Where should the next Fallout game take place?

Where should the next Fallout game take place?

Should it not take place anywhere at all? †

Pic related is a map of declassified nuclear targets in the the US

If Obsidian: Seattle

If Bethesda: Philly or New York

Shame there was quite literally zero extra east coast lore added in Fallout 4. The Commonwealth was like a padlocked playpen. Absolutely no sense of a bigger world outside of the game map.

Obsidian should do Fall Out: Mexico

Somewhere in the South. Doesn't have to be New Orleans like all the fake rumors said, but that as well as Nashville, Atlanta, or Miami would all be cool to see. It's pretty much the only region of the U.S. not touched by canon or semi-canon installments.

Australian Outback, duh

One thing I'm really interested in is how language (the English language) would evolve 200 years spread thin amongst Vault dwellers and eventually tribes throughout America. Especially in times of scarcity and tribal hunter-gatherer communities. From a practical design perspective, it's really a minor detail and not that important.

If its made by obsidian, near or in California
if its made by Bethesda , who gives a fuck

London of course.

If it has a voiced protagonist I'll kill myself.

next one should be another spin off, fuck bethesda they can't do anything right.

Either Denver, somewhere in the heart land/fly over states, or the deep south. Enough with the coasts, we get it NCR and goody goody two shoes brotherhood. boring. I want to see new big factions like the legion or some neo-confederacy in the south.

>tfw if we ever get a neo-confederacy faction they will be made out to be generic "slavery is gud" bad guys like what was done to the legion

>500 warhead scenario
>my city gets hit five or six times.
What the fuck.

They deal with this in New Vegas. Vault Dwellers are obviously well educated, and in New California the Followers of the Apocalypse basically make it part of their mission to not only aid but also educate the Wastes. A few characters in New Vegas state that they owe their literacy/education to the Followers. IIRC even Caesar himself.

In the really isolated areas, like the national parks such as Zion and the Grand Canyon, the Tribes have developed their own languages. The Burned Man (Joshua Graham) was a translator before the Legion. If I recall correctly, the Sorrows in Honest Hearts are some mix of devolved english and Spanish. I may be wrong on that last bit though.

Even Todd realized it was a major fuck-up so I don't think that'd be a concern.

What are those places that get ultra fucked in the mid west?

Nuclear launch sites/bunkers like Cheyenne Mountain.

>Those massve blobs in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming/Colorado
What the fuck is out there?

Missile silos the government hides in the ass-end of nowhere, away from big populations.

If Obsidian ever makes another great fucking Fallout game, Joshua Graham and Mr. House's voice actors should have some roles. Just naming a few great voices from FN:V if anybody wants to add to it.

>the Sorrows in Honest Hearts are some mix of devolved english and Spanish
it is. the people the sorrows decedent from were mexicans immigrating north after the bombs fell

South florida

China would be really cool. I mean maybe make a fast travel system based around the wall and maybe have commie ghouls and a shit ton of non mutated pandas for irony.

HardcOrleans would be dope.

Missile silos. Can you not think critically?

>tfw Graham curses Salt-Upon-Wounds to hell in his own language before shooting him

fuck that character was so cool.

>they dont bother directly nuking Bismarck, capital of montana even with 2000 nukes to spare


Thats where we store our nukes

I live in Northern Kentucky find it kinda impressive that my little shitty hole in the wall town is worth targeting in even a 500 warhead scenario. I'd think they'd rather target Bowling Green or something.

Also holy shit why so many concentrated warheads in the middle of montana, north dakota and colorado/wyoming?

>live by the largest Marines base in the world
>not a target

Feels....okay i think?

mfw in new jersey

>Also holy shit why so many concentrated warheads in the middle of montana, north dakota and colorado/wyoming?
taking out civs is nice and all
but if you can take out the other guys missiles before they get to you, then your civs don't die
which is better than killing their civs

>See all the blank rural fucking nowhere locations untouched by nukes
>think they'd be a safe place to be
>suddenly remember the fact that they'll be downwind

Not sure what I'd prefer. Death in the blast or prolonged radiation poisoning and salting of the earth.

Figured it was something like military bases but that makes more sense, yeah

Atlanta would be an interesting choice. It's a very different city than the area surrounding it, which could carry into some interesting story opportunities.

What the hell did Florida do to anyone to warrant being wiped out?

>I live in Northern Kentucky find it kinda impressive that my little shitty hole in the wall town is worth targeting in even a 500 warhead scenario.
Where there any military bases during the cold war nearby? That might be it

Try being next to D.C, first nuke target always

Obsidian should do a New Vegas followup in the Los Angeles and surrounding area, maybe as far down as San Diego and Mexico.

It should have some futuristic Noir type missions, as a tribute to 1950's Film Noir

Its already been hinted at that it takes place in New Orleans

if you want Los Angeles literally play Fallout 1.

Ohiobro and feel the same, guess you gotta fuck up the Great Lakes and ohio river so it flows down

I'm curious to know if there's a similar map showing targets in the non-continuous US, you know Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc...

>over prideful hispanics
>white trash
>rich white trash
>anybody who visits on vacation

Literally everybody is shit down here. All makes and models. Something non floridians don't know.

Assuming it's Obsidian because I don't want another Fallout if it's from Bethesda:

Either return to Fallout's tonal roots and take a more art-deco/wasteland-y approach in somewhere like Seattle.

