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Video Games #3782
Video Games
Gimme your top 5 games of all time Sup Forums. In no specific order
Is Mortal Kombat unique in the sense that it had fatalities?
Fallout 4 Free Weekend
Finally playing through D:OS
Played Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, God Hand and MGR Revengeance
Hey, man. Can you spare a New Vegas thread?
Xbox One has no ga-
Eyes reflect gameworld
Who was in the wrong here?
Late Night STALKER Thread
Amy needs a vidya-inspired boxing outfit. Help her out
Hey this game is pretty cool and has some unique themes
Angry Joe blame his fans
Webm thread?
Endless Space 2
It's been a few months now. BOTW fully playable now on your average mid-high end PC?
Defend this Blizzdrones
Far Cry 2's main enemy are darker skinned Africans
Eyes reflect gameworld
The Great Debate
Best game in the series?
Rising Storm 2 Thread
What went wrong?
PS4 outsells Switch Worldwide
Crash Bandicoot thread
Did anyone not just change to the classic graphics as soon as turning the game on for the first time?
Wow has cemented itself as the mmo king, it won't die to a competitor, but to itself...
Beat game
People complaining about localization in a nutshell
Why hasn't anyone tried making a successor to Metal Slug?
What video games don't do this?
I just bought Sims 3 bundle on steam. Haven't played since Sims 1. What should I do first to have fun?
While it’s been confirmed that you can play as the Axis powers in COD: WWII’s multiplayer...
12 days until E3 !
Post games only you've played
Hey this game is pretty good
Remove one thing from a game and make it infinitely better
What went wrong?
N64 graphics weren't ass. Developers were
You should be able to solve this
Less than a week until you kids can play a real fighting game
Shit that immediately turns you off from a game
SO what's the point of open world games?
Why the fuck would any soldier actually want to join big boss after being kidnapped by him and trying to kill him?
Now that the dust has settled, dump all your Persona 5 memes and images
I ruv u, geoff <3
Original Japanese dialogue
What game let me play as a rat?
ARMS thread
Final boss is in the middle of a very interesting monologue
Any games where you feel like the weasel in this webm?
The Pope is about to run a long and hard campaign against videogames...
Why is there no good Power Ranger games?
So brave
So I played this game and I can completely see why it's a failure...
So can someone help me understand this guys motive? I haven;t beaten Peace Walker yet...
Why is fishing in video games so fucking comfy?
>Sup Forums wants a confidant with Shiho so they can date her
What game lets me be a knight delving deep into a dangerous dungeon alone?
Why are there no Urban Fantasy RPGs? Neckbeard devs grew up playing dungeuns n dragoons?
Estelle Bright
Is this the best game ever made?
Game features love interest older than the MC
What's the most important aspect about any game?
Stages we can't discuss on Sup Forums anymore
Nick Arcade
Lost my job a few day ago. Trying to stop a shoplifter by "force"."
What can save it?
Sup Forums plays in the Sup Forums summer cup soon. Post fresh new players to be on the roster poll
Is he the hottest Disgaea character?
Who /bored of it already/ here
I hate this game
This is Samus Aran's basic outfit
Can we have a Grim Dawn thread?
Sup Forums comics
ITT: famous vidya quotes
Vidya music thread, anything goes
Console is a netflix machine
What video games do older women play?
Was the Wii U really a scam?
Why do white people love Dark Souls so much?
Why aren't there any monstergirls in any video games ever?
When a girl joins your clan
ITT: I can't believe this happened/How did this get approved?
Rip Yandere Simulator
Why are aliens so sexy? are they trying to make the video game playing masses degenerates?
Sup Forums Suffering Chart
Turn based hating babies are asleep
Game has a sequel
Dude Christians
Why are chalice dungeons so awful?
Villain has white hair
Why is Overwatch so successful?
The protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced by Tommy Wiseau
Calling it now - Sonic Forces will be even worse than sonic 3 and Knuckles
How do people enjoy this garbage?
