
>Catherine spewing insults at Katherine
>Vincent looks away and says nothing while letting C hug his arm, just asks for forgiveness when she's done
Did Vincent really want to be with K?

As someone who more or less is Vincent in real life he did absolutely nothing wrong in the long run

>Current girlfriend is a controlling bitch who is always yelling at you about some dumb shit
>Only actually starts to give some kind of a shit about you emotionally when she realizes she's about to be traded up for a newer model

I've had that last one done to me before, the moment I found out she was lying I dropped her ass like the Hiroshima nuke, Vincent should have done the same

>Fuck both of them anyway, I went to SPACE

Space >>> C >>>>>> K
Catherine succubus is cool though.

PS4 rerelease when?

it doesn't matter because it's not real

>Looks and style
>Actual personality
Space>Hot garbage>>>>>C>>>>>>K

He's an extremely weak man. Also, it was a dream.

I remember reading something about Katherine actually cheating on Vincent, was that true?

No, that's the point. He wasn't mature enough to deepen his relationship with Katherine while Catherine was a succubus taking the form of his dream girl, someone who wouldn't ever give him the light of day yet wanted to bounce on his dick 24/7.

No, that shit was excuses he was making to try to justify his shit actions.
He's like a woman.

Childhood is wanting C
Adulthood is realizing K is superior
Manchild is when you think space is the best

No, childhood is wanting space and manchild is wanting C.


Child is wanting Space
Adult is wanting Catherine
Man child is wanting Katherine since she wants to act like your mom

This user has it right

As a grown ass man who's been in several relationships throughout my life girls like C are the absolute best because you get to have some fun, and girls like K only treat you like a toy until they get to move on to their next victim.

At least C makes her intentions known.

It's because Vincent has zero backbone. Everything he says/does for the first 9/10 of the game makes me want to punch him in the face

Vincent does need a mom.

I want to throw a baseball into Vincents mouth.

Man this game was so fucking awesome. I lent my 360 copy to a faggot ass friend who """lost it"""" and just neglected to get it again. Finally got it again last year when it was on sale for $3 and got all the achievements. Kind of weird how good this game was but how much of a let down Persona 5 was, when its all the same team. I hope they return to another golden playhouse game in the future.

>Person 5 was a letdown.
I mean I guess if you were in it for the puzzle aspect.

I mean, I bought a vita for persona 4 golden and persona 3 portable. I love the persona teams work with 3/4/catherine. Catherine in particular was a nice departure with a fresh setting and the cast and dub work was fantastic. P5 just isn't as memorable to me

Can we get succ Catherine as a demon for SMT atlus?

Also forgot to say, just like with 3/4, i got a ps3 just for persona 5. That also adds a little salt to the wound

I'm currently living his life now just without the naggy gf, but Vincent's life is showing me the sad fate of what happens when you just go with what others tell you. Just do what YOU want

No, it was Steve who was also seeing another "version" of catherine.

That's what you get for buying a console just for one game.

True, foolish of me i suppose...

It's the last game in a while I've gotten severely invested in (save Catherine which I played for the first time about 2 months ago). The art, music, and gameplay is about as good as can be (less so gameplay). I've enjoyed this game far more than P4 and P3.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

>he did absolutely nothing wrong
>indecisive fuck
>can't break up with Kat
>can't reveal he's with Cat
>asks his best friends for help and doesn't do shit
>asks the girl he cheated on for forgiveness
>gets the shit beat out of him by the other
This is the only ending Vincent deserves.

I wanted the game to end by august...but had another 50 hours left. It just bored me

Funny that this game is making a comeback. Haven't played since I beat it but recently alot of ppl are bringing it up again, I'm glad I kept my copy

Becoming BC on xbone resparked my love for it. Treasure your copy. I have it digital yet still want a physical copy

A better question is
>Why the fuck does joker look like the child of K and Vincent?

Funny enough, Vincent appeared in P4

Because it's the canon pairing

He appeared in p4? I remember him being in p3p

>Did Vincent really want to be with K?
Only if you do.

Sorry my mistake, I wasn't sure if it was 3 or 4, I thought 3 was too far back.