Come, friends. Lets recall THOSE moments.

What is he talking about?

What game? Looks cool.

Dying light bozak horde

Ah I get it, PTSD from playing terrible games.
I don't have that, I drop terrible games.

Thread ain't even about a specific game. Stop that nonsense.

I had to understand what OP meant

Dying light was a good game. Faggot.

If looting worthless shit all day is what you enjoy.

>mfw they added the car shit
>so you can loot even more worthless shit to upgrade things



>optional looting makes a game bad


Its where you get your only tools to fight the enemy.
And yes, bunch of looting, bunch of parkour, a boring open world, its right there with ubisoft open world games, in fact it feels exactly like the new Far Cries.

>Its where you get your only tools to fight the enemy.

>what are shops
>what are weapon drops
Have you even played the game? Also parkour is a good thing. Gameplay is nothing like far cry. Enemies can be kicked and the gore is super detailed, making gameplay satisfying. You really have shit taste.

man I don't enjoy a lot of games these days but I sure as hell am glad that I'm not as bitter as this faggot

The place where you sell your loot to be able to buy things
>weapon drops
things you loot from enemeis

Its far cry with parkour and melee combat with a shitty meme-tier zombie open world, I may have shit taste - but you have none.

>enemy drops weapon on the floor
>pick it up

>beat up the next zombie with it
>it breaks because everything is made of papaer mache so you can loot the next one

I accept if you enjoyed it because you are a newfag to gaming and this is your first, its like a virgin enjoying bad sex, but its still a bad game.
Its a bad skinner box, a term which you probably heard now first.

Or you pick up a bunch of them and sell at the shop and buy a durable one with the money. Honestly you just sound like a retard who is bad at video games and has a bad time due to it. I've been playing video games for 15 years.

>Or you pick up a bunch of them loot a bunch of them run to a shop and buy a better one.
Surely this is not the practice of "game centered around looting" which I'm accusing this game of, right?

No you haven't, we both know.


Not my fault all your excuses including looting in it.
You can't do a fucking thing in the game without some constant form of looting, no amount of denial will change that.