Worst video games ever made thread
What weapon is the best?
Girls can't be good at video ga-
What is the rarest game in existence?
FFXIV Stormblood
Video games are boring
ITT: fat vidya characters
Find a more comfy vidya booty
Does anyone remember this gem?
What's the best game from this franchise?
Anti-Nintendo threads are always deleted
Saturday night RTS support group
Time to lay down your cards, Sup Forums. How much of a pretty cool guy are ya?
Time to mix drinks and change lives
Boss asks if you want him to monologue
Created steam account many years back when i was an edgy teen
Squilliam E3 Collage 2017
Watching a streams of dark souls
Why does Sup Forums hate it? Its Bioshock
ITT: You hear it, you lose
When was the last time you felt happy Sup Forums ?
It's up
What are some video games where I can make delicious cakes and pastries?
Seriously though what the fuck was his problem
Tfw listend to Sup Forumsirgins
When your team starts to lose
Hey fellow kids! Joker from the Phantom Thieves here...
Resident Evil Thread
Finally decide to try this
Is Silent Hill 3 any good on PC?
Why doesn't Mike do any more reviews?
FORT WALTON BEACH — Deputies arrested a 13-year-old boy for stealing video game equipment from a classmate
What is Bayinetta's last name?
E3 Predictions thread
King of Fighters XIV
This was never explained
What are your upcoming most anticipated games?
Chloe is bae
Video games are literally the only passion I have in life
So does Sup Forums risk the 15%?
So does anybody else want to discuss this great game?
At which point of the game did you realize she stole your heart?
Star Ocean
How do I git gud Sup Forums?
Pannenkoek new video, let's get comfy
Jessica or Medea?
13 days until E3 !
Be honest, is he a good PR rep? Do you find him charming?
Teleports behind u
Find hilarious YouTube channel 100% in sync with core 4chanian values
Atmosphere > story > gameplay
Video game feels
Procedural generation looks like sh
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
Best girls of their respective series
How do you sit when playing vidya?
ITT: Boogie just blocked you path and the last character you played will help you to move him, how fucked you are?
Can we all agree that this is garbage?
Is MS going to stay in the gaming industry after the scorpio flops? Serious question no fooling around btw
ITT: Games where this happens
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a video game?
The last character you played as is trying to kill you
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Who won?
What are some of the best visual novels? do they even count as video games?
Why do people like here like dragon's dogma again? I'm about 25 hours in and after realizing how small the world is...
Dungeon boss is a wall
ITT: Only the comfiest UIs
People don't actually like playing games in isometric view, do they?
Accidentally send friend nhentai link that I had copy and pasted
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sup Forumseekend
That game you like that Sup Forums shames you for liking
Discord admin for the game Friday the 13th banned me for being critical of their launch. Pic related
WHY thread
Getting my noose ready in case this gets announced as another 28 fps PS4 exclusive
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Post the game you're currently playing next to what you're about to eat. Pic related...
Can we have a Sonic thread?
I dont know if i am really good at this game or im just playing with people who suck
Hey niggas, i am going to play baldur gates, i am thinking about trying a fighter/mage elf dual wield class...
Song is called Sins of the Father
Intentionally send friend lewd message
The servers are down and I payed 40 for this fucking game so does anyone want to play private matches with me on a...
Gaming PTSD thread
Just got back from the store
No Bloodborne II at E3 2017, From Software bringing new game/IP called "Phantom Wail"
What do you think happens after you die?
What are some games that let me pair up husbands with wives?
Dynasty Warriors 9
Not playing the fallout: new vegas of PS4 exclusives
Judge people based on their smash main
Havnt had a daily dose of s/v/en
Should I get the 1070?
How do we stop the Switch?
Is it good enough to justify dealing with the shit gameplay
Pick one
What was the last video game you genuinely enjoyed?
This is by far the biggest disappointment in gaming. Couldn't even finish it
Tfw Persona won
Metal Gear Solid V is not only the best Metal Gear, but it is also one of the greatest games of all time
Who's the better controller and why?
