Everyone gets a happy ending except the main character

>everyone gets a happy ending except the main character

name one game that does this

bioshock 2 with the "good" ending?

Sounds like real life.

Persona 3.

Any game where the main character dies at the end.

I asked for one, not two


Just like real life.

Metal Gear Solid 4
>"Snake... had a hard life. He just needs some time to rest."
Every time bros...

Nier... no wait, suffering for everyone.

NieR (1) more or less, tho most people don't have a happy ending in that game

xillia 2

Dragon Quest IV

>only main characters get a happy ending, entire support cast dies, sometimes horribly

literally 0 (zero) games that do this

>main character and supporting cast get happy endings
>but everyone who's even slightly antagonistic gets wiped from existence

>nobody gets a happy ending


Wasn't Nier more of the opposite?

You succeed in your goal and save your daughter, but destroy countless lives and the future of humanity to do so.

>MC dies
>villain gets a happy ending

Halo CE

The Last of Us

You can also sacrifice your entire existence for a girl that fell for MC, though it mostly makes sense for brother Nier, not father.

>main character and supporting cast make it to the end
>the rest of the main cast are dead

>main character survives and becomes immortal but is weighted by his sins so he decides to eternally atone for his past mistakes

>antagonist becomes too salty

>everyone gets a happy ending

>nobody gets a happy ending

metal gear solid 4

it was really good actually, despite what the memesters say

>its a shitty ending that makes no sense yet everybody is happy for some reason anyway

name that game

>when you save the world, then realize you were never part of it



This was REALLY unexpected from Ubishits.
Black Flag should've been its own franchise.

Mass Effect 3?


Assassin's Creed Unity

This. Black Flag should have been last AC game, they can't top it.

Mass Effect 3.

What a beautiful ending.
How did you interpret the knocking on the door at the very end, anons?

was just thinking that. all the other games were, while not necessarily lighthearted, you never were as invested in the supporting cast as you were in this game. and they butchered each and every one in one of the most systematic gut wrenching ways possible.

>go from rackham mutinying you
>to charles vane trying to kill
>to the jail level where you find rackham and bonnet are dead in gibbets
>to finding mary and anne incarcerate who you havent seen in years
>to mary fucknig dying in your arms as you escape
>that drunken stupor

hit me hard desu senpai

>to have a chance to save main characters you need to unite with other players and literally asspull them back, destroying the authors and their narrative in the process

Was honestly ready to accept MGS4 after all its flaws after that ending. Then the fucking epilogue happened.

>main character's story is cut short
>main menu suddenly gets the option to play as the supporting cast
>completing everything unlocks the final boss fight, with every supporting character using their saved stats
>the final boss is the MC powered up to shit
would you play this game if it existed?

The only time I ever felt anything playing AC

Yeah that sounds great

Literally everyone dies

It's the good ending

Which one is that, Hatred?

>What will you gain by fighting us? Do you think they will welcome you?

Choice game where 90% of supporting cast dies regardless of your actions

>literally the entire universe closes in on everyone but the MC, who the anti-hero supporting character realizes is the actual player in his final moments

>The main character gets cucked in the ending

>that final day back home

>we'll never get to see Adam Jensen take his revenge, or die trying to
Marvel ruins everything

>implying rogue AI Eliza won't hunt that bitch and murder her in especially cruel way


Game ends and nobody is happy

>everyone gets a happy ending except the flower friend

>main character ends up killing himself

>Referencing Undertale

>main character is now immortal and will roam the Earth for all eternity.

>world is reborn or something like that
>no one remembers what the MC did

He was a dick.

>everyone is reborn and has a happy life
>except the MC


How old are you that you need attention from people on the internet?

Homura is G-A-Y gay for Madoka

>Thinks poorly of baiting
Seriously though, have you never been on this site before?

Really never thought about how every single marine and officer aboard the pillar of atumn died except for chief and sgt Johnson.

where is his horn

>You save the world
>World still gets fucked anyway

I liked Da VInci.

>main character has two bad endings

>Destroy the evil
>Your loved one disappears because she was a daughter of that evil entity.
>Everything you did and everyone you have helped disappears too.

>Save the future
>No one but your partner knows this because everyone else fighting for it died in the process, including you
At least until the bullshit after the credits where you're revived because there's post-game content to do

mass effect 3

As you feared, all you are always left is your memories.

>Game ends
>remember how shit your life is again and how you want to kill yourself every day

That's what a hero does user

>beat final boss
>credits roll
>there's another one

I hated the gameplay but damn if that ending didn't hit me extremely hard.

>game has multiple endings
>each is a bad ending for the main character
>the best ending for everyone else is the worst ending for you
>the best ending is to let the villain win because his goals are objectively better than yours

>everyone gets a happy ending except the main antagonist
>main antagonist did nothing wrong

Except that's a flash back and Taro himself confirmed that Yonah still dies from the Black Scrawl disease not long after being saved.

>main character realizes that beating the ass of the shitty antagonist actually did make everything worse

I don't remember a single game in recent memory that made me feel that way

Xillia 1.

>Millia lives alone forever
>Jude is cock blocked by Millia's goddess status
>Leia can't get no dick from Jude (prolly fuckin random dudes at her inn)

The rest aren't bad, I mean Alvin gets a loli and the old dude is fine.

>The real villain was your super form
>Final boss is your far weaker party members
>Have to have completed a seemingly unrelated sidequest for this to end happily
>Throwing the fight and dying in your love interests arms is the Canon ending

The game really carried itself on the story.
The music was great, too.