Ubisoft advertising strategy (its video game culture)

When has Sup Forums ever given a shit about FarCry? It's been at least 10 years. Ubisoft does this shit every fucking time they release a game. They'll """"leak"""" story or setting info on reddit, come here to post about the leak, get ignored because no one here likes Ubisoft games, and then they'll come back and post about how the leak was real, again being ignored. Finally, when there's forced diversity revealed they will come here and try to trigger everybody by saying "LOOK THEYRE MAKING FUN OF WHITE PEOPLE" to get you talking about it. They will do this up until the games release which is when they'll say "it really isn't as bad as I expected!" for two weeks before dropping it entirely and no one on Sup Forums talks about it again.

This has happened with FarCry 4, FarCry Primal, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Watch_Dogs 2 and they started already with Far Cry 5 and they've already done the "leak setting to reddit" phase with Assassins Creed [Egypt]. Expect WE WUZ posting around E3 when they formally announce it.

Why is this allowed? Why do you still reply and help promote Ubisoft Games? Why haven't you noticed this pattern yet?

>something gets announced
>there's something to talk about
>people talk about it
crazy huh

it'll be mostly gone tomorrow

I've noticed this pattern for years, OP.
There's not much any of us can do.
Also, those threads are mostly trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling those few idiots constantly foaming at the mouth about Sup Forums.

>game gets released
>it's the same as every other ubisoft game
>everyone stops talking about it

it's marketing. it always has been. when's the last time anyone on Sup Forums has given a shit about farcry? hint: it was 3

>When has Sup Forums ever given a shit about FarCry?
How new are you?

>mostly gone tomorrow
you see, if it was anything actually special, it wouldn't be gone

deal with it for 1 day

ah what would Sup Forums be without the classic "there ain't such a thing as viral marketers"
classic newfag behavior.

Boy howdy, you're naïve.

Also every single far cry game after 3 the villain was right.

Maybe this is how ubi soft communicates.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some fake "I am so triggered at this game" posts for the sake of marketing, trying to generate any discussion like you're saying. The "it wasn't as bad as expected" responses could be trolling for you's though.

But I do believe this board is dumb enough to have 10 people jump to the same conclusion and think it's worth making a thread about, with the same joke as everyone else.

It's definitely shills. Did you see the watchdogs 2 launch?

Why would Ubisoft advertise here? Nobody here actually buys the game anyway. It's a game for the normie audience

This is bringing back memories

Thats called buzz generation... it serves to spark conversations about a product thus turning people into living advertisments...

When theres no more room in adblock... the ads will walk the earth.

tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people visit Sup Forums. it's exposure and you're bound to get a percentage of retards that buy it for "shits and giggles". also, redditors visit here in huge numbers. the fact that you used the word "normie" unironically tells me you're probably pretty new yourself.

op, you make things way too complex
far cry 5 is everywhere because this place is fucking garbage. same people discussed call of duty ww2 on reveal.
Sup Forums is normie central

I get that, but I don't think the people here meme-ing about black people in games are actually going to go out and get it, they'd more likely just pirate it.
At best (worst) I could see the shitposting spilling over into twitter and other places, creating some dumb faux controversy, and then Kotaku or whoever writes an article on how mean everyone is. Like how the ghostbusters movie thing played out.

UBI tries so hard that it backfires and makes their games look boring and desperate

there's always redditors with shit taste but this pattern has happened with every major open world ubisoft game since 2015, at LEAST

>leak to reddit
>post here with wow! look! [ubishit game] leaked to reddit!
>no one cares

>formally announce game and confirm leaks
>wow the leaks were real!
>no one cares

>main character is black or a woman or game has some kind of political stance

It's cyclical. I assume you've seen the Mario Rabbids marketing timeline? theres a section for "Convince media + gamers". That's the stage we're in.

Will Ubisoft have a co-op shooter game to show off at E3 this year?
Their radio talk between teammates is some of the funniest stuff each year.

Advertising isn't meant to convert everyone who sees it into a customer. If you pirate it and talk about it you're helping them, even if you shit talk the game. Someone is going to see that and say "oh yeah i was gonna check that out" and when they're on console or they're too stupid to pirate, that's where the sale comes from. it's keeping the game in people's minds.