Why is this still considered one of the greatest games of all-time...
What would it take for you to buy a Nintendo Switch home console ?
Far Cry /no politics/ Edition
Hack my wii to play Wii and GCN games
IIT: post a picture, anons recommend games based on it
If you have less than 49 platinum trophies you should neck yourself
Filename Thread
Undertale Bootleg
What games do you play with your best bro?
This nigger sends you back to 207
Thoughts on FFX?
You've got a big day tomorrow. Don't you think it's time for bed?
What's a game that's very personal to you?
And that's why I gave the Pope Undertale
New thread
Can you fine sirs recommend me some fine games about the Confederacy...
Saturday, May 27th, Year of Our Lord 2017, 7:19:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
Nintendo is coming back to Brazil
What went right?
Dude, calm down. It's just a game
So, we all agree that necro is the best character, right?
We want the Berserk audience
Bloodstained fags will try to justify this
Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop
When will we get a game that looks like this?
Why is bisu wearing make up?
You get to have sex with the last videogame character you played as
If you have to play an ASSFAGGOTS, is there any reason to play one that's not dota?
What's the greatest game before 2010?
Hey guys I have a job where I have to lift heavy stuff all day and it's hurting my wrists...
On the bus and I decide to check my 3DS for Streetpass tags
He likes games that have no replay value
What is the greatest ever E3 announcement?
Witcher series
So is this just a do-over of KH1? In so many ways it's like Nomura wanted to start fresh
Geforce GTX 1080 ti
Name a Game with a Helpful and Non-Toxic Community, Go ahead I'll wait
Hey guys
Some based Russian guy recreated Terminator 2 frame-for-frame inside Grand Theft Auto V:
Dragon Quest
What female streamers does Sup Forums donate to?
ITT: trigger Sup Forums
Expect Final Fantasy VII Remake And Kingdom Hearts III To Release Sometime In “Three Years Or So”
Looking back, it wasn't that bad
DeS > Ds1 > BB > Ds3 > Ds2
Soo uhhhh did I get memed on? After the constant shilling of ffxiv on this sub I decided to try it out...
What would you do if Yoshis were real and you had a pet YOSHI?
-no levels
How should Atlus fix him in the P5 spinoff?
Death Stranding is Silent Hills
Let's have a La-Mulana thread
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm
What is the tapatio of video games?
How the fuck do I git gud?
Sega just contacted you and said you can have one game ported to pc right now. it will run 1080p 60fps no problems...
ITT: retarded shit that pisses you off
Tfw video games are fucking fun
It's Saturday, anons. What are ya
You've just become a Phantom Thief! What's your
Teammate reveals he was an alien all along
Why do people still trust Nintendo after the Wii U scam?
Doesnt seem so shit now does it?
Anyone else like playing Paladins here?
Remember when Sup Forums defended paid mods just because Valve did it?
The thing is, hair like mine is often weaponized in real life, too.It'sbeen madeillegal to wear as it grows...
Is this a scam? Seems a little cheap for 5 games. It ships from china
Gestalt or Replicant?
Name a better final boss theme than Dancing Mad
OP party members
Find a flaw
ARMS thread
She worked so hard to get into the gaming world and now she's basically a nobody
Oh shit nigger, Konami just gave you a call
Yo Sup Forums
No Man's Sky
These are low graphics
Will stormblood make the game better or worse than its already lackluster state?
Start game
What are some games where you can have a cat pet?
Friend's getting married in a little bit but first Mario Cart :)
Tfw he was right
Why does Japan keep making these type of characters? Who does this appeal to?
How accurate is this to vidya?
Can we all agree that this game was an objective step down in every way from bf4?
We want the berserk audience
Post your games
Why do people like this guy?
What does Sup Forums think about Valkyria chronicles?
PS4, his games non-existant
Why pic related make Sup Forums so mad?
Pinabal Crafting Ideas Thread
Runescape rate thread?