Or further embrace the Western aspect and take us to West Texas with a collapsing Legion spilling into the state territory (Caesar having died either from assassination or brain tumour.)

New York/ Miami/ Seattle
I hope

Chinks really hate corn


you fight wildlife exclusively

Anyone have a map like this for Europe?


>Obsidian should do a New Vegas followup in the Los Angeles and surrounding area, maybe as far down as San Diego
>whole game about running around boring pristine NCR cities

What about other countries?
The USSR ,some in Europe, China or Maybe Brasil

New york is a literal flat glowing crater. I don't think anything is there anymore

>boring pristine NCR cities
lmao NCR big cities must be full of corruption, murder, hookers, drugs, street gangs, mafia type organizations, political turmoil, and general bad shit
NCR is not paradise at all. it's the cancer of the old world mixed with the lawless brutal nature of the wasteland.

This what is the best scenario if any?

Fallout and America are synonymous. You take America out of Fallout and it might as well not be the same franchise.

Somewhere near a national park where nature has reclaimed the area.

I'm so tired of dusty urban centers.

>Live in New Jersey
>Get fucking annihilated in either scenario
It's not fair.


so go play GTA. i play Fallout for the post-apocalypse and rebuilding of society parts, not the "literally the same as today" parts.

Literally New Vegas and its DLCs


I'd fucking love Denver. Ever since I read the transcript for Dogtown I've always wanted to see someone do it in an official capacity

>not a single bomb in Idaho

I guess China really likes potatoes.

Fallout is based off of 50's pulp science atomic wastelands. There is no nature to reclaim back shit. The world is a desert.

>tfw in boston
can't wait to become a mutated body-horror monster

Those places don't have any good cultural references to 1950's nuclear age that would be even a little close to 1950's America.
It literally was a poor post-WW2 wasteland.

Robots and Alien sci fi only started to appear in European and Soviet popular culture in the 1960's. There was no obsession with "Atomic Age"

t. Eastern European who's also a local culture history major

Move to Canada. Because you'll be above the U.S., all the radiation will fall down away from you.

you know Boise is in Idaho, right? it's even the capital.

It's Legion territory though.

most primitive cultures had slaves at some point it shouldn't be a surprise that it would crop up when rebuilding society after the end of the world. And yeah modern day players will always recognize that slavery isn't a nice thing to do

Also the Yellowstone Caldera. If ending all life on earth is your goal, set that shit off.

>pierre, south dakota

what'd we ever do to you

I don't think you understand what I was saying. I wasn't saying that's what I want to do in an NCR big city, I'm saying that is what is probably in an NCR big city. It's next to lawless shithole where a 100 caps will get any cop to look the other way on anything. No one cares about anything but themselves, no loyalty to anything.

NCR is "we're like america before the bombs fell". That's their whole gimmick, being the old world reborn. And they're just as shitty and worthless as the old world was. Destined to die in atomic hell fire.


Yeah there was a quote from him a while ago where he mentioned the voiced MC in reference to some new things they tried not working so well. I doubt we'll see it again after how huge and multilayered the backlash was.

I'm surprised the Idaho National Laboratory isn't a target. With all the nuclear material held there I figured it'd be a prime target.

After 200+ years it's gonna happen. Look at Pripyat these days.

It makes sense in the recent games because they take place in major metro areas that already had gutted most of the area.

In Hell. Along with Bethesda.

Half Life 2 already did the post apocalyptic Eastern Europe

That's the only problem with it. With the legion there, that means no raiders of any kind. No mutants. No crime really. Just peaceful towns making a living, with the occasional legion war battle traveling through just going to the next battle.

Why those massive blobs in the central north ish? Its nothin but empty land isnt it

Yeah but there's also NCR there technically. There aren't enough legion forces there and the NCR sent down prisoners on work release and shit. And then they have to deal with the gangs of feral dogs. It's just so cool

Far Harbor added some Maine lore: Lobster country is infested with Liberty Prime-sized crustaceans that shrug off tactical nuclear devices and hate humanity with a boiling passion.


Missile Silos

Nuclear storage depots, destroying them in a first strike means reduced retaliatory capacity.


>live in maryland
>somehow dont get hit



Survival/Hardcore mode could be really fucking brutal when you're dealing with upwards of 120F.

>But it's a dry heat

Go look up Heat Stroke and see how painful dying like that could be.

I can't believe no one's talking about those huge blobs in the middle of nowhere I mean come on people

>get a single nuke in 500 scenario
>in 2000 they drop two more just to be sure

I guess they really hate this place too.

It's time to stop now.

Whoops last one was supposed to be

Outside Chicago up to Green Bay.
I just want an open world WI game.

Yeah, I sure wonder what important military installations could possibly be installed in a mountain near Cheyenne.

wtf why would you wastes nukes on nowheresvile like montana? are commies really that dumb? lol

Oh is that what the are I had no idea thanks

nuclear silos

I'm from South East Michigan, so I'd love to see Obsidian tackle Detroit. Otherwise I don't give a fuck where Bethesda does it.

For what purpose

Outside of Milwaukee and the southwest part of the state its fucking nothing

>being this retarded
Yes, nukes appear out of thin air, it's not like they have to be stored somewhere