Screencapping OP to post when the WE WUZ shit starts popping up for Assassins Creed

what's crazy is that i'm not sure the OP isn't an Ubishill just taking this shit to the logical end point

shills all the way down

life is cyclical. weak people get offended by random bullshit is cyclical too. Sup Forums to blame for being such garbage. there's nothing we can do honestly. ignore sick people.

why don't the mods baleet the obvious shill threads?
really makes you think, dudnit

I guarantee that even without any marketers (and who knows who many bother to go on Sup Forums) there will be a group of autists who will now spam FC5 threads endlessly, because it makes people obscenely angry.

>thousands of anons visit this board everyday
>there is no possibility that some decide to make the same thread as we all get the news of this new video game
>it has to be marketing
Fuck you people are stupid back to Sup Forums i go

>Sup Forums is too underaged to check for duplicates
Checks out

>implying every triggered Sup Forumstard in these threads is an ubisoft shill

It doesn't really matter if they're trying to trigger Sup Forums for marketing if Sup Forums is eager to be triggered.

>game has few if not only one promo art
Sup Forums is garbage indeed

That's not relevant, homo.
One or two threads suffice to talk about a new game; the amount of promotional art is meaningless.

>game in a series no one on Sup Forums has given a shit about since 2008 releases a single piece of art after the story and a teaser trailer being released and no one caring or discussing them
>5+ threads up
>not a shill

You a dumb.

Let's educate the newfags ITT

Whoa whoa whoa.

Sup Forums has always liked Far Cry. Legitimate FC3/4 discussions happened a lot around here. Blood Dragon too.

I don't disagree that this is a shillpocalypse right now, but don't undercut yourself by lying. Far Cry is pretty popular here. It's one of the most "normie" games Sup Forums is capable of discussing. We've had shitloads of story discussions about FC2/3/4/BD.



I find it hilarious that nowdays they release an image on purpose to tease upcoming titles and call it a "leak" oh please ...how new they take us for?
or is this really the anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums hacking all these videogames companies to share their secrets ?

There was plenty of Far Cry 2 and 3 threads. Not sure why you're sperging over threads being made about a new game.

If it was Sup Forumsiral, there would be very obvious shilling. These threads are more "fuck Ubisoft" than anything.

my picture is better than your picture


This year has made the shilling impossible to ignore, as OP pointed out it's the same shut every Ubi launch

For me the real transparent one was For Honor

I have a feeling the threads going to get deleted soon. don't know why

Every thread calling markets out have the mandatory Sup Forumsirgin poortard who is afraid of losing his gig
>T-theres no such t-thing as viral marketers on Sup Forums
>a-are you d-dumb [smug anime reaction image]

This is on par with Borderlands 2 in its writing and reddit appeal. Kill yourself family.

dont think its marketing, just a raid from redditors who want to shitpost white men

Surely, this will make them stop and not just encourage them to intensify the thread spamming, now that they know that there's a group that will give them attention

I loved the several month period in the For Honor marketing push where they were courting Soulsfags.

Remember those threads?

>Sup Forums liked far cry 4
Nu-Sup Forums everyone.

Where have you been the rest of 2017 and 2016, this is marketing

Blood Dragon was shitty rehash of a stale open world formula with neon colors and awful 80s references

Using that word in this vague way just sounds like online marketer-speak.

>samefag makes same stupid fucking thread
>claims its paid marketer
you niggers have been false flagging shill threads since ME2 days, you're cancer, probably rpg codex shitters who have no life

I hated far cry 2 so much. Too much malaria, too much gun jamming, every asshole shoots at you, always getting my jeep stuck in a mud pit. Stopped playing 3 hours in and never touched the steaming garbage again. Then theres far cry 1, brb AI can spot you with inhuman reflexes. I dont intend to buy any other far cry crap.

No. It's marketers. You're a marketer too, because you don't understand the dynamics at all. You've been told to blame reddit for stuff because that's how we do it. But political posting comes from /pol. not reddit.

Get the fuck out.

Hours of discussion of the plot, differences of the two faction leaders, absurd amounts of discussion focused on "Pagan Min is a bro" and whatever else.