Post the exact moment you lost faith in the videogame industry
Is speedrunning the most degenerate activity known to man?
Are you too old to be a gamer?
Alright, i've finished zelda, what do i play now?
Leave E3 to me
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Steam Gift
There is one thing console fags have over PC gamers...
This used to actually be a staple card in Yu-Gi-Oh video games
More games like this
How are you guys liking it?
It's just so good
Is calling this game good just a meme? Everytime I try to get into it I just get so bored...
100% Orange Juice
Post Only the Comfiest Vidya Music
What was your completely honest opinion on this fight?
What's the pettiest reason you have dropped a game?
Helo Sup Forums
This is a ps2 game
/lit/ here
Why aren't video games fun anymore? When was the last time you honestly had fun playing a video game?
I want to protect his smile
Is Sup Forums good at chess? First reply makes the move
Get home
Splatoon 2 Voice Chat
Perfect video game girls doesn't exi-
Holy shit. Look what we ha-
Who else is ready for /ourguy/ Alm in Smash 5?
Please stop making the same fucking threads over and over
Which one is the best vidya platform?
Could the Vita have been successful if Sony did not jew with the memory cards?
Why is Link so short?
This is Malon (マロン) from Nintendo Company, Limited. (任天堂株式会社)'s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ)!
Welp, it's official. PC won this year
He doesnt own a gaming chair
Midget races were a mistake
A or B?
What games feature the purest love of all?
Cast fireball on an ice elemental
20 years old
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sup Forumseekend
Why are gerudo lolis so thicc?
Why is he so perfect?
Sup Forums Suffering Chart - Now Finished!
Was final fantasy ever good?
Ace attorney
Just got a PS2 and 10 blank DVDs, please tell me the 10 best PS2 games and I'll burn them right fucking now
Here are some keys for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Why she's so captivating?
How far have you gotten in Utaware: Mask of Deception?
So what the fuck is Kingdom Hearts? The games did a pretty shit job of explaining it
GOG is DRM-free
Dark Souls
So I know a good portion of people are unhappy about Wario's transition into wacky microgames over his Wario Land days...
PS4 or PC?
Dragon Quest XI was originally PS4-only
ARMS global testpunch thread
ARMS Testpunch General
Screenshot thread
Path of Exiles
What was that noise?
Okay but seriously, has any recent console EVER had a better first year than the Switch?
Metacritic prediction
Fire Emblem Heroes
New ELEX-Screenshots!!!
Why did the RTS genre die?
Just got a 3ds. Is this worth playing? Loved P5 but that was my first Persona game
*Notices package*
Welcome to Sup Forums, how contrarian are you?
Artificial difficulty
Far Cry 5 Containment Thread
The controls feel very unresponsive. It's difficult to just walk
Mario half way in down pipe
What if we made Destiny 1... Again?
You still love me, right Sup Forums?
He still hasn't learned Japanese
Thanks for the crumbs senpai
What''s with all the hate Sup Forums keeps spouting? Instead of shitting on something...
There's a new bundle up right now
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
That game you wanted to like but couldn't
Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released within the next 3 years
Don't you miss playing these games at those perfect cinematic 24 fps?
Not even kids like your dumb kiddie Nintendo games, old man. Minecraft and Call of Duty is the future
Can we settle this
Prey is garbage
Why are Sony IPs so bad?
What happened?
Do you play FIFA, Sup Forums
Bloodstained is only 20% done after 2 years of work with 1 year to release date
If you are over the age of 22 you should not be playing video games. Grow the fuck up
Why are graphic cards so expensive
Well my PS3 lasted 9 years, RIP
Why the video game is more popular than the movie itself?
Unpopular vidya opinons you have
*blocks your path*
Squilliam E3 Collage 2017
Why won't you love her?
New Squilliam thread
Do you want a new AVP game Sup Forums?
Webm thread?
Crapcom employee here
3 cs go accounts
Tales of
Will any Japanese developer ever rise above Rockstar Games?
