Webm thread?

Webm thread?
Webm thread.

what movie is this?

Oh look it's that webm that's been posted literally thousands of times.

How do you make any money shilling a game that's already been forgotten?



that resolution


so this is the true power of the PS4, ah..

>none of these look like this in-game.

Are you new or dumb that don't know how webms works?

>Cambridge studio

You didn't play it

That shit was so cash.

doesn't make those webms any more real



>robot rotates underneath
>character just floats



They are, stay mad


Baywatch starring Zac Efron.

>Stay Mad.
Sure thing boi, enjoy your shitty Zelda ripoff with horrible combat.

Wow. Haven't seen a destruction derby post for almost a decade.

Today is your lucky day.


why does your left mirror look so weird

>what's "jumping"
Really grasping at straws to notice something bad about this masterpiece.

>People actually posting webms in this horizon bait thread

>implying Horizon's combat isn't ten times better then fart of the wild.

A webm thread is a webm thread is a webm thread

The answer its 1999 FUCK YOU.

man im so hype for the beta

Horizon-kun, we had this the last threads as well. Even the Neogaffer who made these webms said he edited them so that the colors are washed out.


MP only or SP?

It isn't

devs said there'll be "13 singleplayer worlds with bosses"

The robot rotates more than once, and it rotates when rato is standing on it 9

What are you even trying to say, dear lord Pajeet, is your google translate having trouble? Go make some more switch shill threads.


I'm glad I found you first, I will take care of your retarded ass, don't worry.


>Horizonfag trying to hijack webm threads
>Unchartedbot trying to hijack screen shot threads

Is this some psyop from Sony?

i mean just look at the filenames. of course it is

oh yeah i forgot. Sony games aren't welcome here. Sorry Sup Forums, I won't do it again.

this shill is paid well I have to say, nobody gives a shit about the game anymore and its a total windmill fight, but he still keeps posting his touched up, smoothened webms


I'm someone who's tired of people calling each other marketers

But I've seen webm threads started with that exact webm and text countless times before.

Is this now considered shitposting?

>nobody gives a shit
Except you since you replied

What did he even miss? How do people play this shit? I couldn't even get my license in PaRappa the Rapper .

Sound for WEBMs should be enabled site wide. I have a ton to post but can't because hurr durr.


I think it's like most games that require some amount of practice, if you have fun the time will fly by, but when you just play them to succeed then learning will feel like it takes forever.

We arent mature enough for that

What's the worst that could happen?

Loudest_Orgasm.webm and screamers.

Don't be confused, this is a game not real life

Even then just set the webm to default mute.

We give a shit that we want you to stop posting.

fuck off ya cunt

No it's marketers. The problem is that there's actually so many of them that shitposting and shilling are one and the same.


Is Sony even trying these days... smdh




didn't mean to quote

You can tell this is a bullshot because rockbreakers are the most fucking infuriating shit and you'd be too pissy to do anything that wastes time being flassy, you just want to put that cunt down hard.

Casual filter ;)

Oh man, the camera shake running over rough ground is tasty.

It surprises me that these webms still trigger people for looking good and being a Sony exclusive.

Sup Forums is 80% PC cucks with an overpriced LOL/csgo machines they mostly use for modding skyrim with horsecocks and watching let's plays of Sony exclusives on YouTube. Then there are 15% very loud Nintendo fanboys who non-stop shill their kiddie tablet. Then there are 4% Sony fans loudly defending themselves and falling for all the bait. Then there is 1% Xbox fans, who make scorprio threads.

same webms every thread. if you wanna shill give us some new footage.

ok it gets to a point where this is pretty fucking funny

>starting a webm thread with a sony game

>lol come in pairs
>lol seismic detection means you fight both at the same time
>lol can't tie down unless they do some very rare extended surface shit and you have handling mods jammed up your ass
>lol rock spam has crazy tracking, hope you're lucky because being behind cover just gets you chomped by the 2nd
>oh you almost have a shock stun built up, better stay underground for a longer period or go fucking way into the distance to spew rocks for now
The moment you get a rockbreaker de-clawed and alone, that cunt gets tied down, frozen, and multiple triple precisions up his ass. I refuse to believe that anybody has the patience to fuck around with a rockbreaker once you get him to the point that you can.

And the best part is for all the effort they only drop 2 mods when you can walk up to a thunderjaw and obliterate it's ass in 45 seconds for 3.



are you retarded


your first post was better btw


>Calls PC users cucks
>Cites exclusives that they don't have

From what the net says you've got bloodborne, which some say is " okayish " either being hit or miss. The reality is that ardent console fags are the cucks because they refuse to punish the console market for its bullshit.

Your money is how you praise or punish for the conduct of the company. Right now consoles are fucking it up, but because you niggers won't just buy a refurb or learn to build or learn the keyboard you'll suffer instead.

Must be painfully delightful cuck.

what is the point of this?



>somebody posts webms of a videogame in a Sup Forums webm thread
>somebody posts screenshots of a videogame in a Sup Forums screenshot thread

Shock! Horror!




I've been having this issue lately where webms will start for a second and then stop and tell me

"video format or MIME type is not supported"

I'm using windows 7 & firefox, google is providing me zero help, anybody?

if you have to ask this question, CSP is not a game for you

So geralt hit that right?

fuck off you degenerate

>Heh, nothing personal kid

Who wouldn't.

Could have thrown in some kings field moonlight sword too.

Old school NFS still holds up today for what it was trying to achieve. It is a shame Test Drive hasn't aged as well. In my opinion both old Test Drive and NFS are driving games, rather than racing.

It is a subtle distinction that has been obscurted by the simulator/not simulator divide but in a nutshell a driving game is about experiencing the sensation of vehicle and track meeting in a struggle and the challenge that comes from it. A racing game will focus primarily on beating other racers and being as fast as possible. That is to say the fun of driving games isn't inherently tied to going fast but a racing game NEEDS as much speed as possible.



i dunno but firefox is always giving me bullshit in one way or another

what game is that? It looks great


I REMEBER this webm.