content wiki had more about it

Half-Life 3.

I would promptly destroy it.

aside from the setting it recycles SOME, and very little at that
>vipers would be a major tribe with lore, cities, heirarchy
>show up in new vegas as 5 respawning raiders on an early game road that don't differ from any other raiders

Yeah you can speak to The International's prize pool (which BRAPiot initially shittalked but then resorted to the same strategy with garbage results) and see which is more popular.


>any video game in existence

He could upload the source code at an internet cafe or library

Sonic 06 would be fascinating

>Using an American, Australian or European ISP.
You're not anonymous either, user.

>World of Warcraft
> All expansions on individual disks

Red Alert has already been reverse engineered.

oh man that would be awesome. True 1:1 private servers

Muramasa: The demon blade
Do an HD port with enhanced controls for real consoles and PC.

The only correct answer is MGSV/Fox Engine.
Everyone else is wrong.

What the fuck would I do with the source code of a video game?

FFXIV if I get the expansions with it
Random that shit off.
Bitcoins only.

Where's the HD though

lord it over people for that sweet sweet internet fame before selling it to someone who actually knows what to do with it

>projecting this much

go suck a Saudi cock and let Mister Israel shit on your head, and don't forget to tip and clap for your stepdad Jamal and the diversity officer

how do you just find a source code to a game???????????????