Say something nice about Yusuke
Absolutely no fucking reason this couldn't have been put on the PS4 as well. It's like they hate money. Fuck Capcom
Legendary drop chance 0.000000000001%
Not strictly singleplayer
Filename thread
Spooky games like Thief?
Picks genji in overwatch
Host when? Also Risk of Rain thread
Turn Based Videogames. Battle Brothers Edition
We need more diversity in video games. Its 2017 for fucks sake. Why cant we have more badass black main characters...
My friend is really into grinding
Scientology cross on flag
Man, you got it all! Peach body oil, fake guns, hair extensions...! Shit, I love you!
Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the New Vegas thread...
5 cent plastic disc
Now that the dust has settled
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing & accessorizes
Continued from >>>378200514
ITT games that are wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle
Sup Forums praises das3 as the best game in the soulsborne series
What games are the best in their series?
Why did VR fail?
Far Cry 5
Friendly fire: on
Why is the dock $90? Does it have extra technology inside to boost the Switch graphics?
What exactly killed it Sup Forums? It was so lively, what the fuck happened?
Fun, underrated games
Venting thread
Can someone explain me what's the appeal to play against other players? Doing PvP in general?
ITT; Characters only you or few others want in Smash 5
*teleports infront of you*
Game has characters
All memes aside why can't these lads get a comeback?
Watching the new episodes Twin Peaks I got into the mood of playing Deadly Premonition...
He doesn't play as the reptilian race
So Sup Forums I need a new monitor for my gaming pc
Dad named you after his favorite vidya
Why aren't strong female characters such as 2B or Bayonetta being praised by SJWs...
ARMS test fire
ITT: Games only you've played
Are Metroid fans the most insufferable Nintendo fanbase?
Xbox Scorpio (SIX TERAFLOPS)
Who is canonically the strongest character in the Souls series?
Is Nintendo actually still popular with kids? It seems like they're all only on smartphones these days
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - Final Fantasy 14 (FF14)
Any games where i can be evil?
This is 20 bucks on steam now
Is this desperate? saw this tacked on to the far cry 5 trailer
Will there be hunting missions? What kind of wildlife exists in Montana?
Bad guys are revealed
User, why do you always pick the girl characters?
For 69.15% of TF2's lifetime, it's been shit
13 days until E3 !
People actually played the localization version of fates
Sup Forums shittaste now
You wake up in the world of the last game you played. What do you do?
Enjoying Fire Emblem Echoes? A bit into the start of Act 2 and so far I'm enjoying it more than I feel I should...
The Surge
Ive rearranged my room to go from sleeping to back on my pc gaming as quickly as possible
It's time to admit this wasn't that good...
Exclusive Rumor thread - Nintendo @ E3 2017
Sup Forums, thank you for encouraging me to play the SMT games. They're everything I love in an RPG and more...
What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Tetris?
Take any game concept
Draw a girl
The night beckons
Is autobalance a necessary evil?
Did you like their game Sup Forums?
Where would gaming be today if the Nintendo 64 used discs from the start?
What is Link for?
Holy fuck this was terrible?
Friday the 13th: The Game: The Thread: Part 2
Trails thread
When will this shite game finally move away from the cancer runes and masteries system and make all players even?
Monster hunter
Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece?
Dragon quest XI
Game is supposed to be sjw friendly
ARMS testpunch warm-up mode
ITT we try to predict what the next Elder Scrolls will be
What boss has the best song?
Thoughts on witcher 3?
Wolven > *
The Nintendo Switch will sell 100 million and have the best library of games since the SNES
"Sweet Dreams."
Nearly fifty hours in
No decent recent WWE games
Hiro creted ANOTHER Sup Forums instead of fixing Sup Forums
Are the Halo games SP campaigns worth playing?
ARMS Global Testpunch Thread
Want to buy powerful PC
Pirating indie games
Shin Megami Tensei
If Geralt is the Witcher, then who is the Witchest?
