Is Disgaea 5 coming to PC earlier than we thought? I was expecting 3 and 4 first

Is Disgaea 5 coming to PC earlier than we thought? I was expecting 3 and 4 first. 5

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i think they're doing them in order but i'm no NISologist

3 was shit if we leave beryl aside so of course they will skip it.

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



OP here off yourself, your the cancer killing and making PC gaming look bad.

Doubtful, it's probably going to be like a Omega Quintet scenario where they had it announce for PC but it took them years to actually make the "official" announcement.

>"We submitted the ESRB rating for a PC version for the possibility of releasing Disgaea 5 on PC at a later date. Currently, there is no timeline as to which Disgaea title will be headed to PC," said an NIS America spokesperson.


All NISAmerica games eventually come to PC


Nobody is going to buy this weebshit trash. Can't wait for it to come over to PC and flop horribly.

Thanks, sounds likely it will happen after 3 and 4.

All of them sold decently.

>Disgaea 1 and Phantom Brave flopped so hard they released Disgaea 2
Fuck off retard, PC releases are that much cheaper than consoles they still want to release shit with half the sales.

he's shitposting dumbass

It's OK to be mad, weebcucks. I would also be mad if my favorite games sold like dogshit. Good thing Western SRPGs actually sell, AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>Website that uses made up stats

I'm mad how? All those games sold fine. I don't see why you posting that?

except they're only ports not full games you dumbass

They sold good enough to release more games.

I play games that are good regardless of them being made in the east or west, I'm not a faggot like you that limits their games to half the world.

Wrong. Steam spy numbers are 10% off at worst.

>All those games sold fine.
>one of the most "iconic" weebshit SRPGs with massive amounts of hype behind it sells 100k copies only while a a literally who indie Western SRPG made by literally who devs sold over 130k

>they're only ports
>ports are free to make
You are retarded. If that was the case, a lot more weebshit would have flooded Steam by now. Thank Gaben that's not the case.

More like they sold like dogshit, but NIS is extremely desperate and will cling to any hope it has to recover after D5 bombed on cucksoles as well. NIS is going all out with these ports, because they have no other cards left to play.

>Sales of Disgaea 5 = 60k in Japan; 112k overseas.
That's absolutely fucking pathetic. Literally who Steam exclusive Western SRPGs sell more than that, LMAO.

Can you not shitpost? 100K copies is decent for a niche game like Disgaea.

>100K copies is decent for a niche game like Disgaea.
No, it's not. The genre itself is niche, but those numbers are nowhere near "fine", because other games in the genre completely BTFO this supposedly "iconic" weebshit. Also, note that only Disgaea 1 broke 100k copies sold, because a large part of the Western SRPG playerbase were not familiar with the game and wanted to try it out, but, after the game was bought, played and exposed as a steaming turd, nobody bought D2, which didn't even manage to break 20k copies. Nobody bought Phantom Shit either.

Get some reading comprehension. I'm very well aware that Jap games will never sell as well as western games.

Switch version of Disgaea 5 also broke 110k in the west on preorders alone, so it's going to at least double the sales they got with the PS4 version.