ITT: retarded shit that pisses you off

>You can't compare those games because they are different!

But those games are different, user.

This thread.

>you cant tell if a game is good from videos and personal experience!
>critical thinking is cheating stop that. you have to buy and play the game before you can judge it

This board.

You can still compare them. It gets even more frustrating when they're in the same genre, though. I have this fucking retard telling me you can compare CoD and Halo, or Dark Souls and Kingdom Hearts.

Yes, I am livid about this

I agree with you.

Tetris is better than Jet set radio.

>missing the point

Comparing two different games doesn't always mean you're finding something that's objectively better. You may, for example, compare and contrast little things each game does that you personally think was handled better in one game, and not so great in the other. But here, have this

sometimes i watch stalker reviews just to see how angry they can make me.
>this game is unplayable without mods
>it's so buggy you have to use mods
>i can't get past the starting mission, it's the game not me
>i'm not aiming and all my shots are missing. am i bad at the game? no, the game must be randomly removing my shots from reality
>complete is the definitive way to play, it's just a compilation of bug fixes and improvements

>You can't have a negative opinion about a game based on previews. You must withhold judgement until after 1.) the game is out 2.) you have bought and paid for it and played it personally.

>I'm a fan if the ____ franchise!
>Hasn't played all of the games in said franchise

Fallout and Persona are the best examples of this

wasnt gun accuracy or something actually tied to difficulty?

Fucking these so much. You wouldn't believe how much shit I got for not Liking #FE or Color Splash before release

oh, I get it.

Tetris has better blocks than Jet Set Radio.

Sometimes that's proof of deeper fandom. The Sonic series is a good example. Any respectable Sonic fan stopped voting 'yes' with their money in regards to the direction Sega took the franchise, well, decades ago really.

I think Pacman was overall a better game than Fallout New Vegas

Tetris is literally the apex of game design, so yes

>People comparing STALKER to Fallout

>You can't compare New Vegas or Fallout 4 because they were made by two different people!

no but the damage everything does including the player is. the vanishing bullets thing comes from some big review site, giant bomb i think, saying that on the easiest difficulty there's a 50% chance of your bullets disappearing. it's wrong but it stuck around because the starting pistol is really bad so people just assumed it was true.

>Wwhat do you mean, you dislike [popular game]? >You just hate on it to be contrarian.

I agree with this.

Good point, but that's a circumstance where its acceptable to stop buying installments

Or better yet,

>How do you know it's bad, you haven't played it

It's funny how they always know it's good when they haven't played it either

This desu. One time I said CoD had better gun combat than Morrowind and Sup Forums got mad at me. Bunch of fucking children.

fallout 4 is a masterpiece, the only people who don't like it are just being edgy. new vegas isn't even good i tried playing it and kept getting killed by bees or something when i tried to go to vegas.

>gun combat
Morrowind doesn't have guns. I think you just mean gameplay in general, but even that's heavily subjective and up for debate

>any criticism of a game is shitposting

The term "shitposting" is misused so fucking often it's basically its own form of shitposting now. By people who just want a hugbox to circlejerk in.

The "Sup Forums hates video games lmao" shit only exists because retards come here and get mad when nobody wants to talk about their shitty moba or whatever.

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with outsourcing our responsibility to construct a complete game with a certain difficulty in mind to the players as variable, customizable at-any-time without consequence menu-based difficulty tiers. Who cares about difficulty anyway? It's not important.

Are half of those even real? Whats the point of having multiple options when 3/4 of the possible choices are exactly the same but worded slightly differently?

>it's fun with friends
>that makes it good

Everything is fun with friends. This isn't a positive, it's just a meaningless statement about how much you like your friends.

>but the damage everything does including the player is

this is a bullshit myth which one person stated which doesn't have any actual evidence whatsoever, and in fact has evidence countering it

So the game can pretend that the player's choices matter. The dialogue wheel is intentionally vague, you can only see the full lines through mods.

Does it piss you off because it's true?

The point is that even good games can have a bad presentation so having room for doubt (unless it has been leaked) doesn't hurt, Sup Forums absolutely loves to jump the gun

>Sup Forums absolutely loves to jump the gun
Imagine that, people who sit around speculating about games that aren't out yet... speculate about games... that... aren't out yet.

But the exact opposite is also true. how many times has a game looked really good, but then turned out to be a steaming pile of shit? I personally felt very justified in heavily doubting color splash

>but it's fun
>I'm a big fan of the elder scrolls series, I played only Skyrim tho cuz Morrowind and Oblivion are too old
>yeah man but gameplay doesn't matter if the story is good
>yeah man but the story doesn't matter if the atmosphere is good
>yeah man but the atmosphere doesn't matter if the lore is good
>yeah man but lore doesn't matter cuz nobody reads this shit anyway

All of these are from one guy I know.

Bethdrones are the worst
>dude this game is shit and it has shit gameplay
>why do you like Bethesda games
>muh atmosphere

>man but the fun part about skyrim is exploration of the whole map
>yeah but every single dungeon is almost the same, they aren't interesting either visually or mechanically

Yeah, I agree. I know an actual fan of Todd Howard.

Watch mandalore camping, he Will please you in all your complains