Reminder that Awesomenauts is now free 2 play
Shhhh...Todd is fast asleep...dreaming of fallout 4
This feels like a downgrade compared to Dark Souls
Tfw a remaster is 2017 GOTY
Less than 1 hour after Sup Forums pass restriction was removed there are already 15 thread shitting on japanese games
I'm leaving this borb here, Sup Forums please take care of him
13 years later, still unsurpassed
Overwatch is free to play for 3 days
Post a better combination of beauty, character depth, charm, usefulness, sex appeal...
Complete Breath of the Wild
*pulls gun out of bible*
Valve @ E3 2017
Better Sonic than Sonic
Are we getting older, or is it becoming rarer for games to become generation defining?
$60 for a minigame
ARMS: Another Really Mediocre Shit
So... this turned out good it seems
I did it Sup Forums... I just removed every trace of TES in my computer... Im... Im free
Attack butterfly
Final boss says he's smarter than you
Is warframe even worth playing?
Should they introduce gambling with real money into online video games?
Implying these 2 aren't the most perfect, godlike FFs in existence
Nintendo Spotlight
Post yfw you hacked your 3ds and havnt been banned
I want to believe
Running Gubal normal, trying to get machinist to 60
Are you happy? It is your duty, okay?
Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box
What went wrong?
Why haven't you hacked your vita yet? There's literally no excuse!
Want to play Melty Blood
What's the problem with DRM/Denuvo? Is Sup Forums full of commies?
It's pretty cheap on Steam. I bought. Have any of you tried it? Did/do you enjoy it?
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition is on sale
Alien Isolation
When do you consider a game dead Sup Forums?
Name a uglier JRPG cast
GTA Vice City thread?
Final Fantasy XII "gambit trailer"
Tekken 7 or Injustice 2
Start game, don't know where to put points so try to guess the best skills by myself
He hasn't played Area 51
Slow boards require slow game discussion
Nepgear thread
What are some good pay2play games?
Two screens the sizes of smartphones
Post yfw you bought a switch
Guess I'll post that Felicia thread I been wanting to do while y'all can't post
Lets have a classy thread while all the poorfags can't post. Post classy/rich vidya characters
Did you do it?
Calling it now:
Would Nintendo have remained the undisputed king of video games if this had happened?
Nice translation, XSEED
How has it affected your life?
So did NAMCO scrap Tekken x Street Fighter and just settle with having Akuma in Tekken 7?
Please send help. I'm falling in love with a video game character
Have you saved the world today? You only need to be alive to do so
Who here /devilish/
Has there been an "Open World" game that has done Combat well?
Why did the Vita fail? It's certainly fantastic hardware
Thoughts on this?
DSP gets called out on stream
Going to start this right now. Any tips? What am I in for?
How did this series ever take off? The games are such a snoozefest
Is Disgaea 5 coming to PC earlier than we thought? I was expecting 3 and 4 first
Your ally who falls early game is revived as an enemy
Name a more orgasmic startup jingle
Final Fantasy XV Patch 1.10 released
What exactly does SE mean with aggressive plans?
He knew
Grease monkey
Perfect JRPGs don't exi-
Video game girls everyone fapped to
Companies that are deeply misunderstood
Well Sup Forums?
How is this fucking allowed?
What are some games where you have to fight your mentor at the end?
Can we all agree that VR is the future of gaming?
Find a pic that has more talent
Does someone have nostalgia of old PS2 tier of english dubs?
Get ready to be nickled and dime for playing online. This is the future you chose
Is there a name for this kind of protagonist?
How can I help you, King Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums?
Post screenshots you've taken. Judge each other based on how shitty they all are. Have a good time
Join a game
Game references a meme in the first cutscene
If Elizabeth could go to other worlds how was she trapped in that tower?
Downloading this now. Not trying to be one of those "what am I in for...
Growlanser vi
Perfect girls don't exi-
Vol.3 finally out
Boss is female
Evil Ryu and Violent Ken are racist
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...