It got a lot of attention. It got marketed too, but there was honest discussion and appreciation from users here.

As a person who sometimes works as a shill i can confirm, that guy is fucking retarded and you should all just discuss the product as intended.
You generate buzz you win.

Borderlands was the only time it actually was Astroturfing. Everything after that has just been people pretending because it made viralfags mad.

Report all and every Far Cry/Ubishit thread
Commercial SPAM is against the rules, unless that slit eyed jewpig Hiroshima bend them for extra bribe shekels - which isn't far off. I've yet to see an actual jew being as kikeirsh as that inbred gook.

>As a person who sometimes works as a shill
You guys are so fucking cancerous. And you're obvious as all hell too, but I don't think you realize it.

Hiding, saging and reporting is the oposite of giving them attention

I don't mind it really, at least it's vidya and triggers small dick Sup Forumstards, all is good in the world.

People can't resist going REEEE SHILLS in threads they think are the result of marketing and making more threads about the shilling

I mean I'm thinking about making another thread under the guise of making people more aware of marketing, have to fight subversion with subversion

I doubt the thread will be deleted

>its ok to have several threads about Persona 5, ARMS and totally not-shills asking why dont you own a Switch yet
>but no FarCry
Ok guys

The Persona threads are genuine though.
Sup Forums actually likes those games

You can get a sense of the boards general tastes just by lurking but you arent capable of that since your a shill/newfag/both.

Normalfag shit like FC and most Ubi series are vilified here and with good reason.

Sup Forums is so stupid toddposting and "pretend marketing" Fallout 4 became a meme, same with Borderlands.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter because I don't buy ubisoft products on principle.
The fact that they pay people to advertise here instead of just buying a banner is both sad and stupid, though.

It's not shills, it's just alt-righters getting triggered.

Ok, but do we need to be flooded with persona 5 waifu threads everyday?

>Normalfag shit like FC and most Ubi series
Zelda is also normalfag tier and that doesnt stop it from having threads non-stop when it came out

Whether it's people being paid to push games or merely pretending to be retarded, it's still shilling either way.

that's my point.
Wikileaks posted about 'military memes' which is essentially "coercing" the direction of memes and peoples thoughts in the direction the US government wants, no doubt this shit happens in video games too. Do people seriously think AAA publishers aren't on the cutting edge of psychology?
People are way too quick to jump on the meme machine these days, back in the day we used an expression "forced meme" and it needs to be brought back. An example could be the retarded fidget spinner meme currently going on

Zelda is known to normalfag, Ubishit is made for normalfag

I don't remember seeing 10+ identical Persona 5 threads at the same time unlike this picture shows
Identical picture and even text in multiple threads. Shills should make it less obvious how they're shilling.

Sup Forums is a top 3 board on the site and the site get 100 million users per month. It's one of the largest platforms for discussing videogames.

publishers could clean up here with a userbase that enormous. not to mention most of the users here are impressionable young teenagers whom you could easily trick into buying your games with a little hype.

It's the Trump effect
just keep the name in peoples heads and they'll become familiar with it until it becomes normie tier

>Identical picture and even text in multiple threads.
Maybe because that's the only pic they released?
>even text in multiple threads
Looks like a mixture of calling the game progressive and other mocking it for being progressive
Please try again


hiro is a fucking jew and not only allows it but also sells user info to those companies.

this place is over, user.

yeah it's all a coincidence, the theory of coincidences, after all there's only 1 possible picture of Far Cry 5, also similar formatting because everyone types in a similar way

Can't wait to play this game with my wife's son.

Really though I think I'm gonna quit vidya and pursue something more productive. I can live without CoD, Battlefield, Mafia, Watch Dogs, etc, but doing this to Far Cry is the last straw.

>Not buying all Ubisoft games day 1
are you poor or something? get a better job redneck

Im glad you agree that this shill nonsense is just paranoia then

bunch a fukken schizos here. m i rite user


Ubisoft always tries to market their shit here

Remember when AssCreed syndicate got a sticky?
Or when primal had a shitload of threads?
Or how for honor got spammed?

Its just usual ubisoft shilling

You're an unfunny lame just so you know.