Why does Advent Children Tifa get so much dislike? It's the best incarnation of her

Why does Advent Children Tifa get so much dislike? It's the best incarnation of her.

i like her too user

fight us h8ers

I thought tifa was the best part of the movie.
Needs bigger tits though.

She's got a weird chinky porcelain doll face with cold dead eyes. Also the spark of her character has been totally changed from FF7.

She looks way too asian.

Friendly reminder:

>Old Tifa
100cm breast size
red eyes
>New canon Tifa
85cm breast size
brown eyes

Aerith is now the best girl.

OP here, lol it was a bait, ky faggots

tifa is asian

This and weird boob reduction. Loved the outfit though.

because she looks nothing like the original character.
the others weren't any better though, they all looked pretty shit.
glad they're fixing it in the remake.

barrett looks like a nigger duke nukem
this is maybe a good thing

Her tits are the same damn size as ever. Give it a rest faggots.


>100cm breast size


>Advent Children
>Dirge of Cerberus

Based Nomura.

Tight halter bra and underwear scene added for the remake would be a godsend.

I hope we actually see Cloud pick a pair of Orthopaedic Underwear out of the drawer.

The Remake designs are fantastic so far, each character remains recognisably the same whilst both looking more realistic and having little touches that complement them well. Cloud looks strong yet unwell due to him being in an isolation tank for 5 years and Barret's sunglasses are presumably to make him look more threatening as a leader and mask his emotions.


I hope Barrett and Cid still swear.

AC was set years after. Barrett just got a wardrobe change, Cloud looked fine.

because she looks like Rinoa. It's like they went "hey guys we need Tifa to look as generic as possible"

How would they implement this, put beep sounds everywhere?

For Cid they could feasibly have Shera clattering around the kitchen in their house to cover up the cursing. That'd actually be a funny little gag come to think of it.

It'll probably just be toned down overall though.The worst we'll get is "shit" or maybe one or two "fuck"s.


Shit is easy to pass, fuck isn't as easy. I guess you could get Barrett punching stuff the moment he swears so you don't hear it etc.

I imagine they'll just have them swear less to maintain a middle ground rating. I forget how American ratings work. Or what said.

You know damn well they'll change it to Aerith since they haven't used Aeries in anything except the original English version of VII.

Mmm, those Waluigi-tier legs

She basically was. Her look was very popular with Japanese women in the mid 80's to early 90's. The long volumed hair with the thinned out fringe cut to one side.

Couldn't get passed the first quarter of the movie because I had to stop and fap all the time she was on screen back when I was 13.

Watched it sometime ago (I'm 24 now) and I finally managed to watch it, but it was still tempting.

Movie's a shit tho. Specially Denzel's Mary Sue ass. Was he based on the nephew of the producer or something?

Her tits were slightly smaller, and that's the only part of her the vast majority of her fanbase care about.

It's really only good to see Cloud vs Sephiroth. Actually wouldn't mind if that Omnislash were included in the Remake.

Well it's the only thing she has going for her.

Why is Advent Children so shitty? I recently rewatched it, it's so bad.

fucking this, even her outfit got rinoa-fied for some reason. terrible choice

You people are retarded. Tifa's FMV-sized breasts were outsourced and aren't canon, they appear like three times throughout the game for fuck's sake. Look at the Nomura art, look at her battle model. That's her tit size and Advent Children Tifa was actually a bit bigger.

Good luck mate.

It's just a CG spectacle with little actual substance.
Also, it retroactively made all FF combat into DBZ.

